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(WIP) Vehicle Template


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
When I was in the process of creating a light tank for my faction, I noticed there was no template for vehicles. While I could've just looked at another article and took the template that article uses (such as the Type 31 tank) I felt it probably would've been better just to create a template for other people in the future to use. Even if it may see only some usage, at least it'll be something a bit more official.

This is a work in progress, but I'd like any suggestions on what should be in this template and such.

You can find the template here: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=templates:vehicle

I'd appriciate any suggestions people have for improving upon this, so far I've put in a few that were suggested already.
Last edited by a moderator:
Take out the 'rivals' section. That's better left to the History.

It's spelled Summary, not Summery

Under key features, you forgot the apostrophe on Vehicle's

This seems to be strictly for Military vehicles. What about for Civilian-only, or non-fighting vehicles?
I can potentially see it being used for civilian and non-military with the removal of some of the options being at the discrition of the designer. Otherwise, I can write up a secondary template and place it on the article just below the main and label it as being the one to be used by non-military related vehicles.

Would you like me to do that instead Kai?

Also, I guess you are right, rivals could be placed under history or even incorporated into it.
I would appreciate a separate Civilian vehicles template, since I at least make more civilian vehicles than military ones.

And, as for the Rivals, I generally incorporate any rival/competing designs into the history of my articles, as it's often important to why it was designed. I know not everybody does that, but I still feel it's a more appropriate place for such information to go.
I hear ya, in that case I'll draw up a civilian based template, and change the name of the current one in the article to reflect it's military usage.

I do feel it's best to keep rival, but I placed it as an optional - meaning the writer of the article can either includ it as a seperate piece or he can includ those details in the actual history itself. In short, the writer should 'not' be penalized for going one way or the other, this way there people whom may want the rival seperately can have it their way, or those who'd prefer to includ said details in the vehicles history can do it that way as well.
I would also suggest that the About section be moved up. just as it is on the starships. The about is more important to the player than the history.


Dimensions should be under statistical information

Rivals should probably be an optional field, not everything has a rival.
Could've sworn I posted about this, but the changes Nash requested in December were made, curious if there's anything more holding this up.
This has been sitting around for quite a while, and in pointing out the obvious, that's not good. Seeing that what issues Nash last brought up have been fixed, I will Approve this article within 24 hours of this post unless other issues are raised.
I would suggest that for consistency, that the various heading sections be updated to match those used for starships.
I'd scratch the weapons bit, keep the ammunition loudout though. Most of the time all you need is some bulleted links since its become extremely preferred that your vehicle's weapons have their own articles.

Additional: I'd also remove mass since its not really important, and not worth figuring it out since DR handles the armor bits.

Also, if it isn't covered in the 'appearance' paragraph it probably isn't worth noting in an independent 'exterior' section so I'd chop that bit.
Had discussion with Kyle, my suggestions and issues have been resolved.
Since it appears all issues have been resolved, and no additional concerns will be raised, this article is Approved.
Updated to be in line with current DRv3 and to take out unnecessary sections such as "rivals".
I've added the optional "Rivals" section back in.
Why? Only three or so uses of it as a header within vehicle templates even show up on the wiki for me.
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