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RP [Yamatai] The Chrome Catgirl - YE 35

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The Chrome Catgirl was a well-reputed bar and grill in downtown Kyoto, notable for a huge wine selection and for its steak and sushi. Inside the bar it was dimly lit and the walls were covered in ornate inlaid wood patterns, paintings of famous battles, and old military gear in display cases. Each table featured small chrome statues of famous Nekovalkyrja. It was a good place to unwind either in good company at the large bar or secluded in one of the many nooks and crannies in the leather booth seats along the walls...and a great place to hear or tell war stories.

The bartender, Kasandra, was a cute Elysian Plebeian with a round face, light brown bob cut hair, sky blue eyes, and tiny pink wings. She was dressed in a very short modified kimono that has an ornate dragon pattern.

OOC: This is an open, casual RP thread that anyone is free to join.
Re: The Chrome Catgirl [Open]

"I'll give you an autograph after lunch."

"Hai! Arigatou gozaimasu, Taichou." The waitress was practically bouncing on her toes as she walked away with the Captain's lunch order of beef sashimi and steamed rice, Ralt style with just a dash of winter spices.

"Taichou...? Damn. That's high praise." Luca mumbled.

The one good thing about Kyoto in Luca's eyes was how secure it was. When you had to lay low from bounty hunters or pirates, there was no better place to sit back and quaff. However, he did have other problems with fans. Occasionally the odd picture of him would surface on the InterNEP or SYNC of him out and about doing mundane activities.

One of the more notable photos was him on a park bench looking kind of depressed. Once the artistic sorts got their hands on the picture, he started seeing pictures of himself sitting everywhere and looking downtrodden, including on top of space ships, at the Imperial Palace, on the Imperial Palace or in similarly lofty situations.

At the moment, he was sitting in a booth for himself, knowing that it'd be difficult to maintain a low profile with his sideburns and outfit being so easy to spot. When he walked in, he was given something on the house by the eager waitress: a Cocktail in a tall glass with warm whiskey, a dash of Phoenix Energy syrup, boiling hot water and some lemon peel.

They called it the Phoenix Lightning. It was only a simple Whiskey punch, but it was made to be purposely showy in its preparation, being poured between two cups while it was on fire before being served, creating streaks of blue and white fire.

The drink itself wasn't too bad either, and put a smile on Luca's face.
Re: The Chrome Catgirl [Open]

Ramirez entered the bar wearing the uniform of the SAoY. He bore the markings of a Shoi, and while Yamatai was a land famed for its aesthetics, Ramirez stood apart from the population of Yamatai simply for the fact that he did not feature the distinct Asian facial features. Rather, he had the Nepleslian looks...with the enhanced perfection of being in what was likely a form of yamataian body.

Ramire was also a contrast to the unwashed vagabonds Luca typically was seen with. He was handsome, sharp in his appearance. Yet he was utterly disrespectful in a charming wait to the cocktail waitresses who were looking and whispering at Luca with hushed voices.

Ramirez noticed Luca immediately, the man was familure looking, But Ira never truly paid much attention to men. When he was not attending to his duties as an officer, he was usually oogling some girl.

Ira looked around not spotting a candidate for his flirtatious desires. Luca was the only other person in the room...and by comparison he was not perfect looking. The man was handsome enough, but compared to the people Ramirez-shoi worked with Luca was pretty rough looking.

Luca would see Ramirez boldly sit down across from him. Ira unfastened his service jacket to signify he was off duty and held two fingers up. "Put him on my tab, I'll have gin and tonic."
Re: The Chrome Catgirl [Open]

While most people go barhopping to get smashed and wind up in an unfamiliar place in various states of undress, Claire took the time to rather sample each place. The atmosphere, the food, the drinks. All different and sometimes dramatically so as she moved to different parts of space... and sometimes she couldn't help herself if she sampled some of the patrons too.

The tall redheaded Geshrin had been hanging out around the bar for a while now. She hadn't been taking much to eat or drink, only little samples. Even to the point of informing the barkeep to only fill shots of the drinks anyone decided to buy for her. Moderation; that's what she always told herself. Let her experience the pleasant buzz of alcohol. The wide tastes of food from different locales. It kept her aware but able to enjoy everything a place had to offer. And enjoyed herself she had, from entertaining the patrons with a brief song; which was something she had some moderate talent at, letting others drink shots cupped in her cleavage, and playing a few of the local card games. (Which she never won, but had fun anyway)

She adjusted her bluish tanktop she wore for the day back over her generous bust after returning from the restroom to freshen up, she put on a warm smile as she looked over the bar again. She decided to sit her jeans covered rump onto a stool and asked the bartender for a screwdriver. As the orange juice was poured she looked over at Luca. She doesn't seem to recognize him, surprisingly. Or at least treats him like a stranger. "Heya hon. Enjoying your drink? They're actually pretty good for Yams, aren't they?" She leaned on one elbow that rests on the counter. Her greenish eyes glanced up and smile in acknowledgement of Ramriez as he sat down on the other side.
Re: The Chrome Catgirl [Open]

Ramirez winked at Clair and bowed slightly. "Ma'am." He said smiling softly. His voice was smooth, but baritone.

"Put her next drink on my tab too."
Re: The Chrome Catgirl [Open]

A rather young looking nekovalkyrja with blue skin and red eyes made her way into the bar, jade iridescence dancing over her butt long, nearly black hair. In her sunflower print sundress she looked as if she were too young to even be in there, but her rather short stature still hopped up onto a bar stool like she'd done it dozens of times and neatly rested her chin on her arms that were crossed on top the bar. "Mojito o ippai kudasai," Shizuka requested in her childish alto.
Re: The Chrome Catgirl [Open]

The bar was filled with the familiar sounds mixing together: jazz music softly playing, clinking glasses, drinks pouring, and the rumble of dozens of hushed conversations.

Kasandra made Shizuka's mojito quickly and precisely. "Here you are," she smiled as she placed it in front of the black-haired Nekovalkyrja. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"
Re: The Chrome Catgirl [Open]

"Thanks but I'll have to pass." He glanced to the officer and raised a hand just a little off the table. "I'm fairly certain I can pay for myself."

A closer look at Luca showed that he was uncharacteristically scarred for a Yamataian, the area around his right eye was still scarred from Delsauria, never quite fully healed.

Yamataian physiology specialists mentioned that severe emotional trauma or stress can make the regeneration process not take place for some injuries. Nothing a body transfer couldn't fix... if you wanted one.

From his booth, Luca's attention was drawn to the bar by Claire's greetings. "Yeah, the fangirls take a shine to 'em," he replied casually. He turned around to face her. "Must be all the sugar in it - but Nepleslians like to drink 'em like this." He reached into his top pocket and produced a lighter. He didn't smoke and he kept it as a tool. He picked up the glass and tilted the liquid towards him. He flicked open the lighter and lit the surface of the fluid.

It was on fire once more with blue and white flames. He then wasted no time in quaffing a measure of it, rubbing his fire-tickled nose and blowing out the fire. It burnt all the way down and he coughed once with his eyes wide, but smiled shortly afterwards.

"So what's your story anyway, Shoi?" He asked Ramirez as he waited for his beef sashimi to be served.
Re: The Chrome Catgirl [Open]

"Arigato gozamasu," the armorer smiled, then a grimace crossed her face with Kasandra's question. "Maybe a sword and a red towel," came her mumbled reply before raising her glass, saying how she humbly receives the drink, and taking a sip. "Maybe once I finish drinking and sober up," Shizuka sighed, putting on another smile.

The young Neko then closed her eyes, leaned her head back, her cat ears turning to the music, and let the sound fill her. Her right foot then started bouncing to the rhythm, her body started to swing back and forth, and soon her head got into it.
Re: The Chrome Catgirl [Open]

"Ah, I was sure you could pay for it too. My intention was not to shame you. I was just being polite." Ira said as he leaned back in his booth.

He gestured tilting his head slightly towards the other in the room. "You had an interesting look about you. I figured I would beat the others to the punch and find out what the case was." Ira said, his voice smooth and confident.

"As for my story...nothing too special. Some dumb kid in the UOC stepped up and tried to fight the NMX. Got his ass kicked, watched his buddies die and now works with Yamatai." Ira said.

Ira then held out his hand. "Please, just call me Ira...or Ramirez. I am off duty. Though I am afforded that respect...we are in a bar, and I'd rather ignore rank while I am here."
Re: The Chrome Catgirl [Open]

"Others would agree about the 'interesting look', Ira." Luca replied quietly as he cricked his neck and displayed his sideburns. Their distinctly jagged shape and wicked tuskocity meant that if he gelled them, they'd poke someone's eye out.

"War stories, huh? Well, Ira..."

"My first assignment was the YSS Goban, a little Odori-class cruiser in the Third Expeditionary Fleet. Main role was in logistics, and the panels on my shirt were as red the blood that runs to keep the empire running."

He leaned in with his hands clasped and resting beneath his chin. "See, since this ship was supposed to be little further back and away from the front lines, it could afford not to take Nekovalkyrja, who were better on the front line. So me and several other Nepleslians, Yamataians and Geshrin were together trying to deliver X to Y."

He then sighed lightly, head rising and falling slowly in his hands. "However, things went tits up, all of us nearly got killed, our entire ship got stolen and we had to recover it so, we stole a shuttle and got our asses back to Yamatai, got healed, I had several bullets removed from me and we were given a new ship to track down our old one."

The waitress arrived with his beef sashimi. It was served upon a wooden plate with some salad. A bowl of rice was placed to the side of his sashimi. Red spices and herbs could be seen mixed throughout the rice.

"Arigatou," His Yamatai-go had a Ralt twang to it. "We found our ship in some uncharted system in the Galactic South-East, and we tried to take it back, and two SMX Cruisers showed up." He took the smallest piece of beef sashimi and placed it on an empty spot on the plate, and nudged his salad towards it.

"One small ship with only eight people on it and an empty freighter can't take on two cruisers," The salad engulfed the sashimi, "next thing I know," He picked it up with chopsticks and ate it. He chewed on it loudly and gulped it down.
Re: The Chrome Catgirl [Open]

Ira's smile vanished from his face. He had heard about what the NMX did to those they wished to subjugate, so he could only imagine what had happened to Luca.

This was the part where a man would swap his own story. Ira could have told Luca about how he fought with the Peacekeepers during the initial NMX invasion. How he could do nothing as he lost friend one by one, and how he ultimately was drifting among defeated wreckage that wash is comrads in his Tenshi. Ira had a bone to pick with the NMX too...they nearly killed him, and broke him just in a different way.

"I heard the Gartagen Empress actually came up with a plan to eradicate the NMX. It was during a diplomatic conference Yamatai likes to hold in order to feel they are doing the right thing by allowing lesser species to talk to them in an open forum. She suggested that all the aliens form a united front and bring the fight into NMX space."

Ira took a sip of his drink. "To this day I can not fathom why after everything the NMX have done would Yamatai or Nepleslia have opted to not do it. Pride I suppose."
Re: The Chrome Catgirl [Open]

"The way I see it, I think you can have the best weapons and armours, the best biology and the best intelligence in the world," His chopsticks smeared wasabi over his sashimi. "but all of it's rendered moot if you don't want victory."

Luca took a bite of wasabi smeared beef sashimi and his face tightened for a moment before he ate the rest. The sharp taste cleared out his sinuses. "I don't think Yamatai wants a flat out victory - what would they do next? What else can they fight? What else can they blame their problems on?"

He then smiled and put his chopsticks into his rice, pulling a portion of the sticky spiced rice out. "Food for thought!" Luca's attitude was unusually cavalier for the prospect of an eternally drawn out war. Perhaps its because it kept people like him busy.
Re: The Chrome Catgirl [Open]

Ira laughed. "Food. Thought. Ya see that sashimi you are eating? That isn't beef. It is some kind of Gartagen donation. We imported it when we lost our ability to produce our own food. I am thinking that maybe we should enjoy a peace, and develop some kind of internal equilibrium. Like you said we have all the pretty armor, technology. But look at what we do not have."

Ira brought the clear glass back up to his lips and took a ginger sip. He savored every last drop. But paused in his speech to let his eye wander back to the curvaceous Redheaded geshrin woman in the room. Ira smiled and brought his attention back to the scruffy Luca that sat before him.

"So why did you leave?"
Re: The Chrome Catgirl [Open]

"To be honest, the reason is kinda foggy. It was six years ago."
"I never wanted to be in this Army in the first place. I was rigged by my employer, who had ties with the Army, my employer threw me into something I wasn't ready for,"
He took another chopsticks full of rice into his mouth and chewed on it. "I just left because I felt like I wasn't able to contribute if my efforts were undermined." The YSS Goban was where Luca got his distrust of all things SAINT.

Ira leaned forward, eyes eyes darting down at the food Luca was eating, he leaned his chin down onto the ball of his hand and nodded at Luca's response to his query. "So what is the difference now?" He said asking again. "I mean all of the ships, technology and talent of the empire, and the things you have done? I am not challenging your choice...I am just intrigued by it. The logic of it."

"Difference now, well. I take the jobs I want to take, I fight what I want to fight on my terms and its not rehearsed like a stage play." Luca said evenly. "It's like the SMX and Yamataians were staging each fight and throwing them at the same time."

"I know exactly how you feel." Ira said cheerfully. "I feel like the Empire needs the NMX, SMX...what ever.. In order to survive. With out the squids keeping the population terrified of them, the Ruling house would have no reason to exist and the people could just opt to simply govern themselves."

"There is one benefit of staying here though - I don't have to worry about a bounty hunter trying to shoot me while I eat lunch. I only have to worry about jealous government agents!" He then chuckled. He liked being able to fight the bounty hunters.

"Or unless SAINT has an interest in you. They can walk in here with their fancy Nekobody's and just cart you off for a questions and answer session."

"I'd like to see them try." Luca grinned, teeth more like fangs.

The catastrophic aftermath Delsauria incident was very well documented by news media, bloggers and intelligence agencies alike. The one constant in it was that Luca did that damage. He was definitely there, and shell casings with his fingerprints on them were found. His bodycount of NMX was still unconfirmed.

"So would I." Ramirez said smiling brightly. Delsauria was a bit before his time in the Empire...that or he was likely fighting for his own life at the time it occured. He could argue that a group of Neko would have a shot, but then again he'd seen how horribly inept the Yamataians were on the ground in comparison to their full might in space.

"It would be a good laugh. But it must be something else. The freedom do what what you choose. Damn the consequences. But the question I have....why? Why not settle down. Or even...try for more. People would likely listen to you if you stepped up."

"I can't settle down or go higher. I crave battle. Once you get your first taste of it that you like, you just can't get it out of your system. I'd go out of my mind without a fight." Luca took a swig of drink and frowned. "Sad, really."

"Also, weird things just happen to me," he took another swig of drink, eyes rolling as he recalled all the stranger things in his career. The stuff you couldn't make up, "you know the feeling? The other day I was approached by aliens who invited me for tea." The definition of 'alien' was a bit of a stretch, given the diversity in the Kikyo sector, but there was always something else out there.

"Exactly. There is always something else. The question is, what is next for the Legendary Luca Pavone? The war is grinding down, the other nations seem content to bicker and fuss over paper work. During the war you probably had some eventful job oppertunities, but now...it may be getting harder and harder. I mean you can say you do it strictly for the fight...."

"I did have a a couple of interesting jobs during the war..." Luca nodded as he started to recall the finer points of both. Both well documented. The one on Tami was not a success, nor was it a failure - he did end up setting some of the atmosphere on fire during his escape.

Drift was different. It started as an invitation from the Governor, and former friend of his from the Goban. It went balls up. He ended up evacuating the small space station and getting a majority of its inhabitants safely evacuated, Jiyuuians, Freespacers and Nepleslians were thankful for his actions. "...I wouldn't do those again though. Squids smell like... squid."

Ira remained silent. His smile had vanished as he listened on to Luca's anecdotes. Luca would see the olive skinned man's eyes seemingly peircing into him. Ira looked utterly focused and serious, as if debating on what words he should choose to use. It gave him some what of a heroic quality, but then he did choose his next words.

"You lost somebody. Not to the SMX...that is a different kind of hurt." Ira stabbed two fingers up at his eyes. "I can see it there. Its a lingering pain...hard to spot...but. Your time away from the military was not easy time." He said with a little more weight behind his words. The small talk had ended, and the real Ira Ramirez decided to appear before Luca for the first time since he had sat down infront of him.

Luca raised an eyebrow at Ira, and instead got some salad onto a piece of beef sashimi, and ate it, still eyeing Ira now that his tone had changed. However, his silence still said something about the man and his brush with loss. He tapped his chopsticks against his plate as though he signalled for Ira to continue trying to pick a simple man's motives apart.

There was no simple man before him. Men tried to be simple, or yearned for it. But things were always more complex, even if they did not wish to admit it. In this case Ira sensed Luca did not want the complexities.

"I am sorry." was Ira's response. Simple, but a complex follow up.

Ira flagged the cocktail waitress down and ordered another follow up beverage for his consumption. "I am amazed...you make it all seem so simple. Taking the jobs, the crew..owning your own ship. Back to the simple life...but did it really get simpler?"

"What if you could do it all over again?"

"Why? What happens happens. If I can't deal with it, then so be it. Makes things interesting and forces me to be creative. Neko get to jump back to the tank and stuff their organs back inside themselves when they screw up. I don't have that luxury."

"Hmm...perhaps. But just because things are the way they are does not mean we can't try for a better tomorrow. Of course...I have seen people think like that and where it usually puts them."

"They weren't thinking hard enough." Luca said after he finished off his drink. "Now, I have a question for you, Mr. Ramirez." He cleared his throat. "What makes me so bloody interesting anyway? It's like I got drunk six years ago and never got sober again until Delsauria, and I'm wondering what I did all those years, and everyone seems to know what happened except for me."

Maybe that explained the fan mail, and the occasional paternity notice that he bought off.

Ira smirked at the question. "Well it would be about you." He said softly, more to him self.

"We are on a planet...that is carefully engineered. The bodys, minds, plants air...everything on this world is a fabrication...except.." He then glanced over his shoulder to the Geshrin woman's intimidatingly inviting ass.

"Just perfection. All about control." Ira gestured to the Cocktail Waitress and her tight perfectly shaped body. "It was pleasing to the eye. Too pleasing actually. There was no glaring flaws, nothing that really made her special. On this world everything is designed to BE interesting, making it all un interesting."

"Then I come here and I see you. The jacket, the side burns, the pained glimmer in your eyes. So I said to my self, here is a fellow with something worth saying that is not TEHEHEHEHEHEHE OH RAMIREZ SHOI!"

His sudden out burst warrented a few looks of suprise from the Bar's patrons. Ira chuckled and tossed his hands up. "See what I mean?"

"You have done things most people have not. Hell you have felt things most of the people on this world have not EVER felt. Just like me. So here I am talking to a person who has felt some of the same things I have felt."

"Ohh Ramirez Shoi take me now with your rugged manliness and tragic backstory~" Luca cooed with a wide grin on his face, mimicking the sentiments of the other people he met just to see the reaction on Ramirez' face.

Ira leaned back and feigned a sheepish smile and looked away like a school girl. "Oh, stahp." He said gently flicking his hand down in satire of a dandyman.

Luca pushed his cheeks together and crossed his eyes. "Ohh I bet you fight all tha waaars and get all the giiirls~" His right eye didn't look any better for it, nor did the wounds go away, but he was definitely trying not to laugh at his own jokes.

And then he put his hands away, chuckling and smiling. That was one thing Ira didn't see yet, a genuine smile, even if it was at the expense of Yamatai's perfection. "Perfection's for losers." He raised his empty glass. "To imperfection. Keeping things interesting since before YE00!"

"Cheers." Ira said lifting his glass and the kicking it back. "Some times...the house of cards needs to be pushed over."
*Several Weeks later*

"SO THEY ALL STOOD THEIR LOOKING AT ME AN RANSER LIKE WE HAD JUST GIVEN OUT FREE HANDY J's" The deep voice of Bronzi called out to the bar. He was standing on the bar top with a large mug of brown bubbling liquid foaming up to the top in his claws. Bronzi was in full kit, but he was less then...sober by Gartagen standards. The crowd was probably shocked at the fact he was being so bold, and after what happened to one of the Neko(She sat clutching her womanly parts, and glared up at the Gartagen with a blushing face from across the room), they had lost interest in trying to remove him.

Sura sat at a table in the room alone, but she was content to chow down on a rather large cake she had opted to purchase for the occasion. The Bar Patrons were mostly Yamataians, but they seemed enthralled by this Alien's story.

"So RANSLER went to speak. He babbled about stragity and tactics, and they all looked at each other liked what the fuck!" Bronzi smiled, not looking at anybody.


Bronzi let out a deep laugh. "I'd start talkin bout how glorious the battle was....but long story short....Only a few of em made it...but we made it." He said snorting softly. Bronzi then downed his root beer.
A blonde face was in the bar. They weren't dressed for business today, rather they were dressed in that same Nepleslian, scruffed up wear that he was found in when he was recruited beneath Lazarus' shadowy wing. Today, he was not their newest burglar. Today, he was told by his mentor to 'go out and live a little'.

Real is expensive. His mentor's words were in his ear as he looked at the menu - most of it was stuff he could afford - especially now that he was getting a steady paycheck. This was a cafe for people to go during lunch break, and one of the most popular amongst YSE personnel.

He had dropped the menu in fright and slunk down in his seat, trying to shield himself from the boisterous Gartagen's outbursts. Danny wasn't trained to deal with Gartagens ... yet. All he did know was an offhand piece of information from Ablemere. Ginger is to gartagens what alcohol was to everyone else.

Once things had settled, his head rose like a meerkat on watch over the table, and a Nekovalkyrja waitress was waiting for his order. "Can I help you?" she asked as she looked down at the noodly man, body half off of the booth seating and knees bent beneath the table.

He righted himself and sighed a sigh of relief, climbing back onto the table awkwardly. "I'd, ah..." they were still trying to train the nervous stutters out of him. "I'd just like some Udon noodles with chicken, and a cup of green tea, please."

She smiled, nodded and left with his order. As she left she stared daggers at the roaring blue drunkard. How dare he! Danny's eyes meanwhile wandered over to another Gartagen, smaller - perhaps younger, pigging out on a cake.

He didn't know what to make of that as he waited for his order.
As Bronzi continued on with another war story from Ether. The staff were clearly displeased, but the off duty enlisted and officers in the room clearly had no qualms about hearing of deep space battles against the NMX, and as such they tolerated this beastly retelling of blood and battle.

Sura on the other hand was more interested in the double chocolate devil's food cake. It was square in shape and there was a "HAPP THDAY" written in pink lettering on top. She was dismantling it with her bare hands. Sura's round face paused in chewing, and looked over at the blonde man that sat down near her.

"Oh you are not Yamataian." She said pausing her feast in favor of telling a familiar alien hello. "You are Nepleslian...what brings you to Yamatai?"
"Lunch." he replied quietly. "Uh, I see Yamataians in Nepleslia too - what makes that so special...?" He said as he waited. "I was told to take the day off today, so I'm, uh, here."

There was truth in that somewhere. Danny had come back from some hands-on training and Franz urged him to take the day off and gave him a ticket to Yamatai - all expenses paid to do as he pleased. Most Lazarus personnel were happy to indulge, but Danny's strange tastes meant that all he was really after was a good bowl of noodles.

And they arrived.

On his table, and his face just lit up like a child who was given his birthday presents early. "Thank you!" he replied to the waitress, full of enthusiasm. He reached for a fork and spoon and started eating with gusto.

To the smaller gartagen, his priorities might have been askew. Maybe he had childish priorities, or maybe he never quite grew up. The white bandage taped to his forehead seemed to indicate so.
"You are the first Nepleslian I have seen here. But, Yamataians are more common on Nepleslia then they are here on Yamatai." Sura chirped softly as she went back to her cake.

The look on her face as she took in the sweets was one of pure ecstasy and intoxication. What ever effect the cake had on Yamataians and Nepleslians, it was obviously magnified by the Gartagen physiology. As they drew silent, and Bronzi's voice shook the room with a loud "So the Squiddie looked at me and said DIIIIEEEE ALIEN!"

Sura swallowed her mouthful and spoke back to Danny. "A day off? What do you do for work?" She said tilting her head and blinking her blue almond shaped eyes at the blond man.

She then pointed a cake encrusted cloven finger at her blue skinned forehead "Did you hurt you self at work?"
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