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Abandoned Character Yangcong

Doctor 99

Inactive Member
πŸ”° New Member
CHARACTER NAME is a player character played by USER NAME.

Species & Gender: Human & Male
Year of Birth: 10/ 04/ -5
Organization: N/A
Occupation: N/A
Preferred Plot: N/A

Physical Description

5'5ft and 150lb. white skin with wrinkles and a burnt permanent scar on the right side of his face , silver slick back hair. He is a medium build muscular build and has blues eyes.


Yangcong is your typical charismatic individual. Where most individuals would outright show their distaste for the humans, he shows it in a different light. With humor backed up with insults and the occasional joking. Though he may appear to be a light hearted individual, taking that for granted would surely get you killed.

Though he may appear like an ally at first glance, he's definitely a cold killer that won't hesitate to betray you to feed his own agenda. Though he may appear as that funny guy or a light hearted man, he can also be serious at times and his anger could easily be seen as a completely different characteristic than when you first meet him. His anger can explode to the point where you don't recognize the man you previously saw. He will insult, shout, and even kill his own comrades just out of anger. He truly believes he has no friends in this accursed world and his best friend? is a knife when there is no other.

What relationships do they have to other people? Are they social? Who do they love and what kind of people do they like? What have their past relationships been like? How do they treat other people?

Yangcong was born 10ζ—₯ 4月 -5 and on a cold planet that enslaved any race that enters the planet unless invited to the planet. Yangcong's parents were captured by this giant species while off doing a mission. His mother was pregnant and once Yangcong was born, he was raised to be a slave on the planet and both his parents dying of labor work. He worked for 40 plus years and starting at the age of 10, as a miner for the giants. He worked long hours and tiring, growing stronger in size compared to the fresh arrivals that weren't accustomed to this way of life. Finally, he was able to escape the planet along with a few other slaves due to a rebellion. Since they had the numbers and Yangcong had the strength to take them on, they didn't stand a chance. Yangcong now roams space as a free man and forever hating giants. He also had received his burnt scar from a giant due to Yangcong trying to escape the first time at the age of 20.

Social Connections
Skills Learned

Skilled Laborer, specifically mining work

Inventory & Finance
Shank (created from a metal broken pipe wrapped around with some rope)

Character Will
In the case I become inactive (gone for more than a month):
  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? YES
  • Can this character be adopted after I'm gone for a year or more? NO
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Do you have a specific plot you want to put this character in?

Love his story, I can really imagine the life he's led.
Due to the lack of response from the player, I'm moving this to the abandoned apps forum.
I removed the character page based on the character being abandoned for a year without approval.
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