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RP YE 45 Separa'Shan Cultural Expo

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Convention Veteran
RP Date
YE 45
RP Location
OOC: Open Roleplaying for people interested in learning about Separa'Shan in character. Feel free to jump in at anytime.

The Separa'Shan cultural Expo was hosted by the Essian Senator, Tiger Aparallactus. The goal of the Expo was to expose Yamatai to all of the things that made Separa'Shan unique and raise awareness for them in the larger Empire. It was a warm sunny day, perfect for people to come out to enjoy along the beachwalk.

In the sea, there was a group showing off how well Separa'Shan swam. There were a lot of Separa'Shan who lived by the sea and fished as their main source of food. A few even spent most of their life in the water. So they were racing against Nekos and putting on an impressive showing with their long powerful tails giving them a huge advantage.

The food market was popular, showcasing Essian fruits, honeys, wines, and meats. Many of the Separa'Shan were suprised by how popular it was, but Tiger understood how much more food Yamatai ate, given the differences in biology.

At one booth, Basila Dendroaspis was showing off and displaying traditional Separa'Shan tattoos to a small group of Phods. Another one featured a large golden Statue with a few priests explaining what they believed. Children were getting their faces painted with some of the Tail Art that many of the Separa'Shan sported. There were some booths of Separa'Shan art. There was a booth that had some shed Separa'Shan skins and the smooth river stones that they used to shed every few months when they needed it. There was even a booth with several young Separa'Shan women and a few men who were offering direct contact, often looping themselves around their visitors. Several booths featured jewlery, both professional and home made.

There was a large basking area with chairs for people to sit and talk with basking Separa'Shan who needed to get a bit of warmth. Overall, the atmosphere was positive and upbeat as the Separa'Shan shared their culture in many diffrent and diverse ways. Overall, Tiger was very pleased with how the Expo was going.
While this might be considered being on duty for Lynira, it sure did not feel like it. The aqua-haired diplomat approached the festivities wearing a hooded dark blue maejaes vyrdi with traditional norian designs embossed in dark red with a norian undersuit beneath due to the warm, sunny weather. For the sake of the scenario her hair had been fastened up into a large, meticulously tidied bun to keep it up off her face. Her black-hued orbs perused the goings on from the doorway to cultural expansion with professionally unbridled curiosity. There was so much she had been able to learn about the various species of the norian saviors after Operation Fireplace, but to be able to interact and immerse was something different entirely.

Now the only remaining question was, where to begin? A delightfully mixed assortment of scents wafted her direction from the food market. This decidedly made it the first stop on her absolutely unplanned itinerary at this excursion. With having come to a new place, norians would need to find new edible food options. What better place to explore this and learn about a new culture? She made her way to the area showcasing Essian fruits looking over them made her eyes go wide with joy. Curiously she flicked her eyes up and looked around for a way to purchase said fruits to sample their taste.
Tiger joined Lyrnia, "I hope you are enjoying what you are seeing! Let me get you some of our fruits!" He said as they looked over the huge spread of various fruits with labels. He took some of the small cubes with toothpicks sticking out of them and put them on a plate. One of them was the Aphefy fruit, with a red rind and meat. there were other more familiar fruits as well such as melons, apples. One of the fruits looked like a six pointed star when sliced as it was. Anouther looked like it was made of sticky threads of meat. When it was finally full he presented it to Lynira, "I don't think we've met before, I'm Argyris Aparallactus but my friends call me Tiger."
Lynira smiled brightly when she heard the male Separa'Shan's words, "There are so many exciting things to see here! It makes me wish to immerse myself, to learn as much as one is willing to share." she said cheerfully with momentary pause. "Goodness that would be delightful, thank you. What do I owe you?" she said inquisitively looking over the assortment as she accepted it. So far everything had been just delightful and this newest encounter seemed quite thoughtful. It was very nice of him to have assembled such a variety for someone he did not know.

Everything looked delectable, which made it even harder to decide what to partake of first. The thought process on which to try got diverted to conversation at introduction. "I do not think we have met either. I am Lynira Aucari, it is nice to meet you. Why do your friends call you Tiger and which one of the two would you prefer I address you as? I have not been called anything other than Lynira, but I am not opposed to something else if it is within reason." she said in a charming manner hoping not to be off putting with her level of curiosity.
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