Star Army

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[YSE] Ketsurui Zaibatsu/Ketsurui Fleet Yards Discussion

I'm really looking forward to the Izanagi-class that is in development. The art is amazing and I want to get the stats started soon. I am hoping it is a collaborative effort, with Khasidel, me, and other KFY helpers like Nashoba and Andrew all contributing to make it the most awesome ship on Star Army, with a high level of information on the interior so it can be used as a plot ship location.
That ship looks awesome. Great work! I would be happy to help in anyway that I can.
Just to touch base regarding KZ/KFY, Miharu Light Industries is a small business worked in jointly by the Miharu and Asamoya clans, and is presently a subsidiary of KZ (just like WickedArms was).

MLI presently is not producing ships, however, they are presently making themselves useful by using their power/propulsion system knowhow to help prepare KFY ship upgrades (someone needs to design those yearly refits).

That is done in the meantime of getting what ships design they have off the floor.

Kitsune-class shuttlecraft
  • Some of the Miharu sisters didn't really like the design direction most recent shuttlecraft designs have taken and wished to reinvent the "sexy" T4 Fox. Most of that involves bringing back the distinctive arrow-head shape, adding an airlock, storage space, and a wider-arc array of weapons. Since it is meant to be a intraplanetary shuttle, it will only have impulse thrust and gravimetric sublight propulsion.

Kiroshi-class mission craft
  • The Kiroshi-class, named after the first ship Yui ever commanded, is a reimagined Fuushigi no Umi-class frigate. It was born from the desire to replace the Himiko-class' auxiliary craft with a big shuttle serving as mobile base for an infantry team. Only as they tried to fit in everything they felt they needed in a long-range self-sufficient craft, it turned out being a small gold-capable starship anyways.

    There is still a lot of economy of space and shuttle-scale miniaturization involved, so, the Kiroshi still manages to be half the size of a craft like the Kansashi-class YSS Hoshi/Byakuren and is narrow enough to fit into the launchbays of some larger vessels while supporting a similar crew, vehicles and a somewhat more versatile armament.

Suzaku-class command destroyer
  • The Suzaku is a sleek, backswept winged vessel meant to be "large enough" to pack most of the elements which had the Yui/Nozomi-classes not quite able to make the claim of being 'command destroyers'. It's design incorporate using the Himiko-class' main hull as a base and 'cutting through the gristle' and redesign her more solidly, with nearly as many capabilities, crew support and minimal caveats, while also being much more cost effective.[/i]

Miharu-class exploration cruiser
  • The Himiko-class went back and forth whimsically between being called a 'light escort' and a 'light cruiser' when it was neither - it was actually a heavy gunship. The Suzaku design is made to live up to the promise of a lighter ship. The Miharu-class was in turned designed to fulfill the things the Himiko-class promised but failed to deliver.

    Larger than a light cruiser, not nearly as well armed as a heavy cruiser, the Miharu-class' profile as a warship holds a greater lean toward electronic warfare to remain competive. Within fleet operations, its large storage, matter processing and vehicular accomodation makes it ideal for squadron command roles. Alone, the same assets makes it capable of long-range operations, and it straddling the line between gunship and capital vessel is meant to lend it high survivability.

Some points of note regarding MLI designs:
  • Styling: unibody, sleek nose tappering in stubby winglets, symmetry, consistent arrangement of fusion thrusters with red exhaust, and gravimetric generator with teal-colored field grids.
  • Weaponry: dorsal torpedo launcher, turrets not allowed to break the streamlined shape of the hull/are collapsible, no protruding weaponry/all built into the hull, penchant on strip-like beam arrays.
  • Propulsion: use fusion thrusters for atmospheric/orbital mobility for stealth, shuttle-grade main thrusters are used make starship RCS maneuvering very robust, rely on gravimetric tech to attain sublight speed, entirely shirk CDD in favor of hyperspace fold.
  • Class-naming trend: after famous starships, something thematically appropriate to the ship's identity, taking a redesigned ship name and making it sound more japanese.

All of these are kind of being designed at the same time, so that I can go back and forth to make sure they all feel done by the same manufacturer with similar design trends.

In many ways the Kiroshi-class is a proof of concept for a lot of what the other ships will have, and is likely to be finished first.
I don't mind collaborating on the Izanagi -- any input you guys would like to give would be quite appreciated.

I was also planning to commission Adam to create 3D artwork for all the interiors too in order to match the quality of the exterior artwork -- I can afford it and what's created could also be re-used for other Star Army ships down the line. But creating them would also take a fair amount of time for Adam, assuming he stay's willing to keep on doing it. I've already asked him about it and he seem's willing at the moment.

In the meantime, we could probably still use existing interior compartment articles like Andrew's large ship bridge and the rest so as not to hold up the ship's overall approval and inclusion into the setting once the stats and the rest are done.
While the Miharu have Power/Propulsion covered, I may well have the Asamoya be into experimental systems/defensive measures. I could always buckle down and finally put out a portable YARD-Device I had thought up a few years ago.
Kitsune-class shuttlecraft: Sounds good. What we need is a design that has some sort of weapon mount capability and a very well detailed interior. If it's going to replace the Kuma, it will need to be significantly better, without being overpowered. It will need interior and exterior art.

Kiroshi-class mission craft: I don't see a need for this, since the Tenba Transport is well detailed, new, and fills that function.

Suzaku-class command destroyer: Where would this fit into the fleets? Is there a Star Army fleet that wants something like this?

Miharu-class exploration cruiser: Is this supposed to replace an existing class? If so, which?
I'm going to be straight with you, Wes. I'm doing this mostly because these are ships I want to use. Though MLI is obviously competing, I'm not looking into replacing anything - I'll let the appreciation of my peers (if any) be the judge of that.

If we start talking about 'need', then there is none. Nashoba did an excellent job filling in a lot of niches, though I personally don't find much appeal in his designs. Should I let that scare me in not being creative and doing the things I've looked forward to doing?
Yeah. So quick question (feel free to split this off). My main obstacle to designing cool new ships and getting renders commissioned is that Wes seems to only want new ships if there is a need. So that leads to me not wanting to work on a new battlecruiser or supply ship or spend my hard-earned cashbux on SARP because it won't be appreciated due to a lack of need.
As head of the Star Army, I'm constantly having new equipment practically forced on me whether or not I asked for it. I want the Star Army to have a consistency to it. When we acquire a new design, it's for the whole Star Army. And just like in real life, ships are assigned by the leadership of the military, not picked by captains.

Manufacturers can make whatever designs they want, but the Star Army must avoid adoption of redundant equipment, and I am committed to improving the Star Army's equipment list, not just expanding it.

If the ship is better (and I'm not merely talking about its in-game capabilities), it can replace current ones. I'm looking for ships with:

- Better design and artwork (looks better)
- Better interiors (set the scene for player characters)
- Better written systems information (describe what players need to do to operate the equipment, what can go wrong, and how to repair the equipment).
- Countermeasures against in-game threats
Wes, look at the Himiko-class and honestly tell me if it felt under-the-bar to you at the time I submitted it. Where you happy I submitted it to your setting, or did you feel forced into accepting it?

You've seen me, in the past few years, iterate and brainstorm over designs and concepts I am finally close to putting together. Are you making that list of requirements because you think I'm not going to hit the bar? I might be slow, but I thought I was also very thorough.

I thought going through the effort of submitting four new designs and actually trying to get through making every four of them was pretty swell on my part, and much in support of your own faction, Wes. If the effort is so underappreciated that they're not going to be given the chance of interest - tell me. I'll give up and save myself a lot of bother.
The above requirements are goals for all prospective designers to try for, and I wouldn't have them if I thought they were impossible. The bar to hit is the existing designs. If your design is unarguably cooler and more useful than them, I almost can't turn it down because I don't want the effort to be wasted. But if I have something I like better that exists already, it seems fruitless to scrap a nice older design, especially considering how long fleet managers take to replace the old designs. So new stuff should be high in quality - Yamatai has the luxury of being able to have high standards because our current assets are already very detailed. And I've never had a problem with the quality of your submissions, I just want some sort of justification for the new designs being made if they're not needed.
Wes said:
Suzaku-class command destroyer: Where would this fit into the fleets? Is there a Star Army fleet that wants something like this?

The fifth fleet could actually use this design. currently the only thing available that fills this role is Origin's Kouken-class, which, While it is a great ship that I designed myself, I would like to try and use more KFY vessels if possible- My problem so far has been finding KFY designs I actually like. Can't use this?

Comparatively the only advantages the Kouken seems to have is a Fold Drive, and a greater abundance of firepower. Both the Kouken and Chiaki are roughly the same in terms of size and even durability. You COULD simply 'update' the Chiaki, and include a little more firepower if necessary. And save yourself about a week's worth of trouble in the span of an hour or two.

Since really, constantly designing new ships to fill a niche instead of updating older designs seems by far wasteful in resources and money. You already have systems installed, a framework, hull, just gut/replace what you have to and there you go. Updated ship.
I've been making great strides in designing the Miharu Light Industries stuff during my winter break, so, I figured I'd mention some other companion pieces I was working on.

M14 Akuma
  • The Akuma already made an appearance in the Miharu plotship as an opposing piece. The Miharu clan appropriated themselves the design and intend to make it available for mass-production.

    It fills the role of heavy armor, similarily to the Tasha. It's specialities are different however: if the Tasha is like a Daisy, then the Akuma is more like the Mindy. Its weapons are few but powerful, it has light armor for its size, but its mobility is extremely high - its claim to fame is in being the heaviest unit capable of teleporting. It's also still capable of being fairly stealthy.

    The Akuma is a manned unit, though its onboard computer allows it to operate independantly like the Tasha. When manned, its SPINE-capable pilot resides in fetal-position within its chest.

M15 Kishi
  • The Miharus are big fans of the M6 Daisy, though the very technical-oriented clan have faced many trials which made them think of a few ways to optimize yamataian power armors.

    In deference to their power armor wing's name, the "Black Knights", they decided to start an armor project they dubbed "Kishi". The Kishi project has several goals:
    • Combine most of the strengths shared by the Mindy and the Daisy. Space is at a premium in starships, and they feel loadout should determine function more than power armor type.
    • Greatly speed up the boarding sequence. Adjustable size so that one suit fits all.
    • Extend the survivability of Yamataian power armor by reinforcing certain structural weaknesses, enhancing self-repair functions and run time.
    • Further increase its ability to fend for itself by adding in-built means of close-combat and crowd control.
    • Further refine AIES automatisation and the ways it can support its user indirectly, with means going from helping weapon swapping to providing indirect fire support.

    Though intended as a successor to the Kishi and Daisy, the main inspiration for the Kishi was to make it a platform capable of surviving multiple threats at short-to-long range.

    It's meant to face and excel in conditions the Black Knights faced on-board Melisson's SMX flagship: they want it to be a Mishhuvurthyar killer holding several strengths seen in the Black Mindy, while being rugged and badass enough for the Nepleslians to admire it.
The drones featured on SAoY power armors have almost no details at all. I would like to see a new standard drone for use in the Star Army forces.
Wes said:
The drones featured on SAoY power armors have almost no details at all. I would like to see a new standard drone for use in the Star Army forces.

Already working on a new drone, just haven't done much with the model yet as I'm waiting for my creative mood to kick in.