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Approved Submission [Yamatai] Ke-M2-W4001 Heavy Aether Pistol

Immortal Cyan

The Cyan Neko
Submission URL
Submission Faction(s)
  1. Yamatai (except Elysia)
Submission Terms
  1. I agree
Big-ass aether pistol! Thanks to @Glein for letting me use YIRS (Yamatai Integrated Rail System) and his prose describing the weapon mounted camera unit. Tagging @Wes since for some reason it didn't work...or did it?! Hmm...

Also, artwork is currently a WIP. I have sent out a message to an artist on DA and am waiting to hear back from them. I would appreciate your patience on that front.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hello! Let's see if this submission meets the requirements for inclusion in Star Army's lore...

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[ ] 2. The article is in the appropriate format and article template.
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[ ] 4. The article is easily read and free of errors in spelling and grammar.
[ ] 5. Links to other wiki articles are present as appropriate.
[ ] 6. The article fits into the Star Army universe's space opera theme and technology levels.
[ ] 7. Images in the article are hosted on Star Army's wiki and sourced responsibly (contact Wes privately if there's a concern).
[ ] 8. The article is original and doesn't contain copy-pasted content from other articles.
[ ] 9. The article complies with Star Army's rules in terms of damage ratings, speed limits, etc.
[ ] 10. The Faction Manager(s), if applicable, have posted approval for this article in this thread.

Here are some fixes this article still needs:
  1. In the Discharge Information section, please change the color of the "aetheric bolt fired out of the weapon" to white, as based upon what Fred said here aether has been canonically (and historically) been portrayed as being white in terms of coloration.
  2. Please change the purpose of the weapon to Tier 5 (Medium Anti-Armor). I understand the OOC reasoning behind making the pistol a Tier 6 (Heavy Anti-Armor) weapon based upon its reference (Mass Effect FTW!) , but there is simply no way a pistol-sized bolt can deal more damage than the Aether Beam Saber-Rifle's beam.
  3. @Wes or @Nashoba, the Faction Managers of the Yamatai Star Empire, need to post their approval of the submission in this thread.
When these fixes are made, please post a reply here so I can re-check the article. Thank you!

Status: Pending
I've reduced the Practical Rate of Fire from 30 RPM to 24 RPM in an effort to maintain the weapon's Tier 6 rating. As of now, the weapon can only fire a single shot before it executes an active cooling cycle for a period of 2 seconds, during which the weapon can not be fired.

Cyan-colored aether has been established as a possibility, because aether itself consists of a wide mix of energy types, allowing it to take on a cyan color in many instances. The post that I linked above has a graph which should more succinctly convey this information.
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Check to make sure the nomenclature isn't used.

Any chance of art, e.g. DOGA or something?
The first draft of the art should arrive in a few days. I've already sent payment to the artist and they confirmed acceptance of my commission. Also, are we not using the nomenclature anymore or did something change on that front while I was away?
He means that M2-W4001 might have already been used. So if there's a M2-W4001, this would be M2-W4002, and so on until the number isn't used anymore.
The full electromagnetic spectrum would appear (in terms of "visible" light) as white light, @Immortal Cyan, and - I apologize if I come across as condescending or anything in this, as I don't know how to word it better >.< - the weapon's purpose will have to be changed to Tier 5 in order to be approved. You may, however, increase its rate of fire - 1 round/second, perhaps? - in order to compensate.
If I had wanted to submit something with a faster rate of fire, I would have done a revolver or a more conventional power armor grade hand gun. In essence, what you're doing is asking me to do is to completely change the identity of my weapon. This is meant to be a single shot, high-stopping power weapon and nothing more. It does not resemble a revolver or even something like a Desert Eagle in form or function. As such, the entire weapon was written and balanced in such a way to convey that information in a clear and succinct manner.

I believe that the weapon is balanced enough as it is, but the rate of fire has been nerfed again, from 24 RPM to 15 RPM. The weapon now executes a 3.5 second long heat discharge protocol between each shot, during which the weapon (of course) can not be fired.
I'm not sure why the fire rate needed to be nerfed again, as it was already quite low. Additionally, it has been established in cannon that Aether can be Cyan in color. I'm also not quite sure why this would be Retconed. For example, Aether could feasibly appear a different color if it were focused differently, a process which might effect what portions of the visible spectrum the plasma or the beam emits.
Although I strongly disagree with the weapon's current DR rating and "emission" appearance, in the spirit of compromise I'll allow for them to remain as they are.

[ ] 1. The destination URL should be a page in the appropriate namespace and titled lower_case_with_underscores.
[ ] 2. The article is in the appropriate format and article template.
[ ] 3. The article follows our wiki style guidelines, including: No forced line breaks, text after each section header, etc.
[ ] 4. The article is easily read and free of errors in spelling and grammar.
[ ] 5. Links to other wiki articles are present as appropriate.
[ ] 6. The article fits into the Star Army universe's space opera theme and technology levels.
[ ] 7. Images in the article are hosted on Star Army's wiki and sourced responsibly (contact Wes privately if there's a concern).
[ ] 8. The article is original and doesn't contain copy-pasted content from other articles.
[ ] 9. The article complies with Star Army's rules in terms of damage ratings, speed limits, etc.
[ ] 10. The Faction Manager(s), if applicable, have posted approval for this article in this thread.

Here are some fixes this article still needs:
  1. I'm really sorry I forgot to ask this earlier, but would you mind adding a "Muzzle Velocity" bullet to the Discharge Information section, please? For aether, it'd be the speed of light.
  2. @Wes or @Nashoba, the Faction Managers of the Yamatai Star Empire, need to post their approval of the submission in this thread.
When these fixes are made, please post a reply here so I can re-check the article. Thank you!

Status: Pending

Edit: After discussing this with other submission reviewers, you can increase the weapon's rate of fire back up to 24 rounds/minute and retain its T6 rating, @Immortal Cyan - but if the weapon takes 2 seconds to cool, how did you arrive at the 24 RPM figure? Does the weapon take a long time to shoot or something?
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The pistol takes roughly .5 seconds to fully resolve the process of discharging, so I added that value to 2 seconds, then divided 60 by 2.5 to get 24 RPM. When I submitted it initially, I did not add in the .5 seconds, which is why the initial values for the practical rate of fire changed a few times.

The pistol fires a white bolt and emits a white light now.

Muzzle Velocity also added.

Practical Rate of Fire buffed to 24 RPM.
Okay, formatting-wise, I'd like to see more subsections instead of bullet lists in the places where there's whole paragraphs behind shoved behind bullet points. Bullet points are only for brief points.

FM approved for Yamatai.
@Immortal Cyan - I split the subsection you created into three individual subsections, as in my opinion, it's a little bit easier to navigate and read. >.<

[ ] 1. The destination URL should be a page in the appropriate namespace and titled lower_case_with_underscores.
[ ] 2. The article is in the appropriate format and article template.
[ ] 3. The article follows our wiki style guidelines, including: No forced line breaks, text after each section header, etc.
[ ] 4. The article is easily read and free of errors in spelling and grammar.
[ ] 5. Links to other wiki articles are present as appropriate.
[ ] 6. The article fits into the Star Army universe's space opera theme and technology levels.
[ ] 7. Images in the article are hosted on Star Army's wiki and sourced responsibly (contact Wes privately if there's a concern).
[ ] 8. The article is original and doesn't contain copy-pasted content from other articles.
[ ] 9. The article complies with Star Army's rules in terms of damage ratings, speed limits, etc.
[ ] 10. The Faction Manager(s), if applicable, have posted approval for this article in this thread.

Status: Approved

Thanks again for submitting an article to the wiki! Time for some final steps for the reviewer...

[ ] 1. State clearly that the article is approved in the submission thread
[ ] 2. Move the wiki article to its permanent (destination) location on the wiki
[ ] 3. Move the submission thread to the Approved Submissions subforum or get a moderator to
[ ] 4. Edit the article to add a link to the approval thread in the OOC Notes section
[ ] 5. Link other articles to the approved article as appropriate (equipment lists, etc.)
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