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Approved Submission [Yamatai territory] Yamatai Star System

Doshii Jun

Perpetual player
Retired Staff
Submission Type: Star System
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=system:yamatai

Faction: Yamatai Star Empire.
FM Approved Yet? No.
Faction requires art? No.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes
Contains New art? Yes.
Previously Submitted? No.

The planetary articles are not ready for submission yet, but I plan to expound upon what I've written in for planetary notes on this page. The minor and dwarf planets also will get submissions.

Thanks to Arieg for the template and the art!
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So just to confirm, the approval of this will be apart from the represented numbers the system wiki article contains?
Other way around. The numbers in the article up for approval will become the canon numbers; numbers in other articles will be brought into line with this article.
Ok, because the orbital period of Yamatai, on the article in question, is less than half that it should be. The rest are within a 2-5% tolerance of the numbers I came up with based on their distances and the reported mass of the star.
You're talking about the days it takes to orbit the star, right? That's one number we have that is "special."
Sorry, didn't mean to shut you down there.

Thanks to you, Khassy and Ari, I'm aware that the length-of-year is off from what should happen. That's why I say it's a special number; it's the l-o-y we've consistently used for years now, so it's nice to keep it.
It's cool. Dynamics is just something I've been researching for a few years for fiction of my own, so I wanted to make sure that the information there is what is truly wanted as opposed to something that was missed.
I'm still not sure on this star thing. Sorry to take so long to decide.
System names refer to the star the planets orbit and always have. The Yamatai system is the capital of the Yamatai Star Empire. The Imperial Seat is on a world formerly named Geshrintall, now also named Yamatai. This system lies in the Kikyo Sector of systems. I don't see how this is confusing. It's how it has always been and changing the star's name kind of ignores roleplayed history.
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