Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: Kohana Who do the voodoo like you done did?


Inactive Member
The night sky was clear as Mistress Mistwalker began the ritual. She had been trying to come to a decision on what to do about her assistant, Total Eclipse. He had been getting more and more careless with hus studies, and that had cost her a lot of gold to get the local law authorities to leave her and her experiments alone. So, as she always did in times like this, she would consult the spirits to see what they would have her do.

She had already drawn the summoning circle upon the floor, two circles, one inside the other, with runic symbols scratched between them. Inside the inner circle was a design much like a celtic knot, with other runes scattered amongst some of the twisting turns.

Walking into the center of the circles and knot, Mistwalker would kneel down, head bowed. Speaking in a lilting cryptic language, she began asking for guidance from the spirit world. As the words were spoken, the wind began to rise, swirling around the circle, but never actually entering it. As this went on, the wind began to swirl up dust and rocks, obscuring Mistwalker and her circles in a fine white mist.

When the last of the words was spoken, the wind instantly died down, and the dirt fell to the floor, and Mistwalker lit a small bowl of incense, the smoke winding and twisting as it slowly rose from the bowl. As more smoke poured from the bowl, it began to take a shape. It was not definite, but it looked like a vaguely humanoid torso, it's facial features, however were missing, and all that was there were two golden points of light staring back at Mistwalker. No nose, no mouth, no ears, just those eyes.

"Why is it you have summoned me, Mortal? Do you not understand that the path from the Astral Plane to the Physical Plane is difficult to traverse?"

The voice seemed to come from everywhere around the still kneeling leopardess, yet nowhere but in her mind at the same time.

"I have summoned you here to provide guidance, Oh Mighty One. Will you bind yourself to me, so that we may share insights?" Mistwalker said, looking up into those seemingly bottomless pools of golden light.

"You have called for guidance and I have answered. I give myself fully to you." The spiriit answered, lowering its own head in servitude.

Getting to her feet, Mistwalker pulled an amulet of jade hung on a golden chain, from her pocket, holding it up. The smoky tail of the spirit rose from the bowl of incense and touched the amulets stone. Slowly the jade began to glow, pulsed once, and then went dark again. The Voodoo Queen smiled softly, slippng the chain around her neck, and then looked up to the spirit she had summoned.

"I seek your wisdom on what I should do with a student who shows great promise in the arts of summoning and magics, but does not show the discipline needed to weild these gifts responsibly. He looks to strike out at his peers who are more gifted in physical combat. He is ruled by revenge, always seeking an eye for an eye..." Mistwalker began, and the spirit listened, floating before her rubbing it's chin with a thick three fingered 'hand'.

"You are wise to seek counsel, My Queen," It seemed that the spirits attitude had changed from indignation, to one of total servitude now that it was bound to the Voodoo Queen. "Your student must be taught how to properly weild the gifts the gods have given him. To waste such talent on petty grudges is a slap in the face of the almighty ones. I could give you a formula that would allow such a lesson to be learned, but it would not be without consequences. You see, while I can grant him greater power, he will be bound just as I am to you. What he will be bound to, depends on what will be used for the formula. He could be bound to an item, such as a suit of armor, or a weapon, or he could be bound to a person, like yourself?"

The spirit could tell that this idea pleased the leopardess by the way Mistwalker's eyes glittered in the light of the torches lining the mountaintop. She absently ran her fingers over the jade resting against her chest, lost in the thought of what she would do with a powerful warrior like what the spirit was offering. She could become head advisor to the Pale One. Or better yet...

"I wish to recieve this gift, Spirit. Do not think that you can fool me, however, for if you try to double cross me, I will know if your deciet, remember you are bound to me. I control you." Mistwalker stated, crossing her arms over her chest and did her best to look menacing.

The spirit just bowed deeply, holding out it's hand as a very old looking scroll took shape in it's palm, tied with a deep crimson ribbon. "Of course, Mistress. I would never seek to harm you. I willingly bow to your every command."

The femme took the scroll from her spirit's palm, and then waved her free hand distractedly to show she no longer needed him and was dismissing him back to whereever it was she had called him from. As the smoke creature dissipated into the wind, Mistwalker looked down at the scroll and licked her lips.

"With this, I shall create a new breed. And with them at my side, I will rule all of the Four Lands, and all will bow before my power!"

Her menacing laugh was lost to the heavens as she quickly turned and walked confidently down the mountain path, back to her labs, and the future she would soon create.