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Approved Submission [Yamatai] Combat Gallantry Awards


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No wiki will be created, as these would be part of an existing page if approved.

Now, I had some trouble while making these. At first I thought β€œYamatai needs some combat gallantry awards,” but then as I wrote their descriptions, I remembered that the risk of death really doesn’t mean much in the Star Army. However, I decided to submit them anyway, using β€œat the risk of their own well being” rather than β€œlife” used in the higher award.

Even so, if either of these gets approved, one concern that I have is the process in which they would be awarded. Being that heroic gallantry has little risk to those characters that rely heavily on ST technology, it makes these difficult to award. They should be relatively rare for a character to get, and thus Game Masters would have to show OOC restraint, especially for the lesser Red Tessen award.

Without too much explanation, the Order of the Blazing Sun is intended to be something akin to the Iron Cross (extreme battlefield bravery or leadership in battle), while the Red Tessen is intended to be something like a Silver Star or Service Cross.

"Blazing Sun" is named in the tradition of Yamatai's war ensign and bears the colors associated with Yamatai. "Tessen" is red because, in some Japanese symbolism is associated with heroism. I chose the tessen part of it because I needed something cool that dealt with war, and figured a type of war fan would be a good choice. Both graphics were made fairly quickly, so if anyone can do better, go for it.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
This is great! I actually had this on my big to-do list but you've beat me to it!


Please add it to the awards list!
Wow, I expected there to have been more discussion on this. Anyway, cool. Added to wiki.
Because this is just an update, I'm using this old thread as is tradition.

Even though I wanted to update both of these medals together, I had to rush this one because for some reason another member decided to submit an update so I felt pressed to get this out early (amusingly, the other version used one of the same quotes I did). Sorry for any mistakes due to the rush, and I'd ask that the same thing doesn't happen again with the Blazing Sun article. My recent OOC commentary existed as part of a discussion to see what others thought so I could do an update rather than a fully precise overhaul. Please give me the chance to do what I said in the discussion thread without jumping the gun.

WIP link: Red Tessen (2023 Update)
Destination: Current revision (2023/01/28 19:47) of the live article

Additions & Changes summarized:
  • Extensive history detailing significant awards (characters rather than background masses) that I could find based on a forum search
  • Section with information about ways in which it has been previously awarded (essentially a "usage" section)
  • Description of the war fan item itself
    • How to wear the war fan item
  • Clarification that it needs the character's commanding officer to actually recommend them, which was always implied but not clearly stated
    • This is specifically because a player once went around their GM and had it given for a battle where two other players were chosen but they weren't; that should not happen ever during the course of a plot
  • Style and links cleanup
I think that's really it. Interestingly, a few characters who apparently have this award I could not find orders for or mention of.

Yamatai FMs: @Wes, @Andrew, @Ametheliana, @Yuuki
Looks good! FM APP Red Tessen Change

Edit: Nomenclature for fan? (I'd like to see art too~), maybe a heading for it so it can be directly linked of people's sheets and such?
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Looks good! FM APP Red Tessen Change

Edit: Nomenclature for fan? (I'd like to see art too~), maybe a heading for it so it can be directly linked of people's sheets and such?
Thank you. There's appropriate art of the fan (same colors as the ribbon, red on red) in the works.

@Wes have a chance to check this out?

PS: Blazing Sun update is wip, taking a little longer been busy.
Does @Wes need you to make a separate thread or something? Great additions, though. It's cool the awards get additions as it sees time on player character's chests!
WIP link: Blazing Sun 2023 Update
Destination: Blazing Sun Live Article

Additions & Changes summarized:
  • Fixed an "i before e" typo that's been there for a decade
  • Expanded history
  • Section with information about ways in which it has been previously awarded (essentially a "usage" section)
  • Cute pic of Aiko wearing it
  • Giving context based on previous instances of the award
  • Adding the word "conspicuous" to the citation
  • Style and links cleanup
Basically nothing has been changed but there's a lot of extra context and guidance (through the new usage/examples section) so that players and game masters understand the requirements. In combination with the Red Tessen update above, I think this very much makes things more clear without changing anything. And that's really what's important: clarity. Because sometimes people just see "medal of honor!" and think it's an easy thing when the reality of sci-fi spacefuture combat is that you need to go further.

Yamatai FMs: @Wes, @Andrew, @Ametheliana, @Yuuki
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I like that you have example citations in there. FM App
Great! Thanks.

Are these updates approved for application, since the awards themselves were already approved? Or should I wait for a second reviewer approval before applying them to the wiki? Technically they're mostly history updates, which I do not think require further approvals, I mostly submitted them to be transparent following the OOC discussion.
Looks great to me. Approved.
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