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[YSE] POW Treaty


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As per Yamataian law, I'm required to try to get you to agree to follow these rules regarding prisoners of war:

Please consider it. Together we can keep the universe relatively civilized.

-Rufus Sydney
I see nothing wrong with this proposal. What say you other senators?

-Robert Davis
It seems offensive that our enemies, who cause such pain to our beloved service members, should deserve such wonderful treatment. But I suppose we have to agree, in the spirit of being "civilized."

-Roy Garza
I would like to propose that the IPG avoids scrutiny in regards to this act. As... repulsive as I may find their actions, we are a developing state, and we do need our protection. Of course, Admiral Veles should not interpret this as a free pass to any horror he chooses.

-Ioannes Calero
I believe, that in cases where survival is considered, the POWs survival should be considered secondary to the priority survival of Nepleslian people. All other parts of this proposal are agreeable.

- Patrino Roachmere.
While I am agree with Senator Garza, it is true that perhaps these rules should be upheld to promote civility amongst the more advanced nations.

However, with rules 1 and 2, the terms 'adequate' and 'decent' respectively, the definitions of these rules are not clearly stated. What is 'adequate' to some may appear inadequate others. I feel that feeding a bowl of battery acid to the soldier who killed my nephew would be 'adequate'; others might suggest otherwise.

Perhaps this should be elaborated.

-Edward Vanderhuge
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