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Worst Way to Die

What is the worst way to die?

  • Murdered by an enemy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Betrayed by someone you trusted

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Die from disease

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Live, but having to watch someone you love die in front of you

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Having a rat in a wooden box put on your chest. The side on your chest doesn't have any wood protecting it, so you can feel the rat scrabling around. Then someone sets fire to the top of the box. The rat can't escape the smoke and fire since it is in a box, so it goes the only way it can: it burrows throught you. How painfull is that going to be?

Also I haven't seen anything that really compares with being hung , drawn and quatered. Or a quaint method of tying a rope to each of your limbs, and tying each of the ropes to a horse, and then whiping them. You are then ripped apart.

Or in fact, being submerged in a back of acid, not too strong, so your body slowly disolves. It will take quite some time to die.

Or being trapped in a train, as smoke fills it up, with the doors jammed and fire almost reaching you. Death through burns or asphyxiation.

Or crucifiction. It could last hours, many many hours, as fluid filled up your lungs, the pain of nails in your hands and feet, you actualy had to pull on your hands and push on your feet to bring you up and stop yourself from suffocating.
Of course slowly being boiled to death in a vat of oil wouldn't be to pleasant... nor were the early day electrocutions. You know, back when they didn't know to shoot the electricity across your heart, instead they just flipped the switch and let it cook you. Both interesting...

Oh! And what about the whole death of a thousand cuts where someone basically slices away at you for hours with inch long incisions all over your body until you finally bleed to death...

Tell me, is it possible to will yourself to death?
Possibly ... you might give up on life, which means you won't recover from a wound, even a minor one, and it might be possible to stop your heart.
Oh! And what about the whole death of a thousand cuts where someone basically slices away at you for hours with inch long incisions all over your body until you finally bleed to death...

That would be worse if they splashed you with vinegar.

Ouch! You're right though...hmmm, why didn't I think of that.

My personal worst way to die... being swarmed and biten to death by fire ants. *sobs* If you've ever stepped in a fire ant hill, I think you know my pain. That and anything else involving bugs. *Shudder* Those things scare the hell outta me. (And yes, I realize that's silly... but I can't seem to help it.)
Bah, death isn't scary at all.

It's living life in a vegetative state that scares me. No longer having the ability to do what you want and having to stay connected to a bunch of machinery to survive. If I was ever in such a state, I'd prefer death.
I think the worst death involves slowly loosing your independence and control over your own body. You have to rely more and more on others where once before you could do it yourself. Your aware of everything, or who's feeding you, who's wheeling you around, and who's changing your bedpan etc. It'd be humiliating, and depressing. As well you would have to watch your family suffer, and even if you wished to kill yourself, your body has betrayed you and your no longer capable of doing it yourself. So you slowly choose to give up on life and every day hope you don't wake up.

That's just my opinion though.
Hands down it has to be getting betrayed. I've watched people die (not murdered, but horrible amounts of time spent uncomfortable via illness) and I can say that these moments are less memorable/impactful, even when swift, than betrayals in my life had been. If I knew someone betrayed me in a way it got me killed, I'd consider that far worse than even watching my wife die. What if she betrayed me? See what I mean?

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