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RP [Yamatai] Kikyō no Sekku Parade and Party of YE 45 - OPEN RP

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YES 45.5.20
RP Location
YES 45.5.20
Yamatai, Kyoto

The Kikyo no Sekku festival was one of the biggest events on the calendar in the Yamatai Star Empire, a day of celebration that united the populace in honor of their heritage and culture. Bright, vibrant colors filled the air, emulating the spirit of the people and echoing the rich tapestry of Yamataian culture.

It was a day filled with joy and celebration, a testament to the pride and unity of the Yamatai Star Empire. The Kikyo no Sekku festival, a vibrant and enthralling spectacle, was a reminder of the rich history and shared heritage that brought the diverse people of the empire together.

Kyoto, the heart of Yamatai, was abuzz with activity. From the early morning hours, streets started to fill with locals and tourists alike, all gathered to enjoy the festivities. Intricate floats inspired by historical and mythological themes slowly moved down the thoroughfares, each more magnificent than the last.

The air was filled with the sound of traditional Yamataian music - Taiko drums, Shinobue flutes, and Koto harps playing in harmony. Crowds cheered and clapped, their laughter and excitement adding to the symphony of sounds that reverberated through the city.

Street vendors sold all manner of traditional Yamataian food, from grilled Yakitori skewers to bowls of savory ramen, the delicious aromas wafting through the air. Sweet stands sold Dango, Mochi, and other treats, while others offered Saké and green tea to the thirsty attendees.

Parades filled the main streets, an array of participants marching in time with the rhythm of the music. There were children clad in colorful Yukatas, adults dressed as legendary figures from Yamataian lore, and Nekovalkyrjas in their indigo blue military uniforms paying tribute to the Star Empire's strength and resilience.

After the recently-elected Imperial Premier led a parade of representatives of the national police and various branches of government, Taisho Ketsurui Yui followed with the fleets of the Star Army, beginning with First Fleet and continuing onwards until they were followed by a huge Rikugun formation and the various organizations of the Star Army such as the orange-paneled soldiers of Star Army Logistics and the mint colors of the Star Army personnel administration.

Although this was a Yamatai-centric event, people and diverse species from all over came to see the spectacle and join in the celebrations to follow. As the parades came to a close and the sun began to set, the people began to party in the streets beneath a massive display of volumetric and traditional fireworks.

Yuri, dressed in her uniform, walked the streets as she observed another celebration that was a first for her. The Neko cooed at how adorable the kids in their yukatas were, as her attention went to the adults. She recognized a few historic looking costumes as she looked around.

Once released from the parade, Pidole, the athletic redhead with eyes of blue, was eager to slip away from the thronging crowd and find some semblance of quiet. Though she reveled in the festive atmosphere, the clamor of the parade was starkly different from the methodical hum of the machines she was so used to. She ducked into the shade of a shop that sold chocolates, ice cream, and pralines. The smell was intoxicating but it was packed with kids and parents and she took a seat on a bench outside, casting her gaze at her friend Euikoshi as the green-haired Minkan took photos on an old-school camera. Not far away, Gabriela Lively and Poppy Pink conversed about places to visit while they were in the city.

Nito Heisho Sanda Hoshi stood off to the side, watching people having a good time. She was smiling, having a good time herself, but not as much of a good time as she could be having. Two things kept her from doing so. First was that her fiance couldn't be here as he was on assignment in Nepleslia. Second, it was hard to really let oneself go when one was wearing a class A uniform. The lightning tattooed Ranger glanced down at her ribbon display. Rather impressive for just a Nito Heisho. She had elected, and was now very much regretting, going with the skirt. Why in hell had she done that? It was so much harder hiding a secondary pistol and blade up a skirt then it was with pants on. Still all in all things weren't too bad. She had her battle buddy Yayoi with her. She glanced over at her dual eye'd friend and smiled. She knew exactly what Yayoi was thinking. "She'll be fine. Let her run around and take in the sights. Let her get into a little trouble even."

Yayoi was silent as she stood close by Sanda, as she observed people, while also keeping an red and yellow eye out for her daughter who ran off like a child when they arrived. She hoped with how strictly she raised her daughter that she'll behave so she wasn't worried. Though sensing she was being watched, and from where, she glanced over to Sanda and allowed herself to smile back at her.

Yayoi chuckled at Sanda's words. "your right, she will be fine" she said in agreement with Sanda's words.

"Besides, if she does get in trouble. It'll be way more challenging, and interesting, getting her out of it in these dress uniforms. Can't quite do a high kick without ripping these maldición hose." Sanda teased.

"Phhft." Yayoi couldnt stop herself from chucking at poor Sanda's predicament, Though feeling like she was in the same boat as Sanda. "True," she said as she looked down at her skirt.

Despite being 'off the clock' as it were, Sanda was still keeping tabs on her crew members. She had seen Poppy and Gabriela leave heading towards the Military district. She had kept an eye on Yuri for a while but had lost sight of her for the moment. Pidole was grabbing an icecream. Honestly that didn't sound half bad to her at the moment.

"See, there's an issue with having a party after a parade," Poppy was saying to Gabriela. "You can't get intoxicated while in uniform," she pointed out.

"Don't drink whatever that was you drank in Ternifac a couple of years ago," Gabriela warned. "I had to carry you out!"

"Yeah, that stuff was vile and it gave me x-ray vision! I brought a change but it's back in the MDK," Poppy said. "Do you want to walk over and get changed? It's that black dress I wore on Sood Zadra."

"Sure," Gabriela said, and the two began making their way through the crowds towards the gates of the Military District of Kyoto near the Uesureyan Fortress.

As Yuri sat watching the costumes, she saw some men dressed in historic Army of Uesureya uniforms who looked so convincing it wasn't clear if they were costumes or if they were from the mysterious Uesu Fleet.

"oooh!" Yuri said as she sat there watching, and found her focus on the group of men dressed in historic uniforms. She wondered if she should go over and ask if they were members of the mysterious fleet, she'd heard about. Yuri stood up, and gently wiped at her skirts to remove any dust before she looked to where the mysterious group was and made her approach.

"Hello," one of the men said, noticing Yuri approaching.

Yuri gave her best, sweetest smiles as she greeted the man. "hi! Your outfits look amazing! very Historic too!" She said to him as she looked at all of them.

"Thanks, we are showing support for the new Uesureyan Star Empire!" the man said. "Emperor Uesu is a strong leader to have made it this far," he explained.

Yuri nodded her head "Yeah!" She said with a smile on her face. "keep up the support!"

In the center of children and parents that had congregated in the sweet shop was an undersized Taisa in command white. Her ruffled hair was slightly askew near the blue roots and her eyes looked as tired as her posture. Taiyou Hoshi had just made a bulk purchase and handed it out amongst the young crowd and with a sigh, bolstered her energy for a small thank you to the group of children.

Hoshi and them had worked through the night in a refrigerated warehouse to put the finishing flowery touches on the Precious Sword float that had been their responsibility for the parade. Walking and waving next to the slow moving float had been the last of the Taisa's official duties, but she had wanted to thank the children with some sweets for all of them and a thank you from her heart. But, now that they were all messily eating their prizes, she absconded out of the store to take the first seat she found next to the Resurgence's engineer. With a tired sigh, she looked at the bag of pralines that she was left with and opened it, pulling out one for herself before looking over the the redhead beside her.

"Would you like one?" Hoshi offered curtly, barely indicating the bag of cookies.

"Oh!" Pidole said, her stare interrupted with a smile. "Thank you! I'm Nitô Heisho Pidole Henitot."

In her digital mind, Hoshi pulled up the name then nodded lackadaisically, "You work on a Fuji, then." With a mustered smile, she passed the nutty cookie and added, "Me too. I'm hoping you like the class as much as I do, Pidole Henitot."

"I like it because it's big enough to survive but small enough to manage," Pidole nodded. "We never did find a chief engineer so I've been acting chief since the ship launched," she explained to Hoshi.

"'Big enough to survive but small enough to manage,'" Hoshi repeated. "I like that, I'll tell it to my ship MEGAMI, for sure. Oh, sorry if I haven't introduced myself; I'm a little low energy after staying up all night building a float with that group inside. I'm Taiyou Hoshi, captain to my Fuji. But to be honest, I think managing my crew is easier than herding the same amount of kids. I'm wiped... Here, this one has chocolate," Hoshi said, handing a chocolate-bottomed praline to Pidole.

Pidole's eyes lit up at the mention of chocolate, a small chuckle escaping her lips as she accepted the praline from Hoshi. "I can imagine," she said, the corners of her mouth curling into a sympathetic smile. "Kids can be quite a handful. And they're always hungry."

She observed Hoshi for a moment, noting the fatigue evident in her posture and in her eyes. Pidole wasn't a people person by nature, but she understood the universal language of exhaustion.

"But I must admit," Pidole continued, her gaze thoughtful. "Your float was quite impressive. The floral touches were a nice touch, and it shows how much effort was put into it. It must've been a sight to see it in the parade."

She took a bite of her praline, her eyes closing briefly as she savored the taste of chocolate mixing with the rich, nutty flavor of the praline. The brief silence was a comfortable one, a moment of respite amidst the ongoing celebrations around them. As she chewed, she let her gaze wander to the ongoing festivities, her analytical mind idly observing the ebbs and flows of the crowd.

Looking back at Hoshi, Pidole gave a nod of understanding. "As for the Fuji, well... It's been a challenging journey, but one I wouldn't trade for anything else," she admitted, a note of fondness creeping into her voice. "Each day on the Resurgence presents a new problem to solve, a new puzzle to work out. And I think that's what makes it all worthwhile."

Her expression softened as she looked at Hoshi, a sense of camaraderie shared between them. Despite their different experiences and paths, they both understood the intricacies of managing a starship and the unique challenges it posed.

"But hey," Pidole added with a small grin, "At least we have chocolate to get us through the tough times, right?"

During Taisho Yui's Star Army procession, Ketsurui Aiko had marched at the head of Legion 777 rather than with her Uchuugun comrades from the fleets. Their recent spate of heroics in Uesureyan space against the Mishhuvurthyar, as well as more recent feats of daring closer to home, left the legion battle-hardened — and much deserving of today's parade duty like they'd performed in abundance after the Kuvexian War. A handful of exchange soldiers from Nepleslia and the Star Army of Uesureya trooped alongside Aiko and the legionaries as worthy allies whose trust had been earned against Yamatai's foes.

Aiko found herself among the masses once the parade finished, flanked by her two silent samurai bodyguards. Every so often she'd stop and chat with some citizen or soldier who asked for a picture or a word, but rarely lingered very long and simply enjoyed the sights of Kyoto during Kikyo no Sekku. She wore her white Type 35 Class As and carried her gold and ivory katana gripped in her left hand. A few new awards would have weighed down Aiko's chest but the Ketsurui Princess had grown accustomed to only wearing her Order of the Blazing Sun medal hanging from its crimson ribbon alongside a single Service Award upon her breast. And, of course, a little bundle of freshly picked periwinkle bellflowers were pinned into Aiko's lengthy raven black hair above her right ear.

She spotted Hoshi and passed through her commanding officer's field of vision. Aiko made sure to catch Hoshi's eyes with her own scarlet gaze, but did not interrupt the pink captain's conversation.

The sight of her XO made Hoshi sit a little straighter and her smile in reply to Aiko's gaze was more enthused than those before had been. The sugary energy of the pralines had worked some energy up in her pink cheeks as she turned to Pidole.

"I'd say good friends help a lot more during the challenges than any chocolate," Hoshi confided before she took the last treat out of the bag. "But that doesn't make them any less delicious! I wish I had an engineer roaming the parade to introduce you to, but instead I see my First Officer." She was ready to either lead Pidole to Aiko or say her goodbyes and catch up with her comrade.

Pidole gave the captain a bow and another sincere thank you. "I appreciate the praline! It's an excellent morale boost after walking kilometers in the sun!"

"Come, how about we go for a walk?' Yayoi asked Sanda as staying in one was boring her.

Sanda straightened up from the wall she'd be leaning against. "Yeah, Why not. We've been standing in one place too long anyway. A rookie sniper could have lined up a shot on us we've been stationary so long." She joked.

Yayoi nodded her head in agreement, and soon led the way before discovering Pidole's location. "oh i see Pidole over there" She points out, and recognized Kiyo and Luna's old captain as well.

"Here, come over with me as I check in with her," Hoshi said, leading Pidole away from the sweet shop. It meant Sanda and Yayoi had to readjust their angle and weave through the crowd to get to her as Hoshi and Pidole crossed the street. "You walked in the parade with the First Fleet, then. I didn't get to see if there were marches in that formation or not."

"Yes, our crew marched as a unit," Pidole explained. "My captain, Aoba Kuranosuke is somewhere around."

Sanda followed Pidole with a preditory look in her eyes. Even in an event like this, it was hard not to think like a Ranger. As Pidole and the Taisa moved threw the crowds, Sanda also followed, yet discreetly, the same if she had been wearing fatiges and tracking a target in the field.

Yayoi followed Sanda's actions as she watched and observed Pidole, as she and Sanda went ranger mode.

"I'd love to meet him!" Hoshi said about Aoba as she turned slightly and nodded discreetly to the people she passed- a silvery haired Nekovalkyrja in Uesureyan teal and a pair of white and red clad samurai amongst them. Finally, she had passed the throng with Pidole and gave Aiko a more distinct greeting.

"Is Boss around?" Hoshi asked immediately to the raven-haired Ketsurui. "Nitô Heisho Pidole Henitot told me something about her ship I want to relay."

"Yes, she is exploring Kyoto somewhere away from the crowds," Aiko said back, glancing at Hoshi's new companion. The princess grinned at Pidole in the friendly way she always did when meeting new people, but her smile now was a tad more approving after having noticed Pidole's athletic stature and bearing. "A pleasure to meet you, Heisho."

"Oh, too bad," Hoshi said, though she sounded less than sad about it and followed with, "Good for her. This is a fellow Fuji-class enjoyer, Ketsurui-chusa." She turned to Pidole with a stark bow centered between the two of them.

Pidole gave a self-conscious little wave and as she did, a large blue beetle crawled up the back of her red hair and took up a position on top of her head, grabbing on to the base on her ponytail. "Don't mind her," Pidole added.

Aiko blinked with a small measure of surprise when Pidole's insect friend but remained otherwise unflustered by the bright blue bug skittering around and finding a spot in the engineer's hair. Although Pidole appeared of Yamataian stock, she could very well have been from some humanoid civilization who shared symbiosis with beetles — or it was just her pet — so Aiko decided not to ask too much about it.

"An interesting companion, Heisho," Aiko said to reassure Pidole that she didn't mind Bidole. "I am sure your Fuji-class has been as fine a vessel for you as it is for Hoshi-taisa and myself," she added, spying the ship patch on Pidole's shoulder. "The Resurgence is known across the fleet for its reliability."

"Yes, we have been able to survive some tough scenarios, including an unexpected run in with the Mishhuvurthyar. The Star Army has been low-key about it publicly but I think there's a renewed sense of urgency to prepare for new battles," Pidole confided.

A big smile lit up Aiko's face at mention of the Mishhuvurthyar, somewhat contrasted with Pidole's tone. Her Neko fangs seemed to dominate her wide grin.

"One can never over-prepare when it comes to their kind," Aiko said happily. "The task force in which we serve only recently subjugated a world infested with the Mishhu. But you must have confidence no matter how mighty they seem. They have no mind for anything but carnage, so learn to meet their mindless fury with your own focused skill.

"Or at least avoid them entirely if you can," Aiko added, letting her smile fade away after realizing that not every soldier was an infantry warrior. "Blast them from afar so they do not have their chance in the first place. If you encoutner them again, I am sure you will find victory in any case, Heisho. For now you must enjoy the rest of your holiday."

With that, Aiko bobbed her head pleasantly to let Pidole know she wasn't obliged to entertain her as an officer any longer. The princess herself moved on quickly and looked out across the crowd, scanning over the heads of everyone else to again bask in the sights and sounds of Kikyo no Sekku.

When Sanda and Yayoi followed in pursuit of their crewmen, several of the people in the group of Task Force 282 parted. The short silver-haired Uesureyan Neko seemed perturbed and her freckled nose scrunched up, but she went back to her conversation after stepping aside. When Sanda reached the samurai flanking the Ketsurui and Kaiyo's XO, though, she saw a small hand move from beneath a white yukata. A steely-faced woman with a low brunette ponytail stepped in her path with her hand raised.

Yayoi took note of the woman's actions which caused her protective instincts to rise as the thought of whether they were a threat to her crew.

Sanda paused a moment as a brunette Neko stepped in front of her. The Ranger had to stop her hand from automatically moving to her blade. She just eyed the neko, sizing it up. Her lightning bolt tattoo seeming to almost glow brighter. Every instinct told her that this neko was deadly. But so was Sanda, and Sanda didn't like backing down from anything. "Excuse me." Sanda said and went to move past the woman.

A trio of tall Nepleslians had moved between Sanda and Yayoi and their crewmen Pidole, blocking their view of one another. When the lightning tattooed ranger made to move past the samurai, the brunette stepped with her so that she was both blocking her path and had pressed her open hand over the Ranger's forearm just light enough to brush against her jacket

"No further," the samurai Rei said. Her next singular word held a questioning lilt to her brisk tone, "Intentions?"

Again, Sanda had to fight her natural Nepleslian instincts to grab her blade and the arm holding her at the same time. But she just mangaed to hold it together and said, "Just checking on my crewmate. Some of my cousins blocked the view." Refering to the Nepleslian soldiers. "Just want to make sure little red is ok."

Pidole nodded and returned to a spot near the ice cream and candy shop, where she met up with Euikoshi, who said, "Hey, I got us a suite at the Grand Kyoto Tower! Let's chill in here!"

Rei's pale eyes narrowed, but she was really looking through her skin vision and through narrow passaged in the crowds. A deep red-haired engineer was walking away from Aiko and the samurai dropped her hand and nodded to the tattooed Star Army soldier.

"She went that way," Rei said only as she tilted the side of her head towards Pidole as she went back across the street and to the sweet shop once more.

Sanda didn't turn around to look. Her eyes were locked on the woman in front of her. "And who are you?" Sanda said somewhat challenging. The Nep was starting to win out in her.

Having relegated her mind to the monotony of the same tedium of a Kyoto tour guide that was helping lost children, Rei has already said as much as she had wanted to and more. The hand that had been pressed lightly against Sanda and dropped was now draped across her chest to meet the other that rested on the hilt of her sword.

Sanda saw the hand restsing on the sword hilt. Sanda crossed her own arms in front of her. This put her hands resting on both her side arm and her blade as she wore both in a cross-draw fasion. "Tienes suerte de que esté de uniforme, perra." Sanda said in her heart language.

"Hey hey!!" Hoshi said, breaking past the hip of one of the Nepleslians to come towards the Resurgence crewmen and the samurai. If she sensed the tension between the two, she didn't seem to make note of it. "I've heard of you," she said specifically to Sanda with a pointing pink finger. Then to Rei, said, "The princess and I were just talking to their chief engineer."

Sanda very relutently came to attention as the Taisa approached. As the Taisa spoke everything suddenly fell into place. "Oh miercoles." This was a samurai guarding someone of importance. Sanda glanced at Rei and nodded, as if to say no hard feeling.

To the Taisa Sanda said, "Nito Heisho Hoshi. YSS Resurgence."

"I know," Hoshi said, blinking away the words. She looked to the tensed samurai she worked alongside and couldn't help but add, "It looks like I'm not the only one that has had my eye on you! My name's Taiyou Hoshi, captain of the YSS Kaiyō II. Not many with our same name, so I've followed your career a bit. You're an exemplary soldier."

When Hoshi had spoken these last words, Rei turned her back and seemed to care about the threat Sanda posed no more. The samurai didn't often hear her captain speak like this to those outside of her own crew and believed the weight of the words enough to stand down and check back in on her ward amongst the festivities of the day.

((OOC: JP by Wes, Charaa, Cowboy, Ametheliana, and raz))
Yayoi observed the interactions between Sanda , Rei, and the woman that she recognized as her sister’s captain. “Captain Taiyou Hoshi, my sister Kiyo, and niece told me about you.” She said as she furrowed her brow, she’d seen her somewhere before but she did not know where. “Which makes you, Rei-Sensei” She said, turning her attention back to the moving Rei, as she placed a hand on Sanda’s arm. Yayoi was in awe, at the fact a Samurai was there in front of them.
"Que? I..." Sanda was suddenly at a lost of words. She had never had anyone take any interest in her career outside of her family before. "Thank you Ma'am. I try to do my best." Sanda's attention moved towards Yayoi. Seemed Yayoi was more familiar with this group than she was. Podrías haberme advertido antes, hermana. Sanda thought. Thinking back now, she was glad that she had managed to keep her cool and not trade blows with the Samurai. Not that Sanda would have hesitated to fight one if the need arose, but the Ranger was experienced enough to know that unless she had gone all in at the beginning the samurai would have probably ended the fight before Sanda would have landed her first blow.

Shaking the thoughts away, Sanda said, "I've heard of the Kaiyō II. My brother in law has talked about it with great interest. He's a starship operator so ships fascinate him more than they do me."
"Mmm, I get that a lot," Hoshi didn't know what else to say to Yayoi but the truth. It seemed to her that every holiday or outing, she was being acquainted with another extended member of the Weeyico family.

"Must have captured his attention quite a bit if you work on the same class as me," Hoshi said with thought and her hand went to scratch at her chin as she did so. She considered if it was the TDD or another nonstandard systems of the Kaiyo that interested the brother in law or something more publicly known. She chose to go with something most would know about.

"Wonder what he knows about ours... We're the second of our class and we got to work alongside her sister ship that came before her, the YSS Fuji, in Uesureya. It was very cool." Despite the simplicity of her words, she spoke more with the excited squeeze of her blue eyes as she recalled the way the two Fuji ships had danced around the Xianthrafruglu Gunship. They had twisted through the space above Kessica only to kite the Mishhuvurthyar ship to the planet below, where the hacked planetary defenses tore the enemy ship through.

"Being on this class of ship comes with its adventures, but also it can be very lonely," Hoshi wanted to add something like 'at the top', but bit her tongue. "It's been nice having company more often lately. Speaking of company, I don't want to hold you two up. There's a lot of parade after party left to enjoy."
Sanda shrugged. She wasn't sure exactly what her brother-in-law knew or didn't know. "He really just likes spaceships and whatnot. Me? I prefer to have my boots on the ground." Sanda smiled as she thought about her posting. She really should have joined the Rikugun, but she had to admit that being assigned to a spaceship was a lot more interesting than being in the Rikugun. Those poor guys didn't get near enough action.

Sanda smiled and nodded in agreement with Hoshi's statement about adventures. "That it does Ma'am. The Resurgence has taken us all over the place from international space stations to machine planets with virus creatures to rescue ops on Hanako's world." She paused and glanced over at Yayoi. They had rescued the duel eyed Neko on Hanako's world, Sanda was very thankful for that. She had been one of the tattooed woman's closest friend on the Res. She saluted Taisa Hoshi. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Ma'am. I hope you enjoy the rest of the festivities as well."
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"Enjoy the celebrations," Taiyou Hoshi said with a return salute to Sanda Hoshi. "I look forward to seeing you become a fine officer one day." She watched her and Yayoi disappear into the crowds before she turned inquisitively to her XO. She had to scoot between one of the Nepleslians and Rei to do so, but then was looking up at the princess. She floated slightly to get a height advantage on the 33A while holographically projecting a bright blue thunderbolt across her pink features. She had to lift her pale blue bangs up to fully show off the cyan addition that started at her forehead and curved into her eyelid and down her cheek in a blocky representation of lightning.

"Do you think it suits me?" Hoshi asked Aiko, wishing she had a mirror handy.
Although Aiko had remained near to Hoshi and Rei following her short conversation with Pidole, the Ketsurui princess seemed oblivious to the exchange between her senior samurai yojimbo and Sanda. An officer of Aiko's station knew not to get involved in the work of her imperial protectors and thus gave no indication that she'd paid keen attention to what the hot-headed Ranger had said to Rei (nor to any of the other goings-on around her). After all, Aiko was an unrivalled warrior herself who was trained by the Ketsurui Samurai, the Star Army, and SAINT's best operatives. So she missed very little that happened within her perception but nonetheless maintained an appearance of focus solely on what was in front of her, which for the time being had been a group of Rikugun soldiers who'd asked for a selfie alongside the famous princess.

When Hoshi addressed her, Aiko was wrapping up her pleasantries with the fawning infantry girls and turned to examine her captain's holograpically modified visage. The princess' own face shifted from a warm smile to something more flat when she saw and scrutinized Hoshi's temporary thunderbolt. After a long few seconds, Aiko raised her right eyebrow ever-so-slightly as she wondered what to actually say to her captain.

"No," Aiko said very simply at last. She assumed the whole thing was some bit of Hoshi's humor, and Hoshi could only surmise that Aiko's succinct reply contained a touch of what the princess thought was peak comedy. "You have by now learned what I think of both halves of your taste, and this falls squarely within the parts I find lacking. Something more traditional would be better for a Nekovalkyrja so recognizable as you. But perhaps this lightning mark could be re-framed as a shooting star and branded upon the rumps of your ranch's livestock."

Aiko grinned a thin, wide smile and her eyes narrowed. Mostly because her joke associating her friend's face with a mark best suited to be put on a yak's ass made the princess well up with the urge to burst out in hysterical laughter. But Aiko had enough control over her emotions to refrain.

"Perhaps the effects of food or libations would prompt a better look for you than whatever this is," Aiko said as her expression returned to something more pleasantly demure and expected of her. She pointed up to the sweets shop behind them. "There is ice cream right here. Do you think they have a flavor that tastes like mai tais?"
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