Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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[Yamatai] A meeting with Homeland Ties


Well-Known Member
It's been a confusing couple of week for the small Fenyaro. Since she left her home world with the survivors of the Nozomi's crash she decided to enter the Star Army's Medical Corps. Since then she's been studying the physiology and biology of the major races in the empire. She was getting situated in Kyoto, while still occasionally getting lost, when she received a communiqué from the Embassy of Fenyaro.

Dear Zao-Fe Nei,
I am the current Fenyaro Senator to the Empire. I would like you to come and meet me in my office in the Embassy. Please come by tomorrow by 20:00 hours.
It's of a personal matter to you and your current financial situation. If you know of any other Fenyaro on planet side, please forward this message to them.
I look forward to seeing you.


As interesting as this sounded, a few hours later Nei also received the following transmission.


Itto Heisho Zao-Fe Nei,

1. You are assigned to YSS Destiny of the Destiny Colonization Project.
2. Please respond to this message to ensure it was received.
3. If you would prefer a different assignment, let us know.

Issued by:

SA-PERSCOM (Star Army Personnel Command)

Under Authorization of:


This was truly a perplexing situation to the Dy'Unnar, but she decided to visit the Embassy first. After all the Mission statement said to contact at her leisure.
It was about 19:30 hours while she wandered about, lost and confused near the Imperial Senate house. If it wasn't for a helpful Guard, she would have never found her planet's embassy.
Seekrin Talis gawked at the Fenyaro embassy. It was so big she kept telling herself. She gently flicked her ear, which twitched in an effort to just make sure this whole thing was real. Everything lately had been amazing her when she finally began to settle into something routine there would be an interruption and a new discovery in her plans. She wanted to become a better cook and help provide for people. That's why she had joined star army.

Seekrin wondered what other surprises were awaiting her today. She'd been glancing over a simple recipe for fried rice just this morning and now she stood stunned before the embassy. It was all because of the following message from Nanaha.

Dear Seekrin Talis
I am the current Fenyaro Senator to the Empire. I would like you to come and meet me in my office in the Embassy. Please come by tomorrow by 20:00 hours.
It's of a personal matter to you and your current financial situation. If you know of any other Fenyaro on planet side, please forward this message to them.
I look forward to seeing you.


Seekrin smiled trying to prep herself for walking through the embassy's doors. It was nearly time to go in. Seekrin had been worried about getting lost and she very well would have if some being hadn't offered her directions.

The message from Senator Nanaha was not of course the only exciting occurrence that had taken place today. Seekrin had received her orders:


Santô Hei Seekrin Talis,

1. You are assigned to YSS Destiny of the Destiny Colonization Project.
2. Please respond to this message to ensure it was recieved.
3. If you would prefer a different assignment, let us know.

Issued by:

SA-PERSCOM (Star Army Personnel Command)

Under Authorization of:

Since she didn't need to respond right away the small Sha'Nai had decided to visit the embassy first. Then she would be off to the YSS Destiny most likely. It was her first assignment and there was no way she was turning a chance to work in a big galley with a lot of experienced cooks down. ‘Well I'm here might as well go in' Seekrin thought as her small form headed towards the entrance of the embassy be careful to weave out the way of any obstacles to avoid being trampled on. Vaguely Seekrin wondered just how many Fenyaro would be present in the embassy.
Nei was seated next to a young looking To'Yaree secretary. The mare was typing quickly at her station, humming a little tune as the fidgety Dy'Unnar waited nervously. Her ears perked up slightly when she heard the doors open again and a small Sha'Nai walked in. This action also caused the secretary to stop her typing and look up.

"Ms. Talis?â€
Seekrin nodded to the secretary in confirmation of her name. "Ok, I'll wait then" She took a moment to look around black furry ears twitching on her head with a mix of nervouness and excitement. The small Sha'Nai took her seat as she was told, hopping up onto the chair and dangling her feet over the edge kicking the air. She hummed politely to herself until the Dy'Unnar next to her extended a paw.

Seekrin stopped humming and extended her paw grasping Nei's paw in a firm shake "I'm Seekrin. It's nice to meet you." She replied flashing a friendly and genuinely jovial smile. "Your here to see senator Nanaha too? Did you get a message to come here too?" She asked quirking her head just slightly. Tilting it to the side and getting a better look at Nei. She folded her legs to sit cross legged in her chair.
Nei nodded slightly, not really saying anything. She seemed really nervous. Her paws held together and playing with the hem of the robe she wore. "Nei... never met Nanaha before now...â€
"I wouldn't worry too much. I hear she's really nice" Seekrin coomented trying to reassure Nei. Her ears stopped moving though a sign that she wasn't actually sure. In anticipation her tail move from side to side and she caught it hugging it to her chest a moment.

Seekrin scratched her nose then looked up at the secretary who had just spoken. "alright " Seekrin said slipping out of her seat to the floor following Nei . She pouted a second after the taller Sha'Nai walk out. Flicking her ear to snap herself back to reality she smiled as much as her face would allow almost hopping in excitement.

"eee! " Seekrin squeeked at the sultry and unexpected voice Seekrin did jump her fur standing on end. Grabbing her tail like a safety blanket she hugged it petting the soft fur . She stumbled to bring coherent thought back to her quickly evaporating mind. Blinking she climbed into the leather chair, her small form sinking into the large thing. " I-I'm Seekrin Talis Miss senator Nanaha. It's an honour to meet you" Seekrin shot out in one breathe a smile plastered on her face as she grasped her tail tightly in excitement. Her ears were on full alert to flicking everywhere at the slightest sound the single dangling glass earring bounced around with her ears catching light every so often.
Nanaha softly chuckled to herself at Seekrin's reaction. She calmly slid her glasses on and shuffled the papers on her desk for a moment before glancing up and noticing the Sha'Nai's almost a step away from heart failure.

"There's nothing to fear Miss Seekrin, unlike real panthers, I don't actively hunt. You can rest at ease.â€
Seekrin took a deep breathe to calm herself down but still hugged her tail, it was just a nervous habit but now that she had settled down she wasn't clenching her tail so tightly. Her ears flattened against her head as much as they could. "I'm not afraid" she stated shifting in her seat. With her back against the back of the couch her feet barely hung off the end of the large seat.

Seekrin listened closely. She wasn't very good with money but she new that this card should be helpful. Seekrin hopped up and scooted over to the desk in order to get her forms. Her eyes quickly scanned over the forms making sense of whatever legal rabble she could. Seekrin just wanted to make sure she wasn't signing away her soul. "It looks all well documented and stuff" Her paw gripped a pen and since she had difficulty reaching the deck from the chair she just jumped and plopped down on the desk so she could have a hard surface to sign on. Quickly she signed, her signature a squiggly mess where only the S and the T were really readable.

"I-I'm sorry for sitting on the's just ummm....I'm short..." She meekly apologized handing over the signed forms and hopping back into the chair she had previously occupied. Seekrin could be resourceful in getting around her size handicap (which she really didn't consider a handicap) but it sometimes led to doing things that others didn't approve of like sitting on a table.
All her fear and nervousness dissipated upon hearing what could be taken as a compliment to her race from a gatekeeper. "Meh I'm not handicapped, just short that's all there is to it" Seekrin replied nodding the confirmation to her statement. The small Sha'Nai smiled because she was sure of her statement. Seekrin took the card tucking it away into the pocket of her shorts.

Seekrin shook Nanaha's hand and glanced in the same direction as the senator. "I'm guessing this meeting is over? It was nice to meet you Senator Nanaha. Thank you for your time" Seekrin smiled excited that a real gatekeeper had shook her paw. She headed for the door but waited for Nei.
Nei silently got up and walked to the door. She was ready to leave when Nanaha piped up from her desk. "Hey, Nei. If you ever go back home like on a vacation, can you say hi to Numo for me?â€
Seekrin sank down on the ground beside Nei. Patting her on the shoulder. "I felt nervous too but Nanaha is nice. scary but nice" Seekrin smiled her ears flicking around, her tail wagging gently. "what are you doing now, I mean Where are you going to work? Do you work? It was nice of them to give us those cards. " Seekrin shot off her questions in rapid succession before standing and offering a paw out to Nei.

"I'm going to the destiny. I cook you know it's really fun. " Seekrin skipped around in one circle "It's going to be so fun, I'm going to explore and work with the big people!" She grinned headed toward the exit but going slow enough for Nei to follow.
Nei looked at Seekrin for a moment. Her expression both confused and suprised when Seekrin said something about the Destiny.

"Nei is going to the YSS Destiny too." She said while pointing to herself. "Nei is a doctor." She walked along with the Smaller Fenyaro. "This is ironic..."

As the two walked away from the Embassy, Nanaha just stood there watching them leave from her office window. Absently she looked down to her bracelet and the large stone set in it. Looking back up she smiled.

"Hmm. It is ironic isn't it..." She said to herself.