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Yggdrasill (Vampire Variant)

Wes really dislikes it when someone has Data for a ship outside the site. I'd probably advise you to post it here and get rid of that page.
Zakalwe said:
Wes really dislikes it when someone has Data for a ship outside the site. I'd probably advise you to post it here and get rid of that page.
It's a copyright thing. Could you post it here, please, double M?
Sure. I have the webpage and images saved offline, so if you guys want the actual HTML code, then that'll be available. I've deleted the page, and am leaving the images online temporarily for this description. Those are also in my posession offline.

Note that the images and description are not entirely mine, but based directly off of the Vampire's, as this is a Vampire variant. As such, I do not claim responsibility for, or ownership of, them. That honor goes to whoever created the original Vampire data, or whoever s/he may have ceded those rights to (likely Star Army itself).


Geshrinari Shipyards (original Vampire) Toshiro Yuki (refit)
Vampire-Class Patrol Craft Variant "Yggdrasillâ€
Wes, I do have one small problem with this ship, the same one I do with the original Vampire:

Medium Positron Cannon (1): The primary weapon is a spinal positron cannon that ship commanders have dubbed the disintegration gun because of its devastating effects on enemy fleet formations. Using the by-product of the Quantum-Gravitic reactors of the vessel to supply tremendous amounts of anti-matter, the D-Gun excites the anti-matter into a state of plasma, ejecting it in a massive wave anti-plasma and energy that can clear an entire 30-degree arc in front of the vessel with its destructive power, which is directed along a path of pure destruction.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Warship/Anti-Planet
Range: 93,000 miles
Damage: Destroys almost everything in its path. Vessels just outside of this radius may be destroyed or damaged by the leakage of the beam.
Rate of Fire: At any given time, the vessel can fire a D-Gun blast due to the amount of anti-plasma already in the D-Gun's capacitors. However, to rebuild the amount of anti-plasma from the quantum-gravitic reactors takes approximately seven minutes.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited. Will function so long as the quantum-gravitic reactors are operational.

This weapon is capable of creating a wave of anti-matter sufficient to anihilate everyething within 93,000 miles and in a 30 degree arc. The area of this arc is 2,264,302,905 miles. Now although you don't have to have that much anti-matter, you have to have something pretty enormous to be able to anihilate everything within it.

Length: 95 meters
Width: 60 meters
Height: 14 meters (16 with landing gear extended)
Decks: 1
Mass: 62,000 kg, 3,150 kg more than a standard Vampire

And this is the size of the Vampire.

My problem is this:

There is no possible way you could fit that amount of anti-matter inside this craft, or indeed generate that much. It's impossible.

Possibly generating it wouldn't be so impossible, I mean we do produce infinate energy at times, but it clearly says that the weapon takes seven minutes to store up the amount of anti-matter needed. This means it must keep the anti-matter somewhere.

This is impossible, and needs to be fixed. Honestly I think the original vampire should be altered as well.
I think you should note that, the range you are refering to specificly is the maximum possible range. As with nearly any arch fired weapon more damage is delt the closer the target is to it, at its maximum range it would deal very minor damage, and likely only be effective against unshielded craft. Also the ship doesn't actually fill that entire space with anti-matter, best discription I can think of is it shoots something more like sheet of anti-matter that expands, something like a expanding sheet of paper in cosmic terms.

Though I do agree, the discription of it destroying almost everything in its path is a little over done(on all varients).
I'd have to agree on the damage level aswell. I mean a shotgun blast is powerful and utterly fatal up close, but I doubt it carries that property over all of it's range and spread.

This is an analogy BTW.