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Approved Submission [Yamatai] Ke-M2-P4003 Power Armor Teleportation Unit


Convention Veteran
Submission Type: Ke-M2-P4003 Power Armor Teleportation Unit
Template Used: None
Submission WIP URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:stararmy:equipment:ke-m2-p4003
Submission Destination URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:equipment:ke-m2-p4003

Faction: Yamatai
FM Approved Yet?: No, @Wes
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: A new Power Armor Teleportation Unit, hopefully this unit will be meaningfully different as well as being an improvement over the P3000 while still allowing the P3000 to have its own niche.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I've never had poblems with charge time. It makes for fun RP to time your players imo. Is the weight really a problem enough so to gauge range? Range is important to me, though, and I wish that we could teleport further. So, my question is, is this useful to the setting?

Did you ask the FM before doing this and while working on it, as well?
>I've never had poblems with charge time. It makes for fun RP to time your players imo.

I agree, the standard Mindy timing works for doing something like this. However, this isn't part of the standard Mindy. It's a dorsal attachment. It's supposed to augment the capability of a Mindy in some significant way.

>Is the weight really a problem enough so to gauge range?

I'm not sure what you mean here. Do you mean change range? If so, it seemed likely to me that there was a range-weight trade off. You carry less, you can go further on the same charge. Conversely, going a shorter distance might allow you to carry more weight. It seemed to me that there would be lots of situations where it would be desirable to insert a whole team in a single jump.

>Range is important to me, though, and I wish that we could teleport further.

That's great, you can still use the P3000. If you want something that has an ever farther range, you are free to make it. Like I mentioned, the P3000 is still available and might be better in certain situations. In terms of range, ~450 million miles is enough to move anywhere within mars orbit in a single jump. Two jumps carries you past Jupiter, and four will put you out past Saturn. This means that the P3000 primarily effective in the inner system and the whole system in a pinch. The P4003 is mainly effective within roughly the orbit of a single planet (1 million miles is 3x the Earth to moon).

>So, my question is, is this useful to the setting?

I believe so. I think it adds significantly to the tactical flexibility of a powered armor team.

>Did you ask the FM before doing this and while working on it, as well?

No, i came up with and had it in what I considered to be good enough to submit in a few hours, so I decided to just go ahead and submit it.