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Yaichiro Tactics Manual


Inactive Member
(Edited Feb 1st, 8:51 PM EST)

I'm requesting approval for this...a manual Yaichiro compiles which will have tactics meant to make optimal use of standard and existing SA technology. The tactics, however, will need approved...and he may ICly have to run tests at Gemini for this, perhaps with the Asuka.

These need not be approved in their entirety, bits and pieces may be approved and other parts not.

The drill and stealth look okay and the spinning shields seems fine.

Since HSCS lines deliver power to the main devices
Understood. I edited it to say:

"Since HSCS lines run throughout the entire ship, the systems in most need of cooling will be next to HSCS conduits."

Which explains how the cooling system works. Is the coolant idea okay in that context?
Wouldn't spinning the CDD fields cause the ship to either be torn apart or locked in place? The CDD acts as a shield but it also acts as FTL.
That's why the axis of the shield is placed in the direction the ship is moving when using it for high STL or FTL propulsion rather than just sheilding, hence why maneuverability is reduced.
*scratches head* This seems a bit redundant - mind you, those are mostly good points, but...

I expect most Star Army officers worth their weight in salt know how to go in silent running, to make the most out of their engines and modulating their shield frequency (which amounts to the same as rotating, I think).

It is, however, a good compilation of tricks to use for beginning engineers, I suppose. I keep telling my people they can make stuff up... so this is all good. What I simply notice is that these three points would probably be already widely known. *shrugs*
This guide is as much for OOC knowledge as it is for IC - just because we play engineers/pilots/captains/doctors/people who have a lot of sex doesn't mean we are. Thus, it's more useful in that regard than anything else. Hell, some reputable characters should write guides on all those things.

"Elisa's Guide To Surviving While Giving Your Engineers Nightmares", anyone? ^_~
Rotating frequencies is not the same as actually rotating the sheilds around the ship. It's the difference between rotating a radio frequency and a rotating planet. Different definitions of the word.

Also, while Captains may know silent running, it isn't specificly listed as a method. Also, given the extravagant nature some Captains are used to from Yamatai, they may not think to turn off the "extras". Not all Captains are like Hanako or Kotori. ^^*
just because we play engineers/pilots/captains/doctors/people who have a lot of sex doesn't mean we are.
Does this mean you're working on a guide to having a lot of sex in the SARP?
I'm sure we can find such data elsewhere on the internet quite readily...but I have to ask:

Is the cooling section approved now that the changes have been made? Once that is done, I believe this will have been approved in its entirety.

It only consists of once sentance: "Join the Sakura."
The Sakura and what sex goes on in it has little relation whatsoever with the subject of this thread.

I don't really approve of the physically rotating shield idea. I don't see how you can make energy rotate in the first place and how it would make any great difference. Aren't gravimetric-based shields already designed to deflect blows anyways?

I hadn't noticed the CD drill idea. I like it; though I believe the spiking function already had a lot in common. However, I really don't see why it would result in a speed increase and how it'd be something all that new when spiking already existed.

Sorry, I don't mean to be an ass about this. I do mean to help you get things straightened up and more coherent, though.

FTL maneuvers like the drill in space combat as it is now would be of limited use. You see, for most weapons on a ship to be able to hit, ship-to-ship combat has to be done within 0.5 AU or less, with the CFS likely being used for interdiction field and defensive purposes while the STL engines end up being the ones doing the most of the work.

When you get a ship like a Sakura-class light gunship attack you with a area effect cone, your best bet is to predict the attack coming in with WARMS, reverse your interdiction field functions to allow FTL and do what I call a 'tactical FTL jump' which basically results in having the ship leap to CDD speeds (2500 to 9000c is generally enough) to avoid being harmed or to get into a better position to counter-attack as it re-engages the interdiction field.

The ship using its FTL system to create an interdiction field is generally the attacker, since its goal is to keep the defending ship below FTL speeds to have a decent chance of hitting it. The defending vessel has the luxury of putting most of its power in its shielding, or using it to counter the interdiction field and use limited FTL mobility or shielding.

At longer ranges, beam weapons are of doubtful value. That's where torpedoes tend to be more useful. Without interdiction fields getting in the way, an AS-7 torpedo can cross a large distance in the blink of an eye and impact almost instantly. One of the reasons interdiction fields see wide usage today it not only to trap an enemy and prevent it from escaping or dodging hits, but also to nullify the instant-kill potential of the anti-ship torpedoes.
If we can make holes appear at will to fire weapons out of the ship through the CDD, rotating the shields around the ship should be child's play. Even if it weren't possible, then she ship would just do a fast barrel roll and the shield would move with it.

The energy rotating would assist in changing the direction of the incoming blow, and continuously expose it to "fresh" shield energy rather than the same spot. Cutting an orange in half vs. Peeling it was the analogy I used before, and is currently the best I can think of.

According to the description of the Yuumi, the Spike is capable of 2x the CDD's impact tolerance. However, on a heavily shielded ship like the Sakura, this difference may be far lesser. You are correct in that it is similar in practice, but you CAN use the Spike WITH the rotating CDD, or reserve the spike for making sure the front of the ship was protected while using the rotating CDD to execute the maneuver.

The Drill is usually only good for combat at STL speeds. at FTL speeds, the drill is not a weapon, but merely a speed optimizer, unless you are trying to strike a stationary target, or have successfully knocked out the enemy's sensors.
I still don't get the thing about rotating the shield. The shield is energy. It's strength comes from the field generator that, well, generates it.

I'll make an analogy: let's say the shield bubble was actually a sphere of fire? Would rotating it make anything in contact of it burn more? Not really, eh?

My point is that the field is merely a place where energy is present. Wether the energy creates a deflection effect or not is irrelevant, it's going to be equal from all sides. Rotating it would be irrelevant seeing that you can't turn energy particles around like you'd turn a physical barrier - they're merely there and exist in the field you generate.

Would rotating the field be of any use then? Nope, since the field would be equal on all sides anyways. The gaps made in the field are intentional and made to allow weapon fire, engine exhaust and sensor probes to get out
The field is not equal on all sides, because of our damage system referring to damage to sections of the shield rather than an overall decrease.

I don't understand why you think the energy can't be redirected. Sure, it isn't matter, but it will still act upon impacting matter and energy. That's what it's designed for. To replace a physical barrier, and impede energy in addition to matter.

In short, it will still deflect the force behind at LEAST matter attacks, and even if it didn't deflect the force from energy attacks the same way (which it may) it would still expose the area to fresh shields (since ICly shield sections can have different strengths from taking damage anyway) and distribute the damage more evenly across the shield.

After all this, it may need a good bit of rewording, but there are still benefits.
If you want to follow the optional damage system, it works this way:

I fire a weapon. the weapon has a set damage value.

The weapon might hit the defending ship. Regardless of the impact area, the ship has a shield barrier which absorbs the hit. If the damage is sufficient to breach the shield, the excess damage is dealt to the ship location which had been targeted and the overall shield value is disminished by 1.

So, the shield is counted as 1 bubble with the same value, and the hull section underneath it are distinct.

edit: in addition, you could notice that the spike is possible because it's an additional shield system. While CFS shielding is sufficiently powerful to allow a KFY vessel to ram through a good-sized asteroid, actually making it rotate to achieve the drill-like effect doesn't seem to support the way the shield system works since its supposed to project a bubble of energy.
Hmm....could rotating the Spike achieve the same effect? or should those latter two sections be scrapped?
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