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Yamatai News (YINN) [YINN] - Yamatai Students Support War Effort

Yamatai Interstellar News Network (YINN)
Yamatai Students Support War Effort

Across the Empire students in the upper-secondary schools are giving up meals supplied by the school systems once a week. Each school is taking all food they would normally serve the students and faculty, and adding donations from the student body to produce Standard Star Army Rations on that day.

This effort came about from the several students talking about how they could help in the war across the school system networks. The students created a petition and an overwhelming majority of students and facility signed it. It was then submitted to the Director of the Department of Education.

Star Army Logistics is supplying the schools with the pouches and standard usual items. The school systems the deliver the completed rations to designated areas where Star Army Logistics picks them up and ships them.

The students give up one class on that day to help package the rations. There is an informal competition between the school systems to see who can produce the most rations per student. The students while packing the rations are also permitted to include a brief note and or a photo to let the soldiers know their efforts are appreciated.

Sakurai Keiko Student President at Kyoto Upper Secondary had this to say, "Our soldiers are out there fighting and dying to protect us and the Empire. Their sacrifices are nothing compared to us giving up a few meals."
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