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Laz Public Network [Yaichiro to Takeyu] Would like advice/input


Inactive Member
To Nayacesen Takeyu-Shoi
YSS Eucharis

Hello, Takeyu. It's been a while, and I hope the letter finds you in good health and morale. Congratulations on attaining officer standing as well. You defined yourself well when I served with you and stood out in a very positive way, so I knew it was only a matter of time before you achieved it.

I'd actually like your input on a civilian project if possible. After the Battle of Yamatai and all the deaths there as well as the destruction of entire towns, I decided to build an Orphanage/Academy City with my funds for the orphaned, and unexpectedly got a reply from the Empress herself advocating and approving of the idea, stating that there were 32,000 orphans spread out across the Empire. I also hope to allow accommodations for children whose parent, parents, or guardians are on deployment off-world, so the practical number may be greater. It must also include the adults who help raise and educate these children, and run the city. When a friend and subordinate of mine pursued purchasing materials and resources, massive donations poured in instead, resulting in not only massive resources, but also a very large amount of unexpected money. The project stands to be a particularly large one, intended to house at least 80,000 in capacity to start, and I am currently in the city design phase. I need to design infrastructure, living accommodations, schools, transportation, every aspect of healthy civic live for these children and the adults needed to maintain the city and educate them.

You have not only lived that life, but have two sisters who you must cater to the needs of who are in that position. I was hoping you could help provide advice and input on any needs they have which may have escaped me, and any ideas you have. This isn't an order. I know how busy you must be, and this project isn't really something I define as military in nature to begin with. I just hope that your insights can help me provide a better environment for those in your and your sisters' position.

Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
YSS Densetsu
To: Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
YSS Densetsu

Evening Yaichiro! Thanks for the congratulations and the confidence, I'm doing ok though with the Eucharis constantly getting banged up I'm always busy, which is what I prefer.

Hmmm, I did hear about some of tragedies after the battle. I was groundside for some of it, saw the destruction and the kind of damage the Mishhu inflicted. My oldest sister, Layven, told me in a message that some of her friend's were without parents now - some had been killed and their backups couldn't be restored.

It's tragic to be honest, while I've had to go through not having parents for a short while and know how it feels, it's a feeling I'd never want anyone else to have. Lonliness, and in some cases, even desperation to find someone or something that could take the place of a parent.

With that said, I can give you my experiences with both Layven and Sakura and what you can probably expect. I'm sure you've done your research, so what I am about to say you probably already know, however, be prepared for some of the kids to act up and cause problems. Without a parental figure around, they won't have someone to look up to or for guidance so the natural thing for them to do is get curious and naturally that curiosity can lead to trouble's both small and large.

With Layven, after we rescued her from the slavers, despite her knowing that she would be rescued some day, even after which I had some difficulties trying to help her adapt back to normalcy. Her situation may be different from what these other children have faced, but the realities are the same. She had no parent or older figure to look up and thus had to strive to fend for herself.

That's the same thing you will probably encounter with these orphans. Some may not accept a stranger as their parent or guardian, and many will more than likely lash out in fear. So make sure you find counselors who are very patient and volunteer alike.

With Sakura, it was a much more different story. I'm sure you remember, but Sakura was killed by slavers, so having her wake up from her backup only to find that her mother and father were dead was something that I thought I had been prepared to deal - I wasn't. Sakura was frantic and hard to control; I had to have the help of a nurse and even Layven to get her to calm down.

Most likely, as more orphans realize that their parents aren't going to be there for them, the same will more than likely happen to them as well. They'll get out of control, and cause problems. Have doctors and nurses who understand that they might have to resort to sedation methods in some of the children, especially those unaware that their parents are dead and are just being told it for the first. You probably won't have to worry about it too much, the thing about war is that it often prepares us for the loss of loved ones - even children can surprise us in how they understand.

However, it will be natural for some children to think their parents aren't dead - even a few who may wander around trying to 'find' them. So best to keep those kids under some form of supervision, either temporarily or semi-permanent.

Now, when it comes to needs, make sure counselors are always available and that an adult is constantly nearby to help. As I said above, a child who has lost a parent will probably go looking for someone who can substitute for that parent. You probably won't have this problem with older children or teenagers, just younger kids you most likely will.

Naturally, you'll need distractions for them, theme parks, play centers, sports, anything you can come up with that might take their mind off the tragedy they that was brought upon them from the war. Also, routine counselor sessions as well are a must, break them up into age groups and also see if any kids are able to help out.

Sometimes, children are more receptive to another child than they are to adults and they have this thing about hiding their pain. I found that out from Layven when she hid an injury of hers from me awhile back, I didn't find out about the injury until after she started losing consciousness.. damn girl scared the crud out of me. So yes, be prepared for them to hide stuff. The more scared they are, and the more traumatized, the higher the likelihood of them hiding their pain.

I can probably help you out with a few things, my company - Nayacesen Industrials - can help provide you with building materials and even storage space for your supplies and vehicles. I can have my people get right to work prefabricating storage structures and getting them loaded onto transports... which brings up the question, where is this city being built at anyway? My apologies, but I haven't had a chance to listen to the news recently..

Nayacesen Takeyu-Shoi
YSS Eucharis
To Nayacesen Takeyu-Shoi
YSS Eucharis

I have asked the Empress where she feels it best to place them, and have not gotten a response, though I am hoping for it to be to the sSoutheast of Kyoto. However, I am planning and carefully developing the city's plans. I am very thankful for your contribution, and would actually be thankful for what you could manage to do with your company. I will need to design schools and other institutions, and will be making putting out multiple contracts for technologies which become part of the city's infrastructure.

Hopefully, if your sisters enroll here, they will find it a rich and memorable childhood and aid in their recovery.

Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
YSS Densetsu
To: Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
YSS Densetsu

Thanks and no problem, I have a few ideas for some structures that could be built, one of which is a school. I can have my people hold off on transport and supply until you've gotten a location picked out and ready to go, then I'll have them start moving supplies. Just send me a list of stuff you need constructed, and I'll see what my people can do.

I haven't mentioned this to my sisters yet, but once I do I'm sure they'll jump at the chance. Besides, it'll help them out and they'll be able to help others out as well.

Good luck, and let me know when a spot is chosen.

Nayacesen Takeyu-Shoi
YSS Eucharis
To Nayacesen Takeyu-Shoi
YSS Eucharis

Location is chosen and the most basic structures have been built to support students. It's southeast of Kyoto. Thank you for your aid, by the way...and if you wish your sisters to attend, I'd be glad to pursue that for you. There will be many avenues open to them, even university education will be available.

Any designs you come up with will be appreciated.

Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
YSS Densetsu
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