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Forum Game Year-End Recipe Game YE 40


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
It is finally time to play a new Year-End game that might be fun!

Players may submit a recipe as if it was written by their character! The recipes will be judged by SARP and the winner with the winning recipe will be awarded $35 towards a SARP commission from an artist of their choosing!

  • Have around three or more sentences of text or prose, but it doesn't have to meet any spelling or grammar standards
  • List ingredients (three or more)
  • Give step-by-step instructions (three or more)
  • Your character's name within the recipe (signed by them, their name is in the title, etc.)
I can write an example if anyone really wants one, but I don't believe in stifling your creative spirit by putting my own twist on the game, so maybe I will do one before a winner is picked! I think winners will just be discussed by the staff at the end of the year! Ends midnight PST on December 31, 2018! Good luck, have fun, post your recipe in this thread, and ask any questions you have in this thread, too!

Ready, set... Ho ho ho!!
Reactions: Wes
Posted to a certain door on a certain starship, freelancing in a certain portion of the Kikyo sector.

Izual's Morale-Boosting Anti-Mutiny Baklava
  • 400g phyllo pastry. If you can't make your own phyllo pastry, store-bought is fine.
  • 385g unsalted butter, preferably fresh.
  • 200g caster sugar.
  • 100g pure water.
  • 50g rosewater.
  • 300g almonds, finely chopped.
  • 75g walnuts, finely chopped.
  • 75g pistachios, finely chopped.
  • 125g confectioner's sugar.
  • Ground cardamom and cloves.
In separate bowls, blend almonds and 65g of confectioner's sugar, walnuts and 30g of confectioner's sugar, and pistachios and 30g of confectioner's sugar. Spice each to taste with cardamom and cloves. Recommend 10g or less of each, total.

Preheat oven to 175C.

Prepare the syrup. Combine water and caster sugar in a small saucepan and bring to boil. When it is fully bubbling and the sugar has dissolved, remove from heat, quickly stir in rosewater, and set aside.

Melt butter in heat safe bowl. Keep your phyllo pastry refrigerated until you are completely ready to begin assembly. Phyllo pastry dries quickly, so make sure your ingredients are ready and accessible, speed and agility are of the essence.

Brush all interior surfaces of a 20cm baking dish with melted butter. Layer phyllo sheets, with an additional brushing of butter after each individual sheet. Build up ten layers of phyllo pastry and butter.

Add half of almond mixture and evenly spread over bottom layers of phyllo. Take a moment to press the mixture down, with a spatula or your hand, like compressing sand. Build four more layers of pastry, then add pistachio mixture, and press. Build four more layers of pastry, then add other half of almond mixture, and press. Build four more layers of pastry, then add walnut mixture, and - you are correct, dear reader - press.

Once all nut mixtures are alternated, build up another ten layers of phyllo and butter to top. Do not butter the top layer of phyllo yet. Press down on the entire assembly of pastry and nuts, until the top layers are sticking together and everything is even and tightly compressed.

Using a very sharp knife, cut uncooked baklava into equally sized lozenges, squares, or triangles. In a traditional and elegant presentation, quadrilateral lozenges of small size and refined angles are preferred, but such uncivilized types as we, on the fringes of space, may present our baklava in whatever manner we please.

Generously and evenly brush butter over the top layer, then brush butter again around the edges. Bake for 25-35 minutes, until phyllo pastry is a deep and resplendent golden brown. Immediately out of the oven, pour rosewater syrup across all creases and cuts in the top of the baklava. Sizzling is good and desired. Immediately cover tightly with foil and let set overnight.

Serve garnished with rose petals, ground pistachios, or both, as well as the deep sense of pride you command at having presented so delicate and refined a dessert to such rough individuals as these.

28 mL butter
26 g all purpose flower
2.31 g sodium chloride saltsaltsalt!
1.01 g pepper, variety: black, organic peppercorn only
171 mL Milk must be artificial
4 eggs IMPORTANT: only even number of grams and within 30s. eg: 30, 32, 34, 36, 38. NOT 40. 40 was bad this morning.
1 box of jelly powder with contents of exactly 420g

Now we have the title because having the ingredients 1st lets you see if you can make it or not and then you check what it is all of you do it wrong ok?

Titan's (mum helped!) Mum helped give me souflé cake recipe and now its MINE.
le PS: This is Soufflé)

1. Find heating device
2. make it go at exactly 464.15 K
3. Melt butter with another heating device
3a. it should be much less hot than 464.15K
4. pick the petals off of the all purpose flower and put it in the heating thing with the butter. If you only have flour then give up now you have failed.
5. Kayo is watching. Good.
6. Stir the buttered flowers
7. Stir in sodium chloride. (thats what Mum calls it! Dad calls it salt)
8. Stir in peppercorn product
9. If it bubbles you have appeased me
10. Slowly drip the milk in and see it if makes noise
11. If it makes noise keep mixing.
11a. If it doesn't make noise throw it out and start again
11ab. this is a serious part of the method
11abc. if it doesnt make the noise it is bad solfe
11abcd. Wow it makes the alphabet
11b. this is what a true list looks like
11c. BAD. keep writing recipe.
12. Follow the next instructions very carefully
13. crack 1st egg
14. Put it down gently
15. Crack 2nd egg
16. put that egg down gently
17. Crack 3rd egg
18. Put it down with GENTLENESS
19. Crack 4th egg
20. Repeat step 14.
21. Evenly divide your currently cracked eggs into two groups: whites and yellows
22. For each egg indiscriminate of team, hold the egg over a new container and tilt it 5 degrees to the right to allow for the white of the egg to slowly leak out the side. Increase degrees tilted until the yolk looks like it is about to tip out and then use the other half of the egg shell to catch it
22a. dont let the yellow get out. Start over if you do.
23. For each egg in the whites team, eat the shell with the yellow in it
24. for each egg in the yellows team, drop the yellow left in the shell into a new container and beat it with your fists
25. Then use a fork or something and swish it around in there
25a. Dont forget to keep mixing the flower mix that youre cooking!
26. Put 53 mL of the flower mix into the new container with the yolk in it
27. Mix it for 5 minutes or until your arm gets tired and then give up
28. Put it back in the flower mix? Why don't we just put the yolk straight in? ???? Dad? DAD HELP
29. Let the flower mix cool
30. The container with teh whites you still have, mix it with nothing else.
31. Obtain a whisking machine and begin clouding up the egg whites
32. Once the flower mix is 298.09 kelvin, mix the clouds into the flower mix.
33. Put it all in special cups and inside the first heating machine, which should be at exactly 464.15K
34. Open box of jelly powder
35. Find a big jug or flower pot or something (make sure there are no holes in the bottom)
36. put 80g of the jelly powder into it
37. Boil water
38. Put the water in the flower pot or other thing you found with no holes.
39. Cool it until it is 298.09 K
40. Then cool it in the fridge and check it every hour until it is jiggly
40a. Remind Mum to get the sufflés out of the cooking device at the right time because she will not let you get them yourself. Do this every 2.38 minutes so she does not forget.
41. Once soufs are out of the oven use 40g of jelly powder to put on top of souflles
42. Eat jelly instead

Last edited:
Jax's Secret Eggnog Recipe

WARNING: Keep this shit away from open flames! Like for real it will literally explode like a god damned grenade! You've been warned.

WARNING: I'm not kidding man! DOn't have any lighters, matches, stoves, ion thrusters, NOTHING that could POSSIBLY create a spark! In fact, just to be safe, avoid thinking about fire around the mixture.

WARNING: I know all y'all gonna be saying "Jax you're such a scrub! It's just eggnog bruh!" but then come at me with lawyers to sue my ass after being revived. I got more money than you. More money = better legal team. Come at me broke bois lol

So, this here's an eggnog recipe I looked up online. I tried it, but it sucked, so I made some improvements. It serves about 8 Yamataians or 2 Nepleslians. You'll need:

-16 egg yolks (chicken, preferably)
-1.5 cups of sugar
-4 cups whole milk (cow, if possible)
-4 cups heavy cream
-4 teaspoons ground nutmeg
-1 liter bourbon whiskey (for kick)
-.5 liter dark rum (for flavor)
-.75 liter grain alcohol (for fun)

Note: This recipe calls for 120 proof minimum on all alcoholic components. Hence why you were warned to keep it away from open flames.

Once you got all that, here's how you prep it:

1. Whisk eggs and sugar together in a bowl.
2. Bring milk and cream to a simmer in a pot. While waiting taste test whiskey, rum, and grain alcohol for freshness.
3. pour half cup of that into sugar and eggs to temper.
4. whisj rest of milk and crem to egg
5 whisk egg and sugar tohethr in boowl
2) tast test alcohal to insur teh freshns

b- return mix ta tge poot an heet til it thiCC

taek awae frum flam n miks en da alcohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

hi hi

Don't sign me up for the grand prize, I'm just writing this recipe here because it is a favorite of mine and I wanted to share.

Komatsu's Basic Recipe for Pizza
Good morning. Today I will be teaching you how to produce a common and classic Nepleslian dish, the pizza. Once you are experienced, you will find you can create this dish in approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes, but we will allow an extra 20 minutes for those unfamiliar. You may also find yourself making variations on this basic framework.

This recipe can be used to create a pizza of approximately 950 to 1100 square centimeters in size, feeding 4 to 5 respectable dinner guests, however, you should always be sure to consider the usual appetite of your guests when planning any meal.

First, acquire the necessary ingredients.
For the crust:​
• 384 grams flour​
• 236 grams water (heated to approximately 40°C)​
• 7 grams dry active yeast (1)
• 12 grams sugar​
• 14 grams vegetable oil​
For the toppings:​
• 230 grams of a stretched-curd cheese (2)
• 230 grams tomato sauce​
• 230 to 460 grams additional toppings (3)
• 5 to 15 grams spices (4)

The crust is the foundation piece of this dish, so we will begin with it. The sauce and toppings can be made well in advance, but for the sake of freshness, I recommend preparing them at the same time. Other schools of thought recommend preparing the sauce in advance to allow more time for the spices to release their flavor.
  1. Combine wet ingredients in a bowl and mix.
  2. Add yeast and mix, allowing some time to dissolve.
  3. Add flour and knead or process with dough hook until soft. (5)
  4. Cover to prevent drying and place in a warm space to rise. (usually 30 to 60 minutes)
  5. While dough is rising, mix tomato sauce and spices, cook any necessary toppings.
  6. Roll or stretch dough onto baking pan.
  7. Spread sauce over surface of dough. (6)
  8. Sprinkle toppings and cheese over top.
  9. Bake at 220°C for approximately 16 minutes. (7)
  10. Allow 2 minutes to cool before serving. (8)

  1. You may encounter some difficulties finding the traditionally used cultures, but most cultures will have notes on converting rest times and amounts.
  2. Low moisture varieties are most commonly used, and a hard grated cheese with umami tones is also commonly used as an addition.
  3. A spiced salami and/or sausage are the most common traditional toppings, and would usually weigh closer to the 460 gram mark, although I personally recommend aiming for the lighter end. However there is great room for personal creativity here.
  4. There are many different schools of thought on which spices are best, and most traditional pizza establishments will have their own recipe. Common styles include: Basil and garlic. Basil, oregano, garlic, marjoram, cayenne. Basil, oregano, rosemary, parsley, thyme, red chili, garlic.
  5. Traditionally, about five minutes is required to achieve the correct consistency. Alternative styles call for kneading only until combined to produce a crispier crust layer.
  6. Although not a traditional method, manipulating gravity can help achieve a consistent coverage.
  7. Achieving proper browning of the finished product may require some testing until you become familiar with the toppings in use. Generally speaking though, toppings with higher moisture content will require longer baking times.
  8. While some guests may be resistant to burns, the traditional Nepleslian may find they burn the roof of their mouth if they eat too soon. And in any case, the dish will cut into more visually appealing and discrete pieces if the cheese is allowed to cool slightly.
*a low din of murmurs comes from the judge's panel as they discuss the contestants and possible winners*
@Orion has won with their recipe of Izual's Morale-Boosting Anti-Mutiny Baklava
The winning recipe presented a dish that communed with the soul and reminded us that life is a bed of roses. The soup to nuts explanation, sans any actual soup, was thorough beyond belief and gave a sense of context of a recipe within a multi-layered story. Despite being ground, clove is in the air when it comes to this recipe (along with cardamom!), making the process of cooking just as enjoyable as the product. Nothing can foil someone after these treats have buttered them up!

Thank you to everyone who entered for sharing their recipes and writing! Congratulations to Orion and Izual Katos!

When Orion's commission comes in, I will be post it here!
It is an honor just to be nominated.

(But more of an honor to claim glorious victory in the culinary gladiatorial arena, of course. You are on notice, Michael Symon.)
You wish Michael Symon looked at food with such tender emotion:

Thank you to everyone for participating! This was so much fun to be a part of! <3
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