Star Army

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RP Yamataian Ghost

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Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 41
RP Location
Amatsu Yamatai
Within deep space, a small civilian freighter appears from hyperspace. Its occupants, refugees, businessmen and women, workers, and one lost young man. This young man is named, Kyle Dee. A Child of Yamatai, stolen from an abusive home two years prior and reported missing. Now, he is attempting to return home. Sadly, over the years he was missing, he had lost his identification, most of his clothing, and any possessions that he had on him. The only thing to his name, 5000 KS, a communication device with no charge, and a half charged VR headset with 2 games installed.

The destination was Amatsu Yamatai, the customs station to all ships attempting to land on planet, or station in orbit. Offloading its occupants, Kyle stepped off last. his clothes are thankfully clean and fresh, as a gracious man had bestowed to him some before arriving. A Heather Hoodie, black cargo pants, black sneakers, a dark gray heather t-shirt, and a black and white book bag. He takes a deep breath as he is hesitant to approach customs, as it became his turn. "I-I... I d-don't have my I-I-ID o-on me... I... I lost it a wh-while ago..." He struggled to say as he fell back into his old tendencies for a moment. "I... I'm trying to go home..." Kyle added, mumbling under his breath.

The Yamatai Security Agency agent at the immigration and customs checkpoint waved over a nearby Star Army soldier.

Nito Heisho Sasa Shigeho was a no-nonsense rosy-cheeked NH-29 military police officer with big deep blue eyes and cropped shiny black hair. She was wearing a crisp-looking Type 35 Duty Uniform with pants. At the time, the Nekovalkyrja was carrying a Type 33 Rifle, a Type 33 NSP, and a Type 31C Medical Kit. "Come with me, please," she demanded, funneling Kyle off to a side area for persons deemed to need additional questioning. The back area was clean and brightly lit but less inviting than the public areas, and was full of little nooks and crannies and rooms with one-way mirrors. There were a lot of armed soldiers back there.

"I am Nito Heisho Sasa," the MP neko introduced herself. "We need to ask you some questions to confirm your identity. If you need a drink or a restroom or anything to make yourself more comfortable let me know. Are you a citizen of Yamatai Star Empire? Where is your home?" While she was talking Sasa had opened her medical kit and was scanning Kyle.
Kyle followed without any issues or complaints, he sort of knew this would happen, and was now seemingly unfazed by an armed personnel after the years of dealing with pirates and cultist. Once he sat down in the interview room, he set down his backpack on the table and clear his pockets. He seemed to be use to this process and knew what he needed to do. Once he finished, he looked up, he looked physically exhausted and appeared to still have minor bruises. Her medical scanner would pick up on some minor injuries caused by blunt force trauma and minor cuts.

After her scanning was completed he softly and quietly, "H-hello Miss Heisho... M-my name? Kyle Ian Dee... Age is now... I think I'm 22 now... Birthday is in two days." He falls silent for a moment and takes a deep breath, "I was born in Yamataian Space... I lived here almost all my life... My..." He freezes as he gets intimidated for a moment, "My abusive parents... bounces me around... I was beated up everywhere I lived..." Kyle fell silent again and took a deep breath, "Sorry... It's... It's been a long time... Last I lived was on Yamatai... before I was kidnapped by Kessler... the captain of the ISS-Brimstone. He took me to Osman... They... Yeah... I was... molested... my first day off world and on Osman..."
"In that case, welcome home. This body doesn't seem to be the one we have in your records. Would you be willing to allow us to conduct a memory scan of your mind? We would like to verify that you are the original you and to verify there are no...unwanted extra software in your mind. This is a precaution we are taking because of the ongoing war with the Kuvexian Kingdom. In the meantime I can get in touch with the Department of Land and Homes and look into getting housing set up for you so you can live on your own. Can you give me more information about your parents?"
Taking a deep breath he said, “Do what you need to... I’m still me. I... Died on Serris VI... along with-“ Kyle chocked and teared up, looking away. “I was revived by Psychopomp... A-A b-brother took me... he got me revived... Most of my memories are intact, a bit fuzzy with some but... I’m still me.”

Once he got to his parents, his expression changed to a bit of intimidated hatred, “My... My parents are dead... they were a part of the Crimson Organization... a... cult... making biological weapons. They used me... molested me... cloned me... just because my genetics were-“ Kyle didn’t want to say, but said anyway because he was scared, “My genetics were... perfect... mailable and able to mix well with other species. Hybridable.”
After running a bunch of scans, tests, and asking lot of questions it seemed the officers were finally satisfied. Kyle's new body was officially registered and the YSA was able to provide him with a new ID and a fist full of pamphlets about Yamatai free mental health services, sapient trafficking victim info, and sexual abuse crisis hotlines, and so on. He also got contact information for the Department of Land and Homes and a printout of how to apply for a government-provided apartment and universal basic income called LACY, which would cover food expenses and a little more. Then Nito Heisho Sasa Shigeho, the MP neko, finally told him he was free to continue on his way to Yamatai, and brought him down the hall to a security door which snapped open to reveal the bustling terminal on the other side of the security checkpoint he'd been stopped at earlier. There were taxi shuttles available for money or free rides down the space elevator to the surface of planet Yamatai. Basically, he was on his own again, at least for now.
Before he entered and left, he turned to her and gave a shy smile, “Thank you for your help... it’s been a while since I’ve had heard a friendly voice. I don’t think I’ll need these contacts... I have to be strong... even though I’m still learning to be. Still... thanks, hopefully this will help me in finding work again... hate to- hate to waste my skills in flipping burgers...” He’d chuckle, despite everything he would laugh. A man who had been through so much, laughing.
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