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Yamatai News (YINN) Yamatai Emergency Management Agency was Established, HQ planned for Anisa

Yamatai Emergency Management Agency​

Temporary Headquarters, Anisa​


After the Imperial Senate passed Senator Airwin Caeyara's Propsoal#120, the Empire's government moved quickly to establish its newest Department. YEMA a government agency devoted to the safeguarding and preservation of civilian life during crisis and disaster has settled on Anisa for its Headquarters, which will be built over the course of the next few months. Until the new headquarters is completed the Agency will use some existing facilities on the surface and at White Harbor Station.

Senator Airwin Caeyara, the Senator from Akina and representative of the Tsenlan people was on site for the official ribbon cutting and groundbreaking of the agency's Headquarters. The forming agency has taken its undertaking very seriously, in that the first YEMA response fleet is set to deploy to the Jun System to provide the recently liberated System's residents with food, water, and transport to operating refugee towns in the Empire. "Yamatai needed this, my constituents needed this, you can't rely completely on the military and there is room for civilian action during a crisis. Plus this will free up more Star Army assets during wartime to devote themselves to the actual missions at hand. YEMA is not taking away the important role the Star Army has during a crisis, rather it will enhance it. A government's role in the preservation of civilization and life is of the highest order, and Yamatai is great at it, my people witnessed it firsthand," the Senator stated during his interview with YINN.

YEMA officials have stated they intend to help facilitate the placement of emergency plans for each of Yamatai's populated worlds in time for the six-month presentation by the Senate Emergency Management Oversight Committee.