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Approved Submission [Yamatai] School for Advanced Infantry Combat


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
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Submission Faction(s)
  1. Yamatai (except Elysia)
Submission Terms
  1. I agree
Submission Type: Training facility/program
Template Used: None
Submission WIP URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:faction:stararmy:saic
Submission Destination URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:training:saic

Faction: Yamatai
FM Approved Yet? No @Wes
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No

Unapproved article:
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Reactions: raz
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
This is super cool but I'm wondering if Tatiana would actually work for a full service infantry training facility. According to the wiki on Tatiana:
So I don't know if that'd jive with the live fire exercises and other stuff required to turn Neko into Valkyries. Freespacers aren't even allowed on the planet due to being mildly radioactive, and I'm pretty sure that Vekimen are similarly barred now that the setting is aware that they're insane burrowing murder lizards who will hollow out a planet at the first opportunity. Of course, the Imperial government/Star Army can do anything it wants, but it doesn't make sense that they'd choose "The Greenpeace Geshrin Nationalist Planet" to put the SAoY Ranger School when other inhospitable swamp-forest-deathbogs exist across the sector. The second part of the above quote about Neko, while a secondary concern, is still questionable in that it'd be the Star Army putting a bunch of Neko somewhere that they're socially tolerated rather than embraced.

That said, the governor's a Saiga and wouldn't lodge a formal complaint with the Empress/Premier or anything owing to her inherent sense of loyalty. And having an elite infantry school on Warmaster Tatiana's planet is pretty awesome, I gotta say.
You could argue that the SA put the school there to protect it with a human shield, since nobody in their right mind would conduct hostile operations on such a peaceful world, else their nation cry out. Makes sure there's no raids or infiltration operations conducted by rogue nations?

Mostly it makes some sense that they'd put these special forces trainees somewhere where their whole time there they'd be lowkey hated - I suppose it'd toughen them up mentally, rather like how SEALs and SAS train in places that are less accepting to them?

*shrugs* I don't really have a vested interest, just saw this was further down the sub list and decided to argue the other side for sake of expediting approval or denial.
Still working on location, but can someone look at the rest? Maybe @Fred? ^^
I will wait one week for @Wes before abandoning this article.

I will be sad about missing out on the opportunity to utilize this cool art that came with the OG article!!! Them sakura flowers tho!

Wes has approved it. I don't have any great objection to it, but I also have no vested interest in the infantry/ground combat focus. I'd like to ask someone the does have an interest to chip in.

Say @Bilgecrank what would you think of Rolf, as a Centurion, having possibly graduated from a training program such as this? (since I assume it might be retroactive; if not, just an opinion on why this might be cool or not would do)

Of course! This is right up Rolf's ally in his path to seek perfection in his art of warmaking. This program sounds like a great way to refine and touch up his combat experience into something more drilled and trained, which will pay off in his future as a Centurion.
Reactions: Wes
I think I will make it on HX-13 if that is A-OK.

Thanks for the support.
Reactions: raz
I think I will make it on HX-13 if that is A-OK.

Thanks for the support.
That's a cool idea because Operation Kozan itself was a success, meaning it's just a big death jungle planet with 2nd Mishhu War relics and hazards thrown in. Much better than some pristine place where space hippies would probably yell at you. And historically, the site of one of the Rikugun's greatest triumphs sounds like an awesome place to put a base β€” now all infantry leaders will experience the horrors their forebears did.
It kind of bothered me how the sakura pin was to be worn in the middle of the rank pin, so I changed it to be worn below the rank pin.
In trying to develop class numbers (maybe we will have fake Giretsu like we have fake SEALs), I realized the training schedule listed on the article does not make a lot of sense. At most within 45 weeks of a Yamataian year (the school was made after the switch), you can only get 5 cycles done with one century only being in training.

I wish to change the current line "The SAIC has a maximum intake of 1000 students divided into 100-student Centuries; only one class is run at a single time." to "The SAIC has a maximum intake of 500 students divided into 100-student Centuries; only one class is run at a single time. The last month of the year is used to train up the instructors on lessons learned in the field that year and time off."
Neat bit of math I missed there. Maybe add in the number of cycles within a year so future readers don't have to do that same maths? No problem from me! Ameproved
No objections from me, sounds like a good update. Thanks for catching this.
Awesome, I will make the changes later and make up a list of classes at the bottom.
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