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RP: DION Senate [Yamatai] Jeep Design

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Dear Nepleslian Senators,

We are both fighting the NMX right now, and keeping up the war requires equipment and vehicles to move the equipment. Because of this and our mutual interest in victory, and as a gesture of goodwill. the Yamatai Star Empire would like to offer you this vehicle design for use in your military and government. We can immediately transmit the design to NAM for manufacture if you desire. We ask nothing in return but your commitment to continue your fight against the NMX.


Empress Himiko

(OOC: I can make this jeep design into a Nepleslian vehicle for you guys if you want.)
"It's a free Jeep," Davis said with a bemused air in his voice. "Even if we don't use the design, it's at least worth looking at, and it comes at no cost to us whatsoever. Therefore, I vote yes to this proposal."
TO: Senators
From: Drei
Subject: Type 31 Light Utility Truck Analysis.

As compared to the current line of Nep Trucks:

* the Type 31 fills a role for two seat person transport that is not adequately filled by the current Nepleslian Truck design.
* Producing Aether powered vehicles on this scale would be extremely costly, as very specialized equipment is required to create aether generators which can be better spent building generators for starships in the war.
* The Type 31 can also be powered through other, easy to produce, engine systems, allowing it to be mass produced without disrupting NAM’s production schedules.
* ‘stackable’ and ‘airdrop able’ are features the current Nepleslian truck lacks.
* Inclusion of pioneer tools should aid in transport over the rougher roads outside of the cities.
* Can be more easily used by starships than the current nep truck.

Summery: The Type 31 fills a role that is currently unfilled. Unlike other vehicles in this category its multiple engine types allow it to be easily produced and integrated into SMoDIN operations. Towing hookups also would allow this design to take some of the workload off of the older Nepleslian Truck designs.
"With no other votes cast, the motion passes 1-0."

Davis had the files sent over to representatives in NAM.

"Further debate is closed."
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