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RP (non-canon) Ye 37: the last stand

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Nyton was glad his helmet hid the sigh he let out. Neither of these two had any information on what he was investigating.

"Too dependent on their reactions. The result will be negligible and we still won't kill all of them. And you haven't explained just what the follow up plan would be." Nyton replied, his tone disapproving. "I was looking into another possibility. I had only heard rumors of it before everything fell apart but it seemed valid."

With sudden purpose Nyton walked over to the counter and shoved aside one of the counters that displayed pistols and other firearm accessories. He tapped on a few walls to reveal a hidden compartment where a simple metal key was kept. With the key in hand he then went to the register and inserted the key into a normal looking keyhole on the side. As soon as he turned it the light began to grow dim as whatever power source remaining was suddenly being drawn into another function.

Tumblers and locks groaned after years of disuse but they still functioned enough to reveal an opening on the floor in the backroom. The system quieted down and Nyton began walking towards the opening. Having been born a weapons merchant's son had its advantages in knowing some of the tricks used to hide specific items.

Nyton paused as he reached the doorway leading into the back. "Just what was your plan, Kai?" he asked casually as an afterthought.
Anselm groaned as his bio-rhythms demanded that we wake and feed himself, ending a particularly pleasent dream "mm-Aaliyah?" His eyes came open quickly searching for her face again 'did I halucinate or did that Midnight really have Aaliyah's face?'

Shrugging, Anselm tested his injuries 'Fuck that hurts', they were tender and fragile, but at least he could move now; a good thing since the pile of food he had gathered next to himself was almost finished.

He'd burned through most of the food and water to provide his body with the proper amount of nutrients to speed up his healing process and he was still very much disabled, though he could walk, any strenuous action would probably rebreak all his mending bones and open the holes in his left lung. Anselm only had one or two days of rations left, if that.

Since he could move on his own again, Anselm stripped off his damaged Britva armor and made what little repairs he could without any tools or supplies; namely none aside from a quick self-diagnostics scan, the suit seemed to have repaired some of the damage, the damaged arm musculature had knited fully back to normal 'How exactely had that happend again?' and the plating on the chest had been pretty much ripped away so there was nothing the limited repair functions of the suit could do than place a thin skin of material over the bare areas. The wiring and electronics seemed okay, but the radiation damping and stealth qualities of the suit had been compromised.

Anselm layed back on the floor, stretching his arms and testing the tension against his injuries, it would take nearly two weeks, by his reckoning, for the bones to fully mend and his lung to heal the punctures 'I'm definately not getting out of here for a while, but I'm running out of food.'
"My plan, May sound very insane, But i've been messing with some salvaged MEGAMI computer cores, and believe that I can Hack a 35, removing the malignant coding and returning it to a sane state. I've been messing around with a copy of the original coding, and think there's a 25% chance the subject won't die." Kai said, Looking back at Nyton, to see whether or not the man approved. "Luca's plan here is something we were hoping to use as a distraction while we did our hacking, but we know it isn't fool-proof. The more we have to protect our borders while hacking, the better chance we have of saving these things and the galaxy with them."
"Whoa whoa whoa - having one of those things with us? No way." Luca shook his head, frowning, "What if it snaps while we're doing something, or if the other cat-bastards could influence it back to the dark side?"
"Because" Kai explained "The coding 'Mistake' was intentional. Remember the Plague that killed off so many but passed over the Geshrin? It was another conspiracy like that, I suppose, except this time the conspirators went over their heads." Shaking his own head, Kai continued "By taking out certain lines of coding, we can make them sane again, as well as tone down their powers."
Nyton thought over what Kai had suggested. The only outcome he wanted out of making them 'sane' again would involve commanding them to stand down long enough to rip their heads off. "Might work. I had another idea. Its fitting that you mention the Plague. Seeing that these things can all communicate to each other I heard that there was work being done on creating a virus similair to the Plague keyed in to affect only the Midnights. I've been following up on this lead which is why I came to Funky City." he then said. With that he then stepped down the stairs that had been revealed in the backroom. Inside was where the demolitions and explosives were kept. Immediately, Nyton began to search and acquire plastic explosives and other shaped charges.
(Brief Retcon of Chandler's background while I wait for Fian to reveal his mysterious NPC crewmen.)

"Hmm... These footprints are getting really dragged out..." Chandler said, looking at a doorway in front of him. The door was only partly on its hinges, and the vague outline of a muddy boot was embossed on the front like a greeting card. Chandler drew his HPAR-01, hefting the PA-grade weapon in both hands. Sure, the 60-kilo gun was enough to knock a normal man flat on his ass, but Chandler was no normal man.

Chandler, before joining the IPG, had been "The Crimson Scar", a professional assassin with a flair for big guns, sharp knives and cultural diversity and refinement. He was best known for the reason his hair was dyed crimson in some places- a 'tithe' paid by each of his victims (their blood, dried and fused with locks of his hair). He was rampantly insane, and had a record of almost 100 assassinations when the Funky City PD finally brought him in.

Faced with a choice between execution and a lifetime of servitude in the Marines, Chandler went with killing again- for a righteous cause, of course. Chandler was attached to the Nepleslian 1st Fleet, to a "penal ship" where society's misfit odds and ends were assigned to backwater guard assignments where they would be of no risk to each-other and enemy forces. Along the way, Chandler became involved in a personal experiment by the (also slightly insane) Captain Argyle Molloy who implanted a chip in his brain that planted false memories in his brain and regulated his hormones, keeping him from that mysterious, unexplained urge to kill and later dye his hair with his victims' lifeblood.

With an impressive combat record, Chandler was pulled from Molloy's group of misfits and joined the IPG for a brief tenure where, following one of his crewmates breaking the chip (and collapsing a portion of his skull in the process), extensive surgery gave him control of his former self. Chandler went on to become one of the IPG's most effective- if brutal- Initiates, and was nearly promoted to operative status when the Midnights attacked him. Having already been augmented with IPG Operator Implants, Chandler proceeded to walk out of the facility almost unharmed, leaving piles of bodies in his wake.

After wandering the ruins of Funky City as a professional scavenger and killer, Chandler happened to fall into a Midnight trap. Despite his combat skill, cybernetic augmentations and rampant insanity, Chandler narrowly survived the encounter, escaping only when Kai and Melli arrived in the nick of time, driving off the Midnights and giving Chandler shelter. Refusing to let his newfound "debt" to Kai and Melli go unpaid, Chandler stayed around as the group's scavenger, eventually becoming a functional member of Kai's little group.

Thusly, Chandler can be proved as "not normal at all". Which was also proved by him smashing the door the rest of the way off the hinges and sprinting alone into a dark room in an unknown building.
Camellia was following silently behind Chandler for most of the trip after the encounter with the Type 35. She had largely remained quiet out of the necessity due to the possibility of other Nekos still being out.

Though that option was rendered moot when Chandler decided to act like a Nelpeslian and noisily kicked a door in. "Ok, screw this." Camellia muttered darkly as she decided to abandon Chandler to his fate if he can't stay quiet. Taking a second to try and retrace her steps, Camellia left the scene to try and regroup with Kai.
Meanwhile, while Cam stood outside, Chandler diligently scanned the room with his HPAR to his shoulder, keeping his back to the wall near the entryway. IPG honed killer at its finest, folks.
Nyton returned to the top floor with his acquisitions and looked over at Kai. "If there is any sign of this research it would most likely have been taken to the Funky City Research Facility. Unfortunately I expect the facility to be locked down even after the destruction by the Midnights. But if there is a means of killiing every single one of those bitches then I intend to find it and use it." he said coldly. The opaque eyepiece of the helmet continued to obscure Nyton's features to everyone around him. With a hint of hesitancy Nyton went to the clasps that secured his helmet. He almost never removed his helmet outside of the safehouse but there was a flash of inspiration here now that he had met a former crew mate. Perhaps he could finally work with people instead of alone.

Alone, he had been alone for so long, the only guardian for his sister and the only one working to find an end to this nightmare. All the survivors he had met were just scared civilians or disheartened soldiers. None of them wanted to help him fight. All they could think about was the daily survival. Some had even tried to take advantage of his supplies while he was out on a mission. Those he had thrown out into the wild. Others were just as much a danger to him as the Midnights. Those he had to kill. So here it was again, the same crossroads as before. Nyton made his decision on the path again.

The catches popped off easily enough since they were coded to Nyton's biometric signal being transmitted from within his hands. Once released he pulled it off to reveal his face. Nyton's face was a mess, not the same one from his youth anymore. One scar travelled down his forehead over his right eye and traced down his cheek. The right eye had been cybernetically replaced but it was a solid red color now and not human in appearance at all. Towards the right of the scar were a tangle of deep burn scars. The scars around his mouth made it seem as though he was constantly scowling. The ear was gone along with any hair that might have grown on that side of his head. The left side of his face bore smaller individual scars, remnants of several cuts that had been made with what looked like a bladed instrument. The left eye was cybernetic too but it was a dull gray. Where the neck should have been was nothing but cybernetics. It looked as though it continued to travel down farther into the suit. The air felt a little cooler now that the helmet was removed. The skin over his face could still feel such things. Even without the helmet his cybernetic senses continued to function, providing him with almost the same benefits as the full suit. It just felt better when he could hide his anger behind the helmet.

"Kai, do you think that perhaps we could work together on this? I could use some help investigating this lead. I don't care what it takes, we need to stop this madness." Nyton stated after his question.
"Whoa, that's a change of face," Luca couldn't help but comment on Nyton's face. He put up his hand for a handshake, "But I'll help with whatever you've got, as long as a good portion of the Midnights go boom in the process!"
Nyton did not react to Luca's remark, he knew what he looked like. He accepted Luca's hand and shook it. Nyton's hand felt metallic underneath the suit. "It's a start. What about you, Kai? And the woman over there?"
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