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Approved Submission [Yamatai] Hinomaru Mk II


Retired Staff
Submission Type: Logo?
Submission URL:
Wiki Page - https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:hinomaru
Pointing to what this is meant to update, I'm not going to create a new wiki page for this considering how significant this might be to the setting admin - that's his article and I didn't want to be presumptuous and mess around with it (considering I'm not very wiki savvy).

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes <-- mostly art
Previously Submitted? No

I commissioned a new Hinomaru logo from Jim Francis (AriochIV on DeviantArt, known for the Outsider webcomic). The objective was for it to look on par in quality on higher quality 3d models, and by the same by update it for year 2016... so, it now depicts a Mindy IV.

The Mindy IV is missing its right wing out of artistic licence. I prefer to think of it as superimposed with the helmet/torso, but the truth is, mostly detracted to the logo's appeal.

This was meant to go on Miharu Light Industries' Himiko-class cruiser (my upcoming plotship which will have its unveiling during the current mission in my plot) and I meant for the in-character artist that made it to be Miharu Hinoto (she doesn't just draw Yaoi doujinshi)... but that's no reason why the setting can't employ it earlier before if it meets approval.

For now, the above picture is on IMGUR. Should it pass muster, I'll provide Wes with the image's files so he can tweak it to be conveniently displayed on the wiki.
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I didn't realize this was a commission. Do we (as in Star Army/me) have full copyrights to this? I need to know I can legally use it before I start putting it on everything Star Army related. Preferably with a signed document.
I actually discussed this with him before we got started:
I figure if the original creator likes it, he might adopt it and display it on his website/wiki. What I don't control is if he decides to turn them into patches like you see in the wiki page I linked. The most use I've seen out of those is him ordering 50ish of them to hand out at conventions, and mailing the patches he makes to the forum members that donate for the upkeep of his website. So, there's this possible mass production aspect which I feel I must inform you of, but it's very unlikely to be used to turn anykind of profit.

In terms of what’s done with the image in terms of mass production, that’s a matter between you and your friend. For me this is work for hire, and so I don’t have any expectation of ownership in the end product.


Suffice to say that once I give you the PSD file, I consider that it cannot be pulled from your site. It's meant to be the improvement I wanted to see the Hinomaru have / a nice gift to you. I hope you like it and that it brought a smile to your face, made you go "oh, cool" or some other demonstration of happiness.
For those that are interested, here are the iterations the logo went through:

We went for Pose B, which felt flatter and more iconic, though the aether saber-rifle's blade was adjusted to not breach the white border.


This seemed to have to have become too visually complex, so, we tried to streamline it/stylize it more. I also mentioned the missing wing.


Added the wing, but it unflatteringly added to the complexity of the Mindy's depiction, so, we decided to drop it.


Finalized version, though Wes says the outer black border is too thin. I'll let him adjust that one to his liking once this sees approval so he can tweak it to his liking.
Okay, that sounds like what I need as far as legal permissions. The missing wing unit is bugging me a little now that it's been pointed out but I'm not sure if anything better could be done.

Side note: I really like Jim's Outsider webcomic and I've followed him for a long time.

Please send me the file - I have some minor modifications I'd like to make.
Very nice!

Would Yamatai really replace the old Hinomaru, though? The old one seems like it'd remain the standard for patches and decals due to its simplicity (important for field identification), while the pretty new one would be used for less utilitarian/more ceremonial functions. Real world example: USMC aviation challenge coin vs patch.
Well I'm betting there are plenty of emblems out there with birds that have only 1 wing drawn. Just look at old coats of arms. You might as well just have 1 nice looking wing over two. In the setting IC-wise people probably wouldn't find it weird as they'd immediately realize there's a second one on the actual suit.
I guess if you tilted it so the PA was facing down diagonally you'd have more space for a second wing you could pose differently. Then it could like it was descending like a bird of prey. Still though, you've already got something nice looking.

Here's an alternate version with the second wing, corrected background color, and thicker external border. What do you think?
Angle of the torso and placement of the wing closer to the foreground makes it look like the second wing is sprouting out of the middle of the wearer's spine.
I don't see much difference with the external border. That might be due to my lack of preference/forum background currently in use.

I still view the second wing as seeming more like extra clutter than something that embelishes the representation of the Mindy IV (I still prefer to mentally label it as the torso overlapping on the wing at an angle due to perspective).

The extra wing has a problem given how disjointed it is - it doesn't belong where it is; it's too far from the shoulder it is supposed to be attached to. I find Dumont to be correct.
One-wing version with corrected BG color and thickened external border (black outer circle). This would be the look of the canonical version when approved.
I really appreciate the OoC note. It was important to me that the artist was given proper credit, as it can promote more commissions going his way.
Thanks for doing so Wes :)
Yeah, I've been trying to give more credit to people in articles lately, for example Amaryllis was really pleased to be mentioned in the jika-tabi article as the one who came up with the idea. I'm glad you noticed!
Said it in chat, but came her to speak.

Extra wing makes for a good high-res version. The patches would probably need a lower-res version/a version with only the hardest lines, but I'm not really a Yamatai hardcore fan-boy... so yeah.

Edit: Keep both. This can be our logo/OOC new thing, but they both have their uses OOC and IC.
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Thanks for all the feedback here and in the chatroom, everyone!

Submission approved!
Yeah, I've been trying to give more credit to people in articles lately, for example Amaryllis was really pleased to be mentioned in the jika-tabi article as the one who came up with the idea. I'm glad you noticed!
Oh wow, I didn't even know I was mentioned. I just thought it was neat when I saw the art was actually made in the uniform thread. Had I learned from the wiki instead though I'd still think gee that was cool. Thanks.