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Approved Submission [Yamatai] Senior Enlisted Advisor


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"...duties of Master-at-Arms, Away Team Leader, Damage Control Officer, and others, at the CO's discretion." These are real occupations? Master-At-Arms does not sound familiar.

"Maintaining crew discipline" Please expand and make it clear they can't be unjust. Maybe discipline as advised by the captain or higher ranking officials? I just don't want to see abuse of power in this occupation.

Otherwise, love it.
Ah, I've got several collateral occupations in the works - Master-At-Arms was one of them, they were going to be the person in charge of the regular training of the crew, because training gets forgotten.

Then I realised that Master-At-Arms was what the Navy calls their MPs, so I changed its name to Sergeant-At-Arms and forgot to change it in this article.

Sergeant-At-Arms still isn't a real thing in SARP. You'll need to make its wiki if you want it to be a part of this article.
Ame is right about the Sergeant at Arms thing - it's best to remove that mention I think. This article looks like it's good to go, but @Wes will have to give the final stamp of approval.
I was thinking it would probably just be easier to remove the mention than make a whole new sub-article.

Replaced with the word "Trainer".
@Wes is this okay or shall I hang up the coat? Whatever drama there was has died down and was unwarranted in the first place, no reason to not have this neat lil' thing.
One thing I've noticed is that the duties outlined here are already taken care of by others in the chain of command.

The XO specifically is already the crew-CO liaison, department heads do a lot of what is described, and the whole SAoY warrant officer structure essentially fulfills the occupaion's goal. I've had Neko called "Ms. COB" in-character, and others have had mentor-type heisho in the past, so the "chief" concept is already part of the SAoY's culture.

Maybe this should be more of a flag staff occupation for enlisted who serve under admirals (though they'd probably just be assigned as a Clerk, anyway, since that is a command track option).

Just a suggestion due to lack of really any outsider input.
Fair point but the idea is that it's not just officers talking to officers. Personally I don't think XOs interact enough with the crew to have their ear to the ground like an actual NCO would - they've never lived as an Enlisted and only as a cushy officer.

In the SAoY Warrant Officers are specialists in a given field and are probably too busy with their duties as well to interact and get to know the Enlisted well enough to inform the captain. That and they started as Santo Juni, which is still a step away from the actual troops.

As for mentor heisho, this is exactly the role for them. Even better, it can be taken as a collateral role to their primary occupation and serves as a window to pick the mind of the Captain for those they mentor, which they don't particularly have the excuse to do otherwise.

Glad to have some suggestions though.
Reactions: Wes
You've gotta remember that the Star Army isn't the real military, and what's on the wiki is more important than how anything works in real life. Not saying that the occupation or idea should be scrapped, but you're using personal misconceptions to justify something that the SAoY already effectively has instead of making something new.
Personally I don't think XOs interact enough with the crew to have their ear to the ground like an actual NCO would - they've never lived as an Enlisted and only as a cushy officer.
This is the only anecdotal thing I'll say, but most player officers, at least, are mustangs (ie: they started out as enlisted and became officers). Combined with the fact that Neko are effectively immortal, it's really safe to assume that the SAoY's officer corps has a higher percentage of mustang officers than really any real world military example.
Warrant officers in the SAoY are "usually seasoned technical experts" who "can come from the enlisted ranks or, in some cases ... be professionals" hired from civilian jobs. This suggests that more of them know about the enlisted life than do not.

If you don't want to read all of that, I think the core of what I'm getting at is: "what can this occupation do that the Star Army's existing command structure and traditions don't already fulfill?"
Reactions: Wes
...something that the SAoY already effectively has instead of making something new.

There you go again questioning my creativity Raz. Keep it to yourself next time, this makes the third time you've done so - it's unnecessary and unwelcome. I'd understand if you submitted as regularly as I do but you don't. Settings are made to be elaborated on, for example we already have Leave in setting but Wes decided to make an article for it - this is no different.
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I actually sent you a private message on Discord eight minutes after my post so that you had no excuse to misconstrue my help as an insult, as you have before, but you did so anyway. If you aren't interested in considering concepts that might improve your articles and react poorly every time then nobody's going to be able to assist you.

Whatever, good luck.
I've been offline on Discord for the past few hours Raz, not sure why you thought sending me a message after posting and when I was offline would alert me to that. If you'd had anything constructive to say I perhaps would have looked at it in a different light, as it stands all I see are comments to the contrary.

If it is close enough to an insult to warrant explanation privately maybe it needs to be reworded before sending, that's a flag in itself - otherwise third parties who read such things take it the wrong way, as a denouncement of sorts, as people most definitely are known to do.

Maybe Ame's comments threw you off being more constructive. Thanks anyway.
I like to take the necessary time to look over things, especially when they're for the Star Army. So far I haven't had that time. Thanks for your patience.
FM approved.
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