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Yamatai News (YINN) [YINN] Memorial Park Dedicated at Teisenjou

Camera opens on the current Teisenjou site, the Tamahagane Nejro Tower dominating the background. The camera shifts to a Yamataian female with short raven black hair. Across the bottom of the image Roberts, Cassandra News Reporter YINN scrolls by.

"Good day. I am standing in the heart of Teisenjou, the city currently being constructed by the Tamahagane Corporation. The location I am standing at one of the entrances is Kachimi Park. This park is both a recreational center, and a memorial to the civilian side of the Battle of Yamatai.

This park is 8 km in diameter. It has areas with a wide range of flowering plants and walk ways that the visitors can follow. It is along many of these pathways is where the memorial aspect of this park is encountered."

Cassandra moves along the walk way and the cameraman follows. She approaches a stone obelisk. The reporter places a hand on it and looks at the camera. "This is just one of one hundred obelisks that make up the memorial. As you can see they have a gold bellflower at the top, and a plaque in the front. When a visitor approaches they can look at the plaque and move on. If they want to learn more about the event or location that marker is about, they can wave their hand above the place approximately six inches away."

Cassandra waves her hand, and the camera pulls back as a holographic image forms. It shows an image, as the image clears the Hoshi no Iori is seen with orange plumes appearing across its surface. Then the giant space structure is seen to break apart as a voice speaks about the event.

Cassandra moves away from the obelisk. "Earlier today representatives of the Tamahagane Corporation held a simple reserved ceremony. When asked why they chose that route. The CEO made this statement."

The image is replaced with a recorded message, a Yamataian male, easily recognized as Tamahagane Hikaru.

"You ask why we chose to not have a big ceremony to open this park. The answer is simple. While this park is a place that we hope many people will come to appreciate and enjoy.... It is a memorial. A place to remember the tragic events of that day that few will forget anytime soon.

I and many of the board felt that a place with such a noble purpose should not be made a spectacle.

That said, we of the Tamahagane Corporation built this park to help educate those who were not present, and to make known some of the equally tragic events that never made the news casts.

This parks is our gift to the people of Yamatai. To protect that terrible legacy. Thank you."

The image fades back to Cassandra.

"I have seen the all of the markers in this park, and the story they tell is one that every citizen should come to see one day. I personally believe that the CEO made the right decision to not have a huge ceremony.

This is Cassandra Roberts, YINN News Signing off from Kachimi Park."
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