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Yamataian Player Opinion Time: Hair Styles


Inactive Member
So, I'm working on a page of common and popular hair styles in the SAOY right now, for Wes. I wanted to ask everyone who plays characters in the SAOY about what hair styles their characters have, what hair styles they like, and what hair styles they think should be common in the Star Army.
Reactions: Wes
Not sure what is considered common, but for my main character:

Katsuko per her Bio - She has blue shoulder-length hair, that she generally wears down or in a ponytail. She has also been known to wear it in a bun held with decorative chopsticks on formal occasions.
Before we get too far into hairstyle suggestions, I want to post the current regs for SAoY hairstyles and request that the suggested styles try to fit within the regs.

That said, I went to the chibi collection and tried to find some trends or patterns of existing art:

THE KETSURUI - Long with two thick bangs framing the face, parted in the middle (makes a sort of M shape)

THE HIME - "Hime cut is a hairstyle consisting of straight, usually cheek-length sidelocks and frontal fringe. The rest of the hair is usually worn long and straightened" --Wikipedia




Tachiko had the Ketsurui before Wes found the best art and it had bangs.
Reactions: Wes
I notice that the focus in the style is on long hair. How is the idea of having short hair with some variations?
Reactions: Wes
Most of my yammie characters have hair that doesn't go below their collar, due to my brain telling me it's easier to get into gear and such if you don't need to deal with this big mess of hair every time you get into a Mindy or something lol
Reactions: Wes
I honestly don't know how anything gets away with painting women's hair as one unvarying one style. It's something I do I hate and think of changing all the time. I will only speak about combat styles tho since like, I need to move on to general cute styles.

For instance, for putting on helmets and gear, a twin french braid gets bangs, flyaways, and layers all in one place -two places?- and means they won't be in the way. The french braid is probably something I need to write my characters wearing a lot more for sci fi. It could easily be called a gather braid.

Even a half up half down like this gets layers and bangs out of the face for combat.

A bun of any kind won't work in a helmet. A high ponytail won't fit in any kind of helmet or cap, so a lower ponytail that sits at the nape of the neck is second best for getting on gear. Even twin tails that are gathered around the ears are good for this.

I don't know how any of our girls fight with loose hair as the slightest motion can send most of the hair in the face. It's also compromising. If someone pulls your hair, that's your head they're pulling. Ponytails and such should be prime targets for unarmored combatants tbh. If anyone is taking notes for IRL rn you need goodness.

Now, here are some styles that I think are CUTE

You're allowed two clips, don't take one or zero for an answer, girls:

A classic. Gets mistaken for a Karen if the bangs are not shorn:

Bring that french braid into any part of your head and you've got A Look:

Nobody but Wes has messed around with multi-colored hair enough:

I need to die this is so cute:

Big bows do not see enough action and that's Wrong:

It's quick, it's easy, and it's free: pouring river water in your socks:

A personal favorite. The bob? What other hair cut has such defined composition? I will not wait:

Thank you for coming to my TED talk. I don't think I was helpful but I just had to spill my beans.
We all contribute in different ways. I contributed by going on about some stuff that isn't 100% relevant to what the article needs is all
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