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Approved Submission [Yamatai] Peacekeeper Heavy Industries


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Corporation
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=yamatai:phi

Faction: Yamatai (Jiyuu System)
FM Approved Yet? (Not sure, discussed with Wes/Aendri)
Faction requires art? (No)

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (No)
Contains New art? (No)
Previously Submitted? (No)

In keeping with the evolving meta-plot storyline I am running in Jiyuu, I am offering nothing new, but an attempt to simply re-purpose existing setting tech elements that are disused by forming them under a new umbrella entity and using that to explain who is making them now that the old companies are destroyed. Aendri suggested this as the best way to go to get constructive feedback about this approach (since it involves things others created in the far past), instead of just going ahead and doing it by GM fiat for my future plotline, Joint Task Force Kaguya.

I would note, this is in no way trying to resurrect the former UOC as a faction; It is a state-run enterprise loyal to Yamatai, but it just makes business sense that a company based in Jiyuu would use the name recognition/pride for branding, and also attract & employ a lot of talented ex-Peacekeeper refugees in good paying jobs so they don't go bad and join the GAO. :-)

(This is my first NTSE submission, so be kind.)
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
PHI seems fine to be, but I have concerns about what exactly JTF Kaguya is. If it's part of the Star Army of Yamatai, why are they not using Star Army ships? If not, why are they based in Yamatai's space? The Star Army of Yamatai is the only allowed military force in Yamataian space.
Thanks @Doshii Jun.

@Wes, I'm sorry for any confusion about the plotline, as I'm still in the process of writing all the supporting articles and the news events surrounding it. But in a nutshell, it is as we discussed this before... JTF is exactly that because it is intended to be a "joint" military entity legitimized by DATASS treaty cooperation -- effectively a militia with government oversight/leadership using salvaged Jiyuuian technology and ships donated by the Lorath Matriarchy to place them in the service of the Star Army, in order to quickly bolster security forces in the region against a brewing insurgency/terrorist group. Local problems are best dealt with by local forces, so they say. I would note that this is also perfectly in keeping within the declared combat doctrine of the Tenth Standard Fleet, as it says on the wiki that it relies heavily on contractors, irregular forces, and even foreign militaries like the Gartagens to augment its numbers in emergencies. So why wouldn't they allow the Matriarchy to assist also? It's even a good way to project Star Army influence inside of Lorath space as well, as they could operate there, too.

I would also mention that at first I was only seeking to make a small Ayana Escort based force, but @DocTomoe then brought up specifically to me that in the past the Star Army demanded that the Matriarchy give certain ships back to them, namely the Ionoche Class Light Carrier, and this deal is a way to partially honor that request (he was only willing to give a token 20 of the 420 though).
My point of view is there's any military activity in Yamatai space, in should be done by the Star Army of Yamatai. Any time someone makes a non-Star Army military in Yamatai, it always ends up rebelling at some point so Yamatai has come to be very suspicious of these type of forces.

The DATASS treaty does not actually have anything in it about creating a joint task force. The closest is: "Joint military exercises and consultations are to be held between Signatories to highlight any potential military deficiencies and to ensure that the efficiency of any joint military action is maximized."

Please also keep in mind Yamatai has almost zero trust in Lor, and the Star Army also increasingly views the defense treaty as harmful interference in their normal operations. The Star Army really has no interest in international forces and would basically block any such group at any opportunity (which could be useful for RP tension, or explain why the Star Army won't provide Star Army ships for the force).

Current law is:

No organization besides the Star Army of Yamatai is permitted to maintain any standing or temporary military force, except for planetary governments, which may maintain standing militaries of their own if they would prefer that to Star Army defense forces. A standing military force is an armed unit or units of personnel whose primary purpose is military in nature. Security forces and escorts are permitted, but should not act as the main force or independently of the main force of a fleet.
I think this will be something that the Empress or Senate will have to address for it to change.

Or maybe the way to make this work with YSE law would be to prohibit the JTF from operating within Yamatai's borders, or to make it some nominally planet-based force (although the Star Army is already heavily invested in Jiyuu).
Well, if it comes down to a matter of needing something to be the security force for, then I would possibly recommend that the Lorath Matriarchy perhaps require a 'security force' for their shipping lanes into the Yamatai side of the border, hiring a bunch of former Peacekeepers for the job. Alternatively, the PHI could serve as a security force on behalf of the United Manufacturing Cooperative, which would likely still be operating some resources on the Yamatai side of the border for the civilian consumer market. Of course, those are merely some potential alternatives.
Hmm, these are all very thought provoking suggestions. It seems that the plotline is turning into some kind of security contractor gig, or paramilitary action if so. Which is okay, because one primary enemy is another paramilitary and pirating entity at first. I'm guessing I would need to add a "security" division to cover this aspect, then... though is it possible to do all 3 things that were mentioned?

And if there is a jurisdiction issue perhaps it could be based somewhere like Siren instead (shared mining area)?
Siren would make sense.
This could also be appropriate not just because of the joint sovereignty, but MFY had an old asteroid mining facility there that would fall into PHI hands and could be used as a base. Historically, this was also the HQ of the UOC 4th Logistics Fleet at Mayer Station before it was destroyed.

Okay, I reorganized it so the PHI civilian works stuff stays on Jiyuu to help rebuild it, while the security arm (JTF Kaguya) is primarily based out of Siren to avoid the current YSE legal restrictions on a standing military force and have relatively free movement through the two nation's territories to help escort UMC/Matriarchy assets. It could also be called in temporarily to assist the SAOY Tenth Fleet in an emergency, just like any other private contractor army.

I think this solves the problem. :)
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