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Approved Character Xavara Hikinori


Inactive Member
Name: Xavara Hikinori

General Information

Species: NH-27
Gender: Neko
Age: 4 months

Family / Creators: Ketsurui Zaibatsu

Employer: Star Army, SAINT
Occupation: Combat Arms, Interogation
Rank: Nitô Heisho
Current Assignment:

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'3" (160cm)
Weight: 99lbs (45kg)
Measurements: No one ever does this. I am keeping to the code.
Bra Size: 34C

Build and Skin Colour: Ash black-grey coloured skin (Google Drow if you can't picture it), she has a fairly fit body that is almost swan sleek. She does have visible muscle mass, however, although the majority of it is in her upper arms and thighs, and nothing Hulk Hogan like.
Facial Features and Eye Colour: Her face is a fairly sleek one, as a neko it is flawless. It is oval, although seemily strives to be round. Her eyes are a bit of a oddity, almost solid white save for her human style pupils (Which are always fairly small) and a slight thin, usually unnoticeable-save-up-close black line showing where the iris would normally end. Otherwise the entire eye is the same shade of white.
Hair Colour and Style: Her hair is a silverly white, almost matching the colours of the stars in the sky when you look at them. It is almost always, as a rule, done up in a pony tail that ends at her collar bone.

Distinguishing Features: Other than the standard Neko things (Including her cat ear things, which are black furred.) and her rather border line rare Drowish features, nothing is out of place.

Psychological Characteristics

Her personality is border line split, although not quite. One side of the personality is extremely submissive and quiet. It usually comes into play the most often, leaving many to question her capabilities to her job. The other side, however, is a complete and total dominant. This comes into play constantly when her life, or the life of a loved/close ones comes at extreme risk, or during the interrogation part of her job. This is when she gets down right nasty and cruel. She doesn't care for other's pain, even enjoying it should the situation warrant it, and enjoys humiliating and in general degrading people as much as possible. She has limits, though. As a rule there is nothing completely and totally disgusting, and nothing that would destroy the person physiologically unless she is ordered to. That is the only real difference between the two personalties. Otherwise she is a rather carefree individual at heart, although capable of hiding that spirit behind masks to keep people off guard. She is STRONGLY protective of her friends and does she deems that she cares for, and would probably be willing to destroy millions of lives, including her own, for that person. She also hates leaving things undone, and will do things immediately, usually without hesitation, unless someone pressures her in her more submissive personality to do something else at the time. Her usually submissive personality makes it a bit hard for her to engage with people, although if someone else does the engaging she is perfectly fine.

Likes: Cats, spicey food, cries of mercy from the people she crushs, sleeping, learning
Dislikes: Having something waiting to be done, whips (She just isn't a whip person), not knowing things that are around her, clothing when around friends or alone.
Goals: Learn more of the universe


She was created in the Ketsurui Zaibatsu labs 4 months ago, and almost immediately she joined in the Star Army training facility. Also immediately she was picked out and sent to SAINT training, where she received training from both Star army boot camp and SAINT. She became a full fledged member of Saint and Star Army 4 months after, and was sent onto a small Nozomi class SAINT ship. There she practiced her first tour of duty for two weeks: Interrogation of various criminals of a crime caste to find the leader. Her methods worked extremely well and the mission was a resounding success. She got promoted to Nitô Heisho and was taken off the ship, to be assigned another as we speak. Or read, rather.


Commucation: She is well trained in the ability to neutralize or descive a person using body language and lip moments. She is familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other people through headsets, starships, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. She is fluent in English and Japanese. She can speak and write both correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc. She is also able, as a Neko, to commutate telepathically.

Technology Operation: She is able to operate any system using the Kessaku OS system, as found on all Star Army vessels. She is also able to enter or find information on the database. She however isn't the greatest and learning how to do new things except with bouts of 'Moxie', where she knows how to use something almost perfectly at certain times just to not know how to even turn it on the next.

Math: Xavara is well versed in almost all Mathematical subjects, although none of which are her favorite subjects. Given the choice she will avoid having to do any math whats so ever.

Fighting: Xavara learned the general training that Star Army personnel receive; hand to hand combat, zero gravity, etc etc. She is also heavily proficient in the Power armor's systems, most notably the Mindy, and able to maintain and repair it at varying degrees herself in space. She is "Pretty damn good" at rifles and such weapons, although more notably at taking a still position and targeting a opponent from a distance and eliminating them in that fashion.

Vehicles: She has basic proficiently in most forms of planet side movement, enough to be able to drive/pilot a vehicle without crashing. She usually can not, without a bit of practice before hand, drive anything over more than lightly dense terrain without problems (IE: Still water, a grassy field, etc would be lightly dense).

Biology: She was trained rather well about a creature's body, and where to cause the most pain without damage on humanoid subjects. With this knowledge she could, probably, do the same to to other creatures with a bit of experimentation, if they follow a similar bodily set as humanoids.

Humanities: She knows how to break people, what to do to make them completely and totally go on edge. How to make them submit, rather. Be it from simple begging for pleasure, or to stop the torture, she knows how to do it. She also knows, however, the line where to stop before damaging their mind completely.

OOC Notes

NH-29S approved. ... Yeah. Drowish. Take a note: I said the Drowish bit BEFORE I even thought of torture. Seriously. I only just realised I mixed the two together.
For plot reasons, I'd suggest not.

You'd get the same intended result for the player with the SPINE-updated (or created) NH-27 with barely any change to the character's background. It'd also be more along SAINT preferred neko types (so, this is giving Xavara permission to be a NH-27 to compensate for not being allowed to be a NH-29S).
Wes's call, I suppose... To me it doesn't matter that much, although NH-29s would give me a excuse to run about with no actual clothing on.
Either is fine with me.
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