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Xaser Assault Rifle


Inactive Member

NovaCorp Xaser Assault Rifle

This weapon is the most recent advance in EMR laser technology, an advancement from the Maser design. It operates on the same basic principle as a maser or a laser but uses high powered X-rays. The resulting beam is one of much greater power than earlier maser designs, capable of dealing great damage to metallic and in-animate materials. However it specialises in penetration: it is capable of firing through armour and can penetrate walls without destroying them while still dealing a powerful blow to the opponent behind. In this way it takes away all advantage scenery might yield. It is also extremely damage to organics, not least because its great penetration means the burn wound goes all the way through, even if it didn't have enough power to cut a hole, and even if it doesn't kill leaves horrible burns, kills most tissue it touches and can easily make cells that survive cancerous. The shots are also invisible and silent, and if on a low enough power setting don't leave a mark on the target (if targeted at the head, a low yield shot can kill without leaving an external mark).

The XR-01 uses a high yield battery a Noc-01. It's rechargeable and holds enough power to fire 50 blasts. The amount of shots remaining are shown roughly by a LCD on the side. It can be fired in three different power modes: normal, low (leaves no mark as detailed above), and high (deals more damage, takes up two charges, extra heat often causes explosions through rapid heat change). There are three separate buttons to press on the side to change between power settings. The rifle comes with a sniper scope.

The guns frame is made of perfect iron, while the plating and the plating is formed of Andrium. The barrel is made of Carbon ring, in order to stand up to random xaser beam fluctuations in the barrel, if the weapon isn't aligned properly. The grip is made of easy to grip plastic.

Price: 15000 KS
Sounds like I'll be needing to borrow superman's led underware. I can't really see any problems with this other than almost all power armors will be impervious to this kind of weapon.
Lead will block it the best, but due to its very nature some of the X-rays will get through, and when there's as many as there are being fired in laser form at a target, quite a lot of them will get through. I don't know about how advanced amrour systems would protect you from it, unless they have some way of completely negating the effect of electromagnetic radiation.
Ya, radiation shielding. Most armors will have it if they are intended for use in space, that includes all of the NID, KFY and QIS armors.
x-ray weapon. Cool. What about an X-ray gernade. Toss it in a building and it wont harm the building structurally (for the most part) but will eminate a EMF blast that silently terminates all nearby living thing not shielded.

The Xaser rifle is approved, by the way. :D
Haven't we already? o.O

*drools* gravitic pulse nades... so juicy sweeeet...

also: yay! xaser rifles are fun! *shoots Thomas through walls*
Actualy a range of grenades are in development, both by Emrys Industries and NovaCorp.

*blocks blast using a extra large mashmallow, responds using an a FCR to demolish wall and Rob*