Star Army

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Would this fit in your universe?


Inactive Member

I've been roleplaying on forums in free-form since 2000, and over the years I've developed a small story of my own. I'd like to continue here in this setting of yours', if I can fit in. The pieces I need to fit is as follows:

I'd be creating a new character; the son of two of my old cyberpunk characters. The new character shouldn't be a problem. He's say 14 years old, lived a sheltered life (not thanks to his parents), civilian, vegetarian, abhors violence. He's somewhat shy, very polite, scares easily but very brave.

The problem lies in his parents, who would for all practical purposes be NPCs far in the background. They're problay still a problem. They come from an environment where lack of super-hero like abilities make you dead and they're flaunting some heavy-duty tech and social baggage. I'll explain.

My character's father is a cyborg/hacker/ninja/absolute badass/merc. He's filthy rich, thanks to a not-so-modest inheritance, dirty business practices and obscene fees for his services. He's also a researcher of sorts and has invented a lot of tech of his own. At the time of the game he's switched twin katana and twin Desert Eagles for a business suit. He's got people who can do the fighting for him. Lots of people.

My character's mother is even odder. She's an orphan, with a sister & a lost brother. Joined the military. Did real good; Too good. Got limbs shot off. Got more limbs shot off. Lost her sister too, who was in the military with her.
Thing was, it was my char's father she lost her sister to. Long story short she even loses her head. She's a complete machine, still functioning as if she was human. She's immensely strong, physically, emotionally and mentally.

Both of them are masterful martial artists and are quite a bit over-powered for just about any RP, which is why I want to banish them to the background. But I still want them to be there.

My char's mother being a complete machine and his father a cyborg, it's obvious that he wasn't created the normal way. He's bio-engineered in detail, but since he abhors violence this boils down to him being able to withstand a considerable beating. Which came in useful when his parents had still not yet given up on teaching him how to fight.

I guess you get the idea... Could this sorta thing work in this setting? I've had this idea in my mind for quite a while and it seems like an excellent opportunity to play the character. Any advice on what to change or how to make the pieces fit into the universe in a proper way?

Thank you for your time.
A form letter is a pre-written letter that uses general language well enough that it can be used in multiple settings. The idea (in this case) is that you could blanket several forums with this letter without tailoring your request. In essence, it saves you the work of rewritting things over and over.

I would just ask why you picked us. The letter doesn't point to any specific interest in us, you seem to just want a setting for your own game.
Well, could I play my Rockman Zero fan character, the android Silhouette, in the SARP?

Nope. Different universes. Even even though I understand that the TTD devices do allow for universes to intersect... she just wouldn't fit without heavy adaptation.

So, that's pretty much how things seem to stand from my point of view. If this person wants to play a particular kind of character, he could, but he'd have to adapt the concept to this setting and he'd need to be malleable enough to make his character fit in it, including the background elements. Things defenitely need to be kept fair for the other players too.

I don't recommend the character transplant though. Make a new one that would have elements of your liking and have this new character become something you'll like on its own.
I didn't know there were other boards like this... Though last I went looking was a year or two ago, turning up little but DBZ wannabies.

Either way, I assure you that if I would find a board similar enough in setting like this one, I would likely only make minor edits in what I just wrote and post it there. However, I'm willing to bet you're fairly unique here.


The character I have in mind here is very maellable... but so far on his own he is highly underpowered. Weak, even. I figure I would balance this out with some resources and influence from his parents' side, taking care not to use too much. I'm a roleplayer; not a powergamer. I was hoping to bring a refreshing change with me, should I be accepted into the game.

As I stated, the problem isn't with the character himself, but the NPCs which are his parents. I'd prefer not to kill them off and have him live on an allowance set by lawyers, even if that would work too. They're old, veteran characters of mine, so I don't feel OK with meddling with their past too much. They are not particularly maellable. In my mind they have identities.

That's why I'm asking if this all could fit, and if so, how? Having the character's parents bound by politics to be powerless in some ways is an option. Having them far, far away on business trips is another. Plus, from their personalities they're not particularly protective about their son either. If he dies they'll just clone him again and load the latest backup of his brain...

Some ideas there. Plausible? =)
Instead of trying a refreshing change, why not prove to us how good you are, and how willing you are to be a part of our universe, by becoming a part of it as the rest of us have? You could incorporate your characters later possibly.

The character creation guide is under "how-to" guides on the left-hand side of your screen. Give it a shot.
Well, those NPC characters, from what you describe them, would potentially have been highly influencial and the clone backup idea of yours makes for me thinking that that mindset would only fit in Yamatai.

I agree with Doshii Jun that your interest seems to be more inclined toward finding a playground for your character and his transplanted history than actual interest in the setting itself. My recommendation would be to take the pains of reading over our site, looking over the information to create characters and on what has been going on here. That will allow you to get familliar and see how those NPC characters of yours would fit (though my own opinion is a draconian 'not at all, alter them').

If then you want to play with us, you'll have a better idea of what to do. Again, like Doshii Jun, I think you'd be better off starting from scratch though.
Well, though I do consider myself a capable roleplayer... I'm not here to brag... :?

I must be missing something very important, since you seem but a step short of saying 'no'. In my defence, I got the impression that all the elements were in place for this character to be possible based on what I read in the CCG. Crime syndicates in control of a planet, cybernetics, bio-engineering, androids, etc.

I'll read more... :?
I don't really approve, but I hardly want to turn you away either. What's more, the person whom is really in charge here is Wes, so, he'd be the person to tell you if it makes the cut or not.

Reading will do you good though. Just get a better idea of how things are here and then try and whip up a character sheet on your own. We'll be able to go over it and tell you what's wrong with it and what's not - just hypothetizing on a character concept that we can barely grasp is a hard thing to do with only details on his parents but no detail on the character himself... which is really what this is about, isn't it?

If english is not your native language, like myself, then you're pretty well worded and I do have faith in your communicative abilities. I'd be more than happy to give you feedback on any interrogation you have (the same would likely go for any other moderator too), but character transplants deserve some amount of caution so that everyone might end up being satisfied in the end.
Perhaps we've miscommunicated our issue. Our bad.

Basically, you are looking to port in your characters and NPCs into a universe that did not birth them. That's discouraged as much as possible because it sets precedents no one here wants to deal with. Your character comes with history that doesn't exist and is very young for our setting, relatively speaking.

If you had tried to just slip this in, formatted and everything, there's a small chance it would have been approved. Probably not, but you never know. I'm glad you didn't, honestly; makes me much more inclined to trust you.

Still. You seem to want to play Nepleslia -- that's cool. But your character might not fit -- there are hardly any Nepleslian women, for starters, and they wouldn't be politically favored without some good reasoning and approval by the Poobah of Nepleslia, Tom.

Yeah, it's cyberpunk and what not in its original form on the planet. But we're trying to be more collective -- using plotships instead of planets, for instance.

That's why I suggested you create a character instead of using one of your own. Much easier to fit in and have fun that way.
I'm beginning to see your point of view. Though I must say I do understand why there are so many orphan player characters. - What's the point of family if it can only be used against you? (D&D DMs may shift uncomfortably in their chairs now.)

I'll think about this some more and read some more, but right now; bedtime. *Yawn*
Though I must say I do understand why there are so many orphan player characters. - What's the point of family if it can only be used against you?

A little unfair. But yes, we like characters to stand on their own. Family can exist, but chances are they don't really play a role -- other players aren't going to play your parents, after all.
Doshii Jun said:
Basically, you are looking to port in your characters and NPCs into a universe that did not birth them. That's discouraged as much as possible because it sets precedents no one here wants to deal with.


Hi Nosforit. First of all, welcome. :)

I agree with Fred and Jake. We value experienced roleplayers here, but as painful as it is, we ask that you leave your previous characters (and their parents ;)) at the door.

I believe you when you say that you're not a powergamer, but it sounded like you've been forced to roleplay with powergamers in the past. (My condolences.) I hope you won't be offended if we wanted to make sure that you didn't pick up any bad habits from them. :)

So I would recommend reading more about our setting, as Fred has suggested, and asking yourself whether you're interested enough to still roleplay with us, if we ask you to make a character from scratch.
The character sounds easily adaptable to Nepleslia (which is very cyberpunk). Seems good to me.
Yangfan said:
I believe you when you say that you're not a powergamer, but it sounded like you've been forced to roleplay with powergamers in the past. (My condolences.) I hope you won't be offended if we wanted to make sure that you didn't pick up any bad habits from them. :)
Oh, I assure you, I'm permanently scarred. If I don't constantly watch myself, I'll start collecting power in some form.

But in spite of my weaknesses, I am a drama queen^W^Wroleplayer. I never find satisfaction in being the biggest fish in a very small, imaginary pond.

Wes said:
The character sounds easily adaptable to Nepleslia (which is very cyberpunk). Seems good to me.

Hm. Well, thank you, though I'll listen intently to what the other players wish aswell. I'm sure there is an optimal solution to be found. Something no one is happy with. I'll read, and think. I'm in no particular hurry. ;)
Let me know if you need help with anything. I haven't seen you around in a few days. Don't disappear on us!