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Wiki Error: Booster mod to Melee Weaponry


Inactive Member

The booster here lists it's price as top engine speed (CC) x 20. But that can't be right, because CC isn't a measure of even horse power or such, it's a measure of cubic centimeters of the pistons, it's related to the power of the engine, not the top speed.

So I can only see three interpretations of this

1) You meant CC, but if that's the case, then the x20 makes it prohibitively expensive, as decent CC ranges from 150 (thus costing 3000) to 600 (12000) for that booster (this is using motorcycle engines).

2) You meant C, as in the speed of light and it was a type, but since you specifically mention not being able to use FTL or other fantasy engines, I can't see that as being right either, not to mention it has the price cost problem of 1, only in reverse (as even going 0.5 C, and thus striking with the force of several dozen nukes, would only cost 10!)

3) It was meant to be speed in either kmph or mph, and the CC was a mistaken thing.
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no, this is for a weapon. Something to drive the chainsaw blade, the stronger motor means more torque for the chain.
well yes but the top speed is measured by what then? Mostly assuming booster is for things like rocket fists and such, since chain blade attachements would cover what you're talking about would it not?
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