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Yamatai News (YINN) [YINN] Tsubomi City opens giving hope to war orphans.

Camera opens on the current a Yamataian female with short raven black hair. Across the bottom of the image Roberts, Cassandra News Reporter YINN scrolls by.

“Good day, I am standing here in Tsubomi City. Tsubomi was the dream of a soldier, Kage Yaichiro-Taisa who is currently serving in the Seventh Fleet. “

The camera pulls back and behind the woman is a group of school age children. The children are all dressed alike in a school uniform. “These children here with me are just one class from Plumeria Shōgakkō, which is Elementary School in Seichou-ku Ward. They are a small number of the 32,000 children who were orphaned in the terrible events of the Battle of Yamatai. The Taisa did not want these children to be left scattered in various social service programs with no sense of continuity.

He put out a call and received over 27.5 million KS in cash donations, and significant material donations. All of this was done, so that he could create a place where these children could have a sense of community, a surrogate family.”

The scene switches to footage shot earlier. Children are seen entering one of the Shōgakkō (Elementary) Dormitories and finding their new rooms. The obvious happiness on the children radiates from their faces. Another scene shows many of the same children entering classrooms and studying.

The scene shifts back to Cassandra.

"Tsubomi is more than just an orphanage. This entire city is dedicated to the task of raising these children. Here they will learn all the skills they will need in a safe environment. The city has it own currency. Gakuen Satsu was created so that the residents of the city would have an opportunity to make purchases and learn to handle money. The reason for the currency was to limit what the resident children can purchase as it can only be used here.

Tsubomi offers a wide range of extracurricular activities. After all young minds need recreational activities, and things that allow them to work with a team. Here they can learn the merits of belonging and working together. Older residents can also apply for a number of scholarships and internships to help them explore potential careers.

While this wonderful start to a dream is promising, it is by no means the end of the work. Tsubomi still needs your help. It takes a lot of money to run a community, and it takes people. Volunteers are needed to help as well as employees. So if you have time, skills, money or items you can donate why not come to Tsubomi city and help make some dreams come true for some truly deserving children.”

Cassandra moves from the view and the children that were seen standing behind her all say loudly. “Thank you Yamatai, and thank you Kage Yaichiro for giving us a new home.”

Screen fades to black.
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