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Yamatai News (YINN) [YINN] - Terror in the Bard Expense

Terror in the Bard Expense
Yamatai Interstellar News Network (YINN)
Location: Ushizu, Skadi

A disturbing story coming from the Bard Expense. Recently the town of Ushizu, on Skadi was the scene of what officials are calling a terror attack. This little agrarian town of 2,000 was recently attacked by NMX forces.

Testimony from survivors and video captured by personal devices retrieved shows the following.

A Squadron of Yui- Ke-D2-4a Class ships landed a short distance from the town. The citizens of the town, composed of former soldiers and their families came out to greet the crews. When the majority of town people had gathered the ships opened their airlocks and came out.

The reports say that a group of Nekovalkyrja disembarked wearing unfamiliar uniforms. The uniforms were later identified as belonging to the NMX. The occupants then proceeded to open fire on the unarmed citizens. Ushizu had no strategic value, and the attackers left within 15 minutes with a death toll of 1,200 and 600 injured.
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