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Yamataian Vs. Neko WHich is stronger?


Inactive Member
Well i'm about to enter a sparring match with a Neko and being a Yamataian i was wondering if they have a significant advantage over Yamatain in terms of strength.

Also do Nekos have similar pressure points, joints, bones, etc. that can be targeted during combat? I was just wondering. Thnx.
Increased Strength: While not as fabulously strong as the other combat-dedicated Nekovalkyrja types, the average NH-29 still has an impressive strength for her size, her sleek muscles an able match to the brawns of a well-built human.

And one would think that, as a Yamataian is no more a 'natural' organism than a NH-29 (Yamataians are androids/gynoids as well), if Nekos are not much affected by exercise and conditioning then Yamataians wouldn't be either...

...but to answer the original question: you probably aren't at a huge species disadvantage because of your opponent's strength, as long as she is a NH-29, but you are at a huge disadvantage when it comes to agility and reflexes. If she's an older model than the NH-29, you're a dead man.
Yamataians have set metabolism, but for the sake of the RP, strengths and fitness of the species can and does vary. Essentially, Neko and Yamataians can to some degree improve, but they cannot become worse than the baseline (without REALLY fucking themselves up hard core).

Neko cannot, however, lift cars. They're just buff for their size. You're thinking of the NH-17 -- they could lift cars.
Just a related thought: how tough are Nekos? I.e., how much blunt force trauma can they endure before sustaining actual damage? It probably wasn't an issue for models earlier than the NH-29, as they seem to have been built pretty damn tough, but if an NH-29 can 'fly' at something like 70 mph using gravity manipulation (in 1-2 gravities), there would be an excellent chance of them splatting themselves pretty good if they weren't significantly sturdier than humans...
If I recall correctly, older models of Nekovalkyrja had slightly more robust skeletons, including bone plates under their forearms to serve as makeshift last-ditch bracers. They were nearly immune to most poisons and drugs, though, they could selectively allow certain chemicals to take hold while their immune systems shunted anything unwanted to their claws - the notable exception there being Mishhu venom, which seemed to be tailored specifically to break through this protection. Diseases were not a concern in the slightest.

As for their ability to endure straight physical damage, that seemed to be an all-or-nothing affair. If you were shooting or stabbing her, then you probably hit a thrice-redundant organ and she would regenerate nigh-instantly and kill you - or you tapped her brain and she fell like a sack of potatoes. Other common methods of killing them were blowing them to bits, incinerating them - they cannot regenerate over cauterised tissue - or irradiating them. NH-17s and previous were also largely biological but genetically engineered, and the content-protection built into them would detect attempts at genetic scanning, throw the neko into a few seconds of berserk rage in hopes that the source would be destroyed, and failing that, she would self-destruct.

The most reliable way of bringing a neko down was to wear her out. The largest combat advantage of the NH-29 is that she only eats as much as a human. The more military nekos could fly, walk on ferrous walls and ceilings, turn invisible, regenerate, project tentacles, and hurl steamrollers, but all of that is very draining. It generally took no more than five to fifteen minutes of constant exertion for a neko to simply pass out, unless she could somehow stuff food in her mouth constantly.
Hmm... the NH-29 can still do full limb and organ regeneration, though the most serious injuries can apparently take up to 72 hours to repair. Given their digital brains, the availablity of ST tech and the presumed availability of ultra-high-density storage, the inability to regenerate after catastrophic brain trauma seems like a bit of an oversight, though... unless the designers specifically wanted Nekos to be susceptable to catastrophic brain trauma...

Anyhow, if the slightly reinforced skeletal structure and redundant organs bits still hold, it would seem that if a Neko were to slam into a hull of a starship going at her maximum GM speed, she'd probably break several bones and traumatize many important- but not, strictly speaking, vital organs, but as long as she didn't crack her head open she would be fine in a few hours to a few days...
From reading the Wiki it seems likely that they did want to leave some weakness as a method to take them out if they went wrong. Nekos are no more resistant to psychological trauma than anyone else. What do you do when your invicible killing machine goes berserk on you? Not much. So they decided to leave flaws they could take advantage of...just in case.

Of course producing a perfect killing machine likely isn't easy, either, and when they have similar personalities to other beings, being that superior to others caused jealousy. Thus, the Yamataian and NH-29 were produced. Less extreme examples of the Neko theme. The NH-29 is indeed still more combat capable than the Yamataian, all other things being equal, but the difference is much less than in other models. And no jet fuel storing breasts, or creating weapons from nothing. Of course part of the downgrade was also game balance, I understand, but even outside of that, it's understandable in character too that there was a push for less extreme models of Nekovalkyjra. Strong enough to fight, especially if you slap them into a Mindy, better than a Geshrin or Yamataian in combat, but still within a range of power that is only impressive, and not terrifying to their own people...particullarly when much of the populace has switched over to Yamataian bodies themselves, and while not as impressive as an NH-29, they can do many similar things to a somewhat more limited extent.