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Inactive Member
There is a wordfilter, where if you type "edi-t my post" (without the hyphen) it'll come out as "stroking my harbl"

Not everyone here is a /b/tard, Wes. And it scared the shit out of me!

I thought I had an admin stalker!

Can you please delete it, or clarify that it's a wordfilter?
Waaaaaaait a minute... *tries it*

AAAAHHH!! You are right!
LOL, filterowned.
Not as good as the time that 'Drow' turned into a form of talcum powder. And I believe Pokemon is still filtered. Given that it's filtered you won't see it as it actually is - it's the Japanese word for pocket monsters. You see Wes has a thing about pocket monsters and anal penetration - you have to spell it with the accent for it to work correctly.
No, or people will be able to abuse it / circumvent it.

Also, Wes seems to enjoy word-filter-pwning people. A guy needs his hobbies, I guess.

And, for future reference, Wes is a NICE PERSON because of this. (because calling the forum's admin names due to him taking actions you don't agree with is bad)
That's an interesting one.

And to be fair the series may have a bad fan following, but I'm actually a supporter of a good deal of it - other than some of the (and let me emphasise this) appalling filler series.

And only Saskue is truely Emo.
Lot of Narutards in Ottawa - at AC Cubed, you couldn't walk 10 feet without encountering a ninja.

To be entirely fair, my main problem with the series is the main character himself.

...fucking ORANGE.
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