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Why won't Andrew talk to me?


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Staff Member
🌟 Site Supporter
FM of Tsenlan
🌸 FM of Yamatai
Submissions Reviewer
🎖️ Game Master
Something I feel I need to address.

Many of the players on this site come to me when they need something, which is great. HOWEVER, lately I have noticed a lot of people just send me a message when they need something. Generally over IRC or YIM the conversation goes like this:

<***> Can you do _______for me. ASAP?
<ME> No problem. S

I would appreciate a "hello" maybe even a "how are you?" I would like to remind some people that I am not your personal robot. If your going to ask me to do something for you, please at least humor me with some conversation.

Another senario, that is now going to involve me not responding. If you have decided to stir up conversation because you have a desire to complain about Wes or something Wes has said. If you have an issue with Wes please contact him directly, the "mommy says no so goto daddy for a different answer" obviously is not going to fly. I am not my brother's keeper, also to note Wes is my one of my bestfriends, I am likely to defend him and throw a ignore-brick at your head.

If you want to bitch about Yamatai or Canon.
Yes--I am a Yamatai player and an GM. Do I want to hear about how something is overpowered(For the 1000th time)? Or that some tech item breaks your conception of the perfect RP universe--No. Am I happy with canon--You bet your ass. Will I defend it--Damn straight. Want me to tear apart your stuff?--No? Well then keep your deconstructive critques to yourself or your going to if anything, get one back.

Now the final senario is that if I don't answer back. It might mean I am busy! I do have a life and my own stuff to take care of.

Now, that said: I am always happy to:
  • Help players with legitimate questions about the setting.
  • Help clarify site policy.
  • Discuss technology, culture, etc.
  • Help just starting out GMs setup plotships etc.
  • Have a friendly discussion about misc. stuff.

I love SARP, I just felt for me to continue loving it it was important for me to share this with you all.

Well, I hope that I haven't done anything on this list. If memory serves, I try to strike up a 'Hello' and 'How are you?' whenever I speak to you on YIM. I kind of think that I just say "Hey, Andrew, are you here?" on the IRC if I don't see you already talking.

I just want to say that I appreciate all the help that you have given me since the beginning. If I have ever done any of the rude 'Can you do ____ for me?' routine, I am truly sorry. :eek: If I ever do anything like that from now on, just buzz me once, and I'll mentally, and possibly also physically, slap myself. :mrgreen:
As much as I sympathize with you, you have to understand that, being in a position of extreme authority, that dealing with these matters is part of your job.

That being said, I do feel that you get a lot of the short end of the stick and need to be treated with more respect.

Andrew puts a lot of work into this site. He deserves recognition and thanks for it.
Tom said:
As much as I sympathize with you, you have to understand that, being in a position of extreme authority, that dealing with these matters is part of your job.

That being said, I do feel that you get a lot of the short end of the stick and need to be treated with more respect.

Andrew puts a lot of work into this site. He deserves recognition and thanks for it.

I understand I have to deal with matters; but I can choose where and how I deal with them according to my own style. My main focus was to point out that if Wes or I give an answer on something, the other one of us isn't likely to go and give a different answer.

Also arguing about canon is circular arguing as that Wes and I have been very clear, canon is canon; that is the way it has been, is, and will be. So often I have been taken away from legitimate site business to take part in a debate on something that has been debated a thousand times before.

And Thank-you.

No--I was not trying to stammer up pity or sympathy with my post. Merely posting an explination for the way I may at times choose not to respond.

I would rather put in my time increasing the quality of this site, rather than going in circles or arguing dead-end points with the same people, over and over.
I agree with Tom on both his points. Firstly, that it's part of the responsibility of being a site admin; one shouldn't be required to "butter up" someone in order to get them to handle their responsibilities.

On the second point: There are the people who simply whiiiiiiinneeee. If you have beef with something don't shove it in Andrew's face otherwise you'll only antagonize him, and make him (appear) offline lest get get ganked by flamers (which I imagine is the reason Wes often pretends to be offline on YIM).

If there's an issue take it to a forum PM so staff members can answer at their leisure; you typically get better responses from people when you aren't flapping a petition in someone's face and demanding immediate attention. Another alternative is to try a general forum post like this one. I prefer the latter method since it allows community members the opportunity to help suggest solutions to a problem. It also helps convince staff members an issue is a valid one by means of popular consensus -- but without attempting to brute force them into immediate action (and harassing them) like an angry IRC mob.
agree with Tom on both his points. Firstly, that it's part of the responsibility of being a site admin; one shouldn't be required to "butter up" someone in order to get them to handle their responsibilities

Repeating myself==I have no desire for people to butter up, merely to PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! approach me in a respectful manner and not to constantly argue the same dead points over and over.

I have handled my responsibility and continued to do so, however I have a right to communicate my feelings. And lately people have done a good job at making me feel rotten.
I second Fay's motion.

I also apologize if I have ever been one of those guys that have in someway made your day ever so much darker. I've been to keeping chum lately, but I can't help but remember those few times I probably did strike a nerve or two...

Though, I've always tried to keep our chats as constructive as possible. You've been very helpful with most matters involving the setting, and it was great being able to run a few things past you for my latest endeavor.

Just slap me with a trout if I act like a jerk.
Unfortunately, I won't be very available in the mornings like I have been recently...I've just completed the first part of the training for my job and have been told to thrust myself into the world to seek appointments with business owners. I plan to work hard. Lauren takes up a lot of time in my evenings, too. I'll still be on Star Army when I can, though, but I may have to lay off ship designing and any fast-paced RP for a while.
That is okay Wes, I got 'er by the horns :)