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Your 2021 New Years Resolutions!


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Retired Staff
A lot of people make New Years Resolutions. What I was thinking if we could get everyone to post maybe what their resolutions for SARP would be, as well as their personal ones. So in the spirit of leading the way. I will go first.

Andrew's SARP New Years Resolution

  • For every 1 military submission, I make I will update or create 3 civilian submissions to help enrich culture and civilian products on SARP.
  • My goal is to not have any health leave of absence!

Andrew's Personal New Years Resolution

  • It is my goal to try and be more social this year. I tend to shy away a bit from people I don't know. So the best way to do this is to reach out to make new friends.
My goals:
  • Spend less time working on low-value work and more time on high-value work. For example, I could be hunting down more characters who haven't been played since 2007 and add struct data to them, but it's way more important to make RP posts. Basically, identify and prioritize the things that matter the most.
  • GM RPs regularly again and show my vision of the Star Army universe by giving players memorable and enjoyable experiences.
  • When possible, build the universe with RP rather than just wiki pages. It is way more fun to experience the SARPiverse than to read about it. Show instead of just tell.
  • Grow Star Army
I try not to bite off more than I can chew for New Years Resolutions
  • Organize fun community events such as CAH and VC nights outside of meetings
  • Find a good balance between SP and JP threads for the Kaiyล
Well I guess i'll add.

Sarp New Years goals.
  1. Trying to be more active, since I left staff have been mostly a ghost so going to try and be a little more active in the new year.
  2. Going to update all my characters bios cause honestly they need some updates even the dead one.
  3. Maybe try playing in a new faction? Big maybe but worth a shot.
Personal New Years Goals.
  1. Keep working on my personal hobbies, I put a dent into the backlog so hoping to keep it up.
  2. Work on my workspace to try and update it and try to get it streamlined so I can be abit more productive.
  3. Try not to overwork my self like I typically do.
  4. If its safe to do so get the hell out of town for a weekend in the summer.
Mine are actually the exact same as last year, which were to RP more and get done with some personal goals. I accomplished the SARP ones, as I think I did way more RP in 2020 than I did in 2019. But my personal ones fell by the wayside due to COVID and all of the lockdown hubbub.

So for SARP, it's again:
  • Write well
  • Write more
And for real life it's:
  • Hopefully do more medieval reenacting stuff because 2020 was a wash
  • Get more home stuff done
  • +Go camping a ton more!
  • +Paint all the 6th edition Warhammer stuff I bought during lockdown
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