Star Army

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Who will run the Pirate thread now?


Inactive Member
Rine has once again disappeared. (Infact he went pop about mid november, after I lost Modship).

Who'll lead the Pirate/merc thread now?
I'm not sure this doesn't belong in the OOC thread of the pirate forum ... but excluding Concerto's post, no one has been very attracted to the pirate thread. Most seem to be taking advantage of the General Roleplay area ...

This forum's more visible, so I understand the post placement.

We should probably consider how we're going to attract players to it and give the area relevance. Maybe a more concrete plot or something?

DER EDIT: Chris has said he isn't interested in GMing. With Rine seemingly gone, and the thread receving no other action except Concerto's recent postings, it might be time to either put it in the freezer or give Concerto a bigger shot at it.
Possible things pirates could do to gain infamy:
- Kidnap someone important. (Stockholm syndrome plot twist?)
- Start capturing slaves for sale on the black market
- Attempt to hijack a warship (maybe one crippled from a Yamatai-Mishhu battle?)
- Get a Letter of Marque from Nepleslia, Elysia, Yamatai, or some other race and work as pseudo-mercenaries?
- Make an 18+ plotship (The Sakura is pretty popular. Look how long it has been running).

The criminal side of SARP has a lot of potential and is underdeveloped. It wouldn't hurt to give Concerto a shot and see if he can turn it into what it should be.
Yes, but that's not neccecarily the only reason for its longevity. The 18+ factor helps, among other things. The fast-paced JP schedule, high level of player involvement, and the generally higher level of universal importance all help to make the Sakura a desireable ship to be on...and also a demanding ship. (Just look at that high character/player turnover!)

But a pirate RP would work - it would just need either a lot of planning, or a hell of a 'wingman'. Concerto happens to be my old GM and he can make one hell of a plot if you let him.
The problem here is player retention. This isn't due to incompetence on any of the GMs' part, in my opinion, but a general lack of time of their parts.

I plan to ease back into GMing after I graduate and find a job, but I don't want to make any promises just yet.

Does anyone here want to be the pirate GM, and is willing to vouch for his <s>lack of social life</s> time commitment? Maybe we could have open auditions or something? :D
You know what's really funny?

I've read every single one of the archives except the Draconian war.
I've read through every single one of the information/history pages.
I know a great fucking deal about the SARP universe.

And there's still no way in hell I'd want to be a GM for a space pirate plot.

People would eat your head if you made ONE wrong decision. It's a much less structured roleplay environment, and would be very hard to moderate.

In my opinion, only someone with considerable experience should GM a plot like that.
You underestimate some of your fellow players, Chigusa. We've given seemingly inexperienced players chances to prove themselves before, and they've done well.

That said, the plot needs at least some level of organization. But first, we need to decide if the interest is still here. We're already having one formerly major plotship fold, and another one is being put on ice.
I'd like to give it a shot, once I figure out how time is going to work for me...

Otherwise, I'm definately interested in a pirate plot. Once my neko is approved/changed-until-approved, I'll try to get in on whatever's running, or I might make another character to start a plot. But I'll try to get it running even if I have to post for three characters by myself. Hopefully it won't come to that... e_e
Okay...I suppose I'll start creating a ship. Is the tag for an "independant" ship ISC (i.e. the "ISC Osiris")?

I know a race needs 3 players and a corporation needs 2...but what's the minimum needed for a ship?

Should I start a recruiting thread now to see who's going to join?
A recruiting thread would be a good idea. With the Osiris launched not so long ago, you should check to see if there are enough people still willing to try the darker side of SARP that haven't join the Osiris yet.
I am going to take up the mantle of pirate GM. At the moment we are privateering, but depending on player choices may end up going "full pirate". My wingman, as one of the members in this thread said, is a good friend of mine IRL with years of tabletop GM experience. If there is sufficient interest I might turn it into a sort of pseudo Faction.

@Wes Did this thread ever result in a plot? I would be interested to read it and maybe learn a thing or two about running a pirate plot.