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Yamatai News (YINN) Workhorse Warship to Uesureya Warns Away Mishhu Warmongers

18日 8月 YE 44

Dazzling rays of light splayed out in the crisp air that ebbed into the deep clefts of the canyon that the Yamataian viewers of the news program were privy to. Rectangles of light emanated from white zesuaium openings in the red rocked rift that sloped between either of the green topped sides of the canyon. Just a few hangars large enough for a carrier were carved into the cliff on one side of the valley, betraying the huge underground complex with their dispersal throughout the canyon's side. Though a forested planet, the green of Tami was less piercing and sharp had it been Springtime and lush. Instead the trees and foliage were a muted color, betraying the cold they were enduring in the cusp between Autumnal weather and the Wintertime ahead.

"The starship Kaiyō is once again setting sail on the seas to defend Yamatai, but in an interesting change of venue and for a different leader than the ship has historically fought for."

Over the scene was the voice of YINN's respected reporter, but also a droning noise that could not be attributed to the media drone taking in the scene for the public. No, it was the sound of an aether-powered motor whose propeller drilled through the air gaining altitude with a buzzing frequency. With a turn of its wings, the expresso biplane that was emitting the noise caught the clear light of the cold weather sun as it looked to be sideways in the air momentarily. The craft sloped downward through the air out of its wingover, perfectly aligned to land into the cliff face that housed the ship. The media drone recording for YINN shook momentarily as the plane passed by its aerial position before it quickly pursued the ancient style aircraft.

"And here is her captain now!" said the reporter's voice as it flew alongside the cockpit. At the moment the pilot was clicking off the fuel, making the plane's noisy output diminish. Just the windmilling propeller kept the motor going as the plane came in for a landing. Once inside the hangar with all landing gear on the bay floor, the captain flipped the blip and pulled the shining brass compass off the dash of the plane before getting out. They were clad in a brown and fur-trimmed cap, large goggles, and a puffy leather jacket that all obfuscated their face. Once she removed the goggles, Taiyou Hoshi's smiling bubblegum-colored face beamed into the media drone's viewport.

"Hello Yamatai!" she exclaimed as she pulled off the gloves she wore, "I heard you have some questions for me."

"Yes, Captain Taiyou! We do!" In response the voice of the reporter spoke through the drone. "Your ship and a contingent are taking on threats to the south of the Kikyo Sector where former Emperor Uesu has taken up residence, is that true?"

"He's still Emperor, just not up here," Hoshi's cheek on one side went up high in a smile, but she nodded as she walked from the biplane, deeper into the vine-laden and moss strewn white of the hangar. "But it's true. Mistress Taisho Ketsurui Yui-sama has deemed it important enough for the Kaiyō to protect our creator. Don't you?"

"Your last tour of duty took you deep into enemy space for years on end." From the drone, the YINN reporter asked, "Do you expect a similar such campaign length again?"

Hoshi shook her head with a light smile, "No more being disconnected from the very place we're protecting, no. We'll be home for the holidays."

"And what of the Mishhuvurthyar you will be fighting? Surely such an old enemy of Yamatai is something a hardened captain such as yourself fears not?"

Hoshi's blue brows knit as she thought of Uesu's words to her. "Yamatai needs to be made aware of the threats down in our space..."

"I make it a rule to face my enemies with no fear. But I am not facing enemies right now, I am speaking to friends and those of the Empire I protect." Hoshi stopped walking and spoke sternly. "If a force as strong as Uesu's, who historically was able to clear out that old enemy from our sector in YE 31, is struggling to fight these enhanced Mishhu..."

Her deep blue eyes had wandered from the drone and down to the naval compass she held in her hand as her words trailed off. Its arm pointed upwards to due-West. With resolve, she began to speak to the drone once more.

"I would be a fool to not fear what I will be fighting. When it comes time to battle them, they will not see my fear. But to you, the people I've protected time and time again, let me be honest. Yes, I am afraid of the threat Uesu faces."

"Chusa, do you think your crew feels the same?" The reporter's voice asked as the media drone swiveled to show the silver chrome and desaturated blue of the Kaiyo's hull, where a handful of crew waited. At the head of the line was Yui's daughter, Shosa Ketsurui Aiko. Behind her were veteran crewmen of the Kaiyō.

"Are you kidding? My crew are fearless." Hoshi walked into view, readying to board through the lower deck with a cheeky smile back to the camera. "They'll balance me out just fine. Come along and find out."

As the drone and its point of view continued to follow Hoshi, the reporter spoke more fully to her audience, "I think we will. Thanks to Chusa Taiyou Hoshi for taking us along. Reporting for Yamatai Interstellar News Network, we'll check back in on the YSS Kaiyō II as she fights the Mishhuvurthyar in Uesureyan Space. Will they stop the 'enhanced' enemy of old before it makes its way back here? Join us in again in a few weeks to find out!"