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Approved Submission {Yamatai?} Mevar Core Worms


Inactive Member
Submission Type:Animal
Submission URL:https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=system:mevar:core_worms

Faction: Star Army of Yamatai (owns the planet...)
FM Approved Yet? nope...
Faction requires art? Don't think so.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: First of all I'm adding animals to the planet Mevar. Home of Task Force 77. Second of all I wanted something I could use for a small sub mission on planet. Cause I didn't want to say so in the Wiki, Basically think the Graboids from Tremors... But a bit different, no snake tongues, acid saliva, No Kevan Bacon...
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Remember that "it's" is only used when you mean "it is."

For stuff like "its beak" you want the "its" with no apostrophe (I fixed these).

My main issue with these is that current canon says that life on Mevar is in the oceans, and basically it's hard to suggest that these things would not have been a problem for the various settlers of this planet who have been there for many past years of RP. Basically, with such a large and dangerous creature, I'm not sure it makes sense to have them suddenly show up and then say they've always been there. Do you know what I mean?

Possible solution: Is it possible that these are NON-native species that are some sort of experimental Mishhuvurthyar life form that the Mishhu used to assist with their mining operations (e.g. it makes tunnels that the miners can use later)?
Funny you suggest that @Wes , cause that was one idea I had for them, but I dropped it because I thought it would over complicate them, but I can add that back in. And It would fall in with the original purpose for the plot, taking out Mishu-ness that was left behind after the war.
Serious question though: Why would there be any Mishhu left on Mevar? Thousands of Yamataians have been living there for the last 7 years, you would think that by now people would have noticed any enemy leftovers that still existed.
Most of the descriptions of the recolonization make it sound as if the population would be close together, maybe one major city with a few out laying villages, hamlets, or farming communities. With a population of 325,000, conceder the whole population of Wyoming is 583,223 (as of 2013), They couldn't spread all that far away from the central colony. Now conceder the fact that those groups would be all on the same Continent, again for ease of trade, support, and other utility matters. That is the reason I viewed the second Continent as a great place to see a rare "land" dwelling animal, that has yet to be noticed.

I could also see a few people trying to go off to the wilds to make their fountain and meeting a mysterious end to a Core Worm.
Is there a planning thread for TF77 that you can link me to?
Not for the Task Force, all I have is my plot planning thread, I know it hasn't been updated in a year, but we are still in the section of missions that it covers. The other reason I don't keep up on it is I keep written notes in a note book that I drag around with me, those have the best notes and is there ready for any ideas I might have.
Please post an update so I know what's currently happening in your plot and what the plans are. Roleplay Reviews (Plot Audits) are about to happen anyway.