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* Yarvex: A highly advanced, virtually impenetrable gluon mesh, first used by KFY in the Kylie power armor. Particles that make up protons (quarks and gluons) the gluons and quarks are strung together in a long chain using an alteration of Yang-Mills Theory. This permanently binds the quarks together so they may never be pulled apart. The resulting cloth like substance is impervious to penetration, although it does nothing to stop kinetic energy. All interior passageways and rooms are surrounded by Yarvex sheeting.
I'd like clarification of something.
What alteration of Yamg-Mills Theory, or as most call it now Gauge theory, allows glutons and quarks to ignore their inherent property of existing bonded together in hardons? Becuase the Yang-Mills theory I'm reading is describing inherent symmetry in quantom physics.
Yang-Mills Theory on Wikipedia
Reading through the article, it doesn't show any alterations which allows particals to ignore their very quantom nature.
I'd really like a clarification so my suspention of disbelif can be used.