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RP: YSS Artemis [YSS Artemis O1I2] Eye of the Storm


Inactive Member
RP Date
9月 17日 YE41
RP Location
YSS Artemis

Chusa Takanashi, Fusami

The neko captain of the YSS Artemis was in the wardroom, currently arranged to facilitate a meeting of the command staff of both the ship, and the ground elements on board the ship. They were currently in the process of discussing the details of the next target the ship was going to strike as determined by SAINT analysis.

"A comm station would be a tempting target, but it would also make it clear what we're up to, Taii. SAINT is certain this is the target they want us to hit?" Fusami asked, looking to the young Iroma that was their main intelligence officer on board. Well, the one who handled intel processing anyways.

Shivali nodded. "Yes Ma'am. They acknowledge there are more valuable and vital targets in teh area, yes, but this particular one would be most beneficial to our mission. It would force the enemy to divert resources to reestablish the comms station to keep the area aware of our activities, and give us the capacity to operate more freely then before while it remains offline, as not all enemy bases will have secondary connection nodes in place."

Fusami gave an appreciative grunt, before looking to the CO, XO, and SNCO of the Rangers. "Your thoughts? You're gonna be the ones assured to put bodies down for this mission. And this is an open discussion, speak freely. I want to hear any ideas on how to make this work, as well as if this is worth the effort. Remember, we can change targets if we feel it's not a viable objective to engage, should we feel it not worth the risk."

Asleif shrugged. "Hard to say Ma'am. It sounds like it's a good target in terms of conditions for us. At least on paper. Lucas, you've got more ground experience than me by far. What's your feeling on this?"

As she asked the Ranger SNCO, she gestured to the projection on the center of the table, which presented a mountain side with a large structure on it, with several communication towers, relays and dishes set up. The terrain, beyond being mountainside, was heavily forested with what intel was saying was a tropical rainforest.
Akane and Aoi were quietly watching the discussion unfolding before them. The pair of combat pilots considered the options that were being laid out. They gave each other looks, talking privately over a telepathic link so as not to disturb the others about what their thoughts were about the mission. While they knew they preferred an airstrike, it seemed more likely that the rangers and possibly the infantry would be deployed instead.
"While I agree that it would partially blind our enemy in this region, unless we absolutely needed to make this quiet as possible, deploying us seems like added risk. We could just drop a rod on it from space, leave no energy trace, and the kinetic force will level the facility quite nicely. Would extend that window of blindness as they figure how to replace a complete loss of structure. Rangers could still do it, but it wouldn't be down as long.", Lucas Arturius said looking deeply at the display, thinking as he ran through scenarios. Losses and gains, the usual things that always worried the poor preacher when he thought of their difficult tasks ahead. There was one thought however, that did make a worthy idea for how to make a ground deployment far more worthy of the risk. "What if.....instead of dismantling it on a ground deployment, we use the connection against them instead. If we have to send the Rangers in, lets at least do a bit of good ole sabotage. We could send a virus, or feedback anomaly through their own network to curtail their systems region wide. Bit trickier, but a much more devastating pay off."
Asleif gave a slow nod. "We've got a Tech at least. So we could do it. Maybe even get a hold of their network codes to use them to listen in better, plan our operations. SAINT?" She mused, before looking at the SAINT operative.

"I think that would work. Higher didn't say how we were to deal with it, beyond keeping our presence as minimal as possible, hence the plan to deploy ground elements instead of orbital strike. Myself and the field operative can set up a injection packet for that plan right away. Especially if security forces on site are around the size reported. And getting ears into their own systems would give us a significant edge." Shivali stated, giving a firm nod.

Fusami smiled. "Well then. The basic plans are in place then. We'll refine when once further details are worked out. Unless anyone has anything to add, I'd say this meeting is dismissed." She stated, preparing to stand up if no one had anything to add.

The plan looked to be fairly simple, at least in concept. Deploy rangers, hack into the network, drop a bug to scramble their network while also getting ahold of the access codes to listen in for a time. Details still needed to be refined, but there was at least a couple of weeks for that.


Elenor considered the sight in front of her. She could arrange the units like so... which would make the encounter that much more difficult as the team would have to account for a flanking ambush... but if she arranged the defenders like so, they'd then have to deal with a layered defense of ever increasing severity... Which would work better for the Arcanum group she was running?

Thankfully, she was doing this review of her upcoming session while in the rec room, waiting on the meeting going on upstairs to finish so she could actually spend some time with Lucas hopefully. But it was also something she'd put off doing for too long.
Klaus was used to battling boredom. Ever since he was a child with too much energy and time on his hands, he got used to keeping himself busy. Now, as he awaited Setsuya who was in a briefing, he was sitted in a couch opposite to Elenor. Not that he wanted to avoid her, but she was working on the Arcanum campaign and a good player never tried to breach a GM's security. In that way lies madness. However, as good as his book was he found the silence a bit stifling, so peeking from the cover of his book, he asked, "So, how goes the plotting of our imminent destruction?"

"Seems like we are developing a pattern," he continued, "Our partners in a super secret meeting while we hang out outside waiting."
"Why Mr. Kurogane, it's not a secret if we tell you what was discussed, as orders for your next mission. Good heavens, what a travesty it would be if we were to not share what is planned.", Lucas said with a chuckle as they emerged from the briefing room. He walked by, pausing long enough to pat the younger man on the shoulder heartily, before moving on to take a seat by Elenor. "You know my dear, as much as you plan tactical encounters for these sessions of your's, I'm surprised you haven't shot for NCO yourself."

Setsuya was at first, close behind him, giggling at the interaction her fellow SNCO gave to her lover. She was not so shy as to simply take a seat on the couch with Klaus, but instead planted her uniformed rear in his lap. Lacing an arm around his shoulders, she leaned close, "We've definitely got a tough one ahead of us, but definitely a major blow that should make operations easier moving forward."
"If we succeed. Failure is always an option, especially with this band of misfits." The serious Separa'Shan squad leader objected. Sacre's team was really starting to come together, which actually pleased the acerbic snake. They were not the best in the whole fleet, or better yet the Army, quite yet but Sacre was pushing them there. Despite her thorny attitude, she had her own ways of letting her troops know that she cared deeply for each and every one of them and that she was proud of their progress so far.
"Fudge nuts!" exclaimed Klaus as Lucas appeared behind him. It always freaked him out how quiet the Iroma officer was. "With all due respect sir, wear a freaking bell." the Minkan grumbled as he felt the pat on his shoulder.

Klaus was about to continue with a speech about how the officers clearly used the secret meetings to eat the best snacks away from the grunts, when Klaus hear a beautiful laughter belonging to a beautiful woman who decided to perch herself on him. Unable to resist, Klaus wrapped his arm around her waist and leaned forward into a simple peck of Setsuya's lips. With a grin, he said, "Well then, it's a good thing I have a Valkyrie to guide me to victory, wouldn't you say so Setsuya?"

As he heard his team leaders’ words, Klaus the eternal optimist, simply stated with a far too innocent smile. "Or we could fail at failing. Always a possibility."
"You would be just that incompetent." Sacre said, sounding serious to most, but Klaus could hear the pleased irony in it and the truth that she did think he could succeed.
Maradia "sat" on the couch next to Klaus, or at least set her upper body on it while she left the rest of her very long tail on the floor. She had been eagerly awaiting for Jericho to come by. "No we wouldn't!" Maradia protested with a robotic beep. It took her a second to realize what Sacre meant. "Oh... wait... yes we would...?"
Elenor chuckled, closing the program she was using on her pad, and lightly bopped Lucas on the head with it. "Being an NCO would mean I have to actually lead. And then there's the paperwork. Bleh!" She said, in good humor. "That being said, I can at least assure all of you unlucky buggers in the campaign will have quite the fight ahead of you next game session." She stated with false confidence.

"Speaking of what plans are, what's the word from the Brass?" She asked, looking between Setsuya and Lucas. It wasn't very often the XO or CO of the two units mingled with the enlisted, much less the ship's captain. About the only one's who had any regular interaction with them honestly were the two top NCO's. "And are the pilots finally getting to do some CAS?"
"Probably they want the rangers to go running around in the woods and the infantry to sit around playing cards." Sacre snarked.
"Oh, this is not the lonely hearts club. Someone must have changed the meeting time," Mehitabel remarked with a dry laugh. Coming from the opposite end to the returning NCOs in an open backed PT shirt and yoga pants, the black-winged Elysian had passed through earlier to make use of the morgue's space for a jog that had apparently wrapped up the same time as the briefing. Not regularly assigned to a fire team with most of those gathered, she threw them a friendly wave anyway for sociability's sake.

"It might not be woods, heisho. Could be a desert. Maybe all swamps. Diverse habitat's important to keep your pet Rangers active."
Bjorn had fallen into old ways after what happened in the VR chamber, knowing that there was something their AI and body couldn't do. It had made them feel like a pile of junk and they stayed away from the crew for awhile, they had already apologized for this malfunction but of course with the secrecy of their mission, They only just managed to get their eyes, with this, they have sent time just getting them installed and working properly. With a sigh and some knowledge that the team may not hate them as much as they think, they join the team.

"Hello, sorry I haven't been around, some stuff came up, I know I should have acted a little better then I did especially because you have been friendly to me...." They felt a little guilty to of not chatted or mingled with the group in so long, a group that actually wanted to involve them in stuff. "I think everything is better now, especially in my mind, I am ready to be an asset again." They stood against the wall and chuckled a little, it sounded weird since they have never tried to do this action before but it came from a good place "So what have I missed?"
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