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Yamatai News (YINN) [YINN] Poku Degonjo Saeruo Ambassador undertakes good will tour of Yamataian worlds.

Reikan Park, Yamatai

The image appears, and a Yamataian female with short raven black hair is seen standing in front of gate to Reikan Park. Across the bottom of the screen Cassandra Roberts YINN Reporter scrolls by. Her pale blue eyes look straight into the camera and the reporter starts to speak.

"Today we received an announcement from the Poku Degonjo Saeruo Embassy in Reiken Park. Ambassador Tesgi Toioky announced he is setting out on a good will tour of the Empire. He plans to visit most of the primary worlds to have an opportunity to learn more about our people by observing.

When asked why he was embarking on this, his response was."

"After making the announcement from the Embassy, the Ambassador got into a shuttle and left for the spaceport. His ship the Poku Hapu, or 'Hand of the Clan' departed an hour later heading for his first stop Hanako's World.

For YINN I am Cassandra Roberts."
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