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RP [YSS Azalea II] Planting the Seeds

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Immortal Cyan

The Cyan Neko
RP Date
YE 44.6
RP Location
Aquarius Star Fortress
Lounge, Tentacle Two, Aquarius Star Fortress

Everything had happened so quickly during the last few days.

Of course, it all started when Sasaki had learned that she was to be the captain of the Azalea II, instead of Ikigai Majime. That had left Sasaki with many tasks to finish on her own, which included gathering a crew, assigning cabins, assessing inventory, and procuring equipment for the Azalea II over the course of a few days. It went without saying that the work had left her exhausted, as the sheer density of tasks set before her had compelled Sasaki to go four days straight without sleeping in order to see them complete before the launch date. Fortunately, while there were still some light administrative matters to resolve, most of the work was finished, allowing the Chui to finally get some sleep, a few days before launch.

In her mind, there was no better time to celebrate.

Having requisitioned the funds from Star Army Command, Sasaki had set up a social event for the Azalea II’s incoming crew in one of the lounges of the Tentacle Two section of Aquarius Star Fortress. Food had been catered for the event, among which included pizzas from Kikyo Pie Company, kabobs and teriyaki dishes from Meat On A Stick, sakana from Tachi’s, desserts from War and Sweet, and yet more! Already, a few of her officers had arrived, including one Lilina Wintersinger, a Minkan Elf who would serve as the combat systems officer on the bridge. As for the enlisted, there was Kazetani Yurina, Rowena Fay, Nishizaki Nozomi, Sadow Masami, and the two Trölls in the room—Ingrid and Bjorn Wikkedson. Luckily, she had bought a lot of food for the occasion, so feeding the latter two wouldn’t be a concern!

So far, the party was small and intimate, but Sasaki expected that more would arrive within a few minutes. After all, there was plenty of food and the possibility of a dare party later in the evening!

The Chui covered her mouth in a demure manner, then smirked at the thought.

Aoi Sisko, Akane Sisko, and Rowena Fay

Aoi and Akane moved together as a unit. The two had 'clicked' in their classes after being awakened for the first time and were practically inseprable. Akane was the red one, a bit louder and often the one to talk. Aoi often worked to moderate Akane's impulsiveness. The two had leaned into their thing, dressing in red and blue respectively.

Her first deployment as a real pilot.

Serving under Sasaki Miyu as a gunner on the Red Dragon had been an educational experience, but it had never been Rowena's ultimate goal. With her billeting to the Azalea II, Rowena had finally achieved that. She would have her own issued fighter, a craft which she alone was ultimately responsible for, whether she managed to shoot down seven Kuvexian fighters with it or alternatively, crash it into an asteroid. Her anxiety shouldn't have been surprising given the new responsibility, but Rowena had never thought that far ahead while she was working towards her goal.

Regardless, Rowena carried herself with a nonchalant, approachable grace. Her mission right now wasn't to fly, but to get to know her fellow pilots. That was relatively easy for her. With that in mind, the diminutive Minkan approached the red and blue batch sisters—Aoi and Akane Sisko—and offered the two Nekovalkyrja a gentle smile.

"Looking forward to killing some Kuvvies?"

"You know it!" Akane responded with a huge smile and Aoi smiled with a nod.

"We're gonna be away for a while." Rowena replied. "I have some batch siblings I still need to say goodbye to." The Minkan added. Having been created to work in the Zesuaium factories of Central Uesureya, Rowena had quit during the first day of training after seeing a formation of Hayabusas flying overhead, at which point she realized that she wanted to be a pilot, rather than a factory worker. Even so, the tiny Minkan still kept in touch with her batch siblings, a distant family that inspired her to greater heights even when she felt woefully out of place, a common emotion for her due to the fact that she had been created for civilian labor, rather than the military.

"This is going to be fun, last time we got deployed to Kuvexia, we barely got to do anything but escort some sneaky types around. You ever fight the Kuvexians?" Akane asked.

"I went back to pilot school before my last deployment, so I haven't fought them unfortunately," Rowena replied. The upbeat attitude of the two batch sisters was putting her in a much better mood. "I washed out my first time and trained as a bomber gunner instead." She continued. "I went back and now...I'm here." She smiled back.

"What about you two?" Rowena added, her blue eyes wide with curiosity as they took in the two sisters.

"After Glimmergold, we've kinda been bouncing around. Got deployed to teach some training squadrons for advanced space combat maneuvering. The usual." Akane said casually.

"I don't know if we will be in the same flight, but you can always reach out to us for help." Aoi offered.

"I would appreciate that, very much." Rowena smiled. The Minkan knew that she could use all the advice she could get, especially from veteran pilots who had fought the Kuvexians. The Minkan had succeeded in becoming a starfighter pilot. Now, she needed to become an ace.

"By the way, are both of y'all...sisters?"

"Kinda?" Akane said with a shrug.

"We are from the same batch, but we're not genetically related any more then any two random Nekos. We like to do things together, and one thing has led to another." Aoi explained.

"Oh, so batch sisters!" Rowena exclaimed. "Gosh, you two are so, so lucky!" The Minkan gushed, her cheeks glowing with pink blush as she did. "All of my batch siblings are back on Yamatai, working at the Zesuaium factories in Central Uesureya. That was originally what I was created to do, but..." The tiny Minkan paused, a contemplative glint in her blue eyes as she considered her next words.

"I just wanted to become a pilot."

Akane and Aoi both smiled, "Well, you're here. With the rest of us pilots. So you've made it. There are a lot of good stick jocks here, pay attention and stick with your wingman and you'll do great." Aoi offered.

"I intend to do just that!" Rowena replied, her voice rising with excitement as she bounced on the balls of her feet. " I almost want to start right now!" The tiny Minkan added, a hungry, aggressive excitement manifesting in her tone. Clearly, the two batch sisters had drawn something out of her. "So far, I believe that the Azalea II will have Hayabusas, Mamushis, and Super Kawarimes in the complement. Do you think we'll get to pick? I love the Hayabusa." She finished, her nostrils flaring with elation as she spoke.

"We'll probably get our pick, the different starfighters have different roles. We usually fly the Mamushis because they are balanced and flexible. But I can see the appeal of a Hayabusa." Akane said.

"Oh, definitely! The hardpoints on the Mamushi allow you to configure it for. So. Much. Fucking. Firepower." Rowena growled, her excitement suddenly turning bloodthirsty. "Do you think the CO would let me stick four gun turret pods on the pylons? Just imagine, maximum aether DAKKA!" She added, her digital mind suddenly conjuring the image of a Mamushi with not one, not two, not five, but nine aether cannons on it. With it, came the visceral depiction of the Mamushi vaping a squadron of Kuvexian fighters, which Rowena immediately transmitted to the two batch sisters via telepathy, her feverish bloodthirst clear even via telepathic link.

Sadow Masami and Toyoda Yujin

Sadow Masami was positively animated with effusive joy. The Azalea II was her first assignment in some time, so the prospect of serving Yamatai in such a capacity was one she looked forward to. Of course, the good food bolstered her mood as well, but even if this had just been a briefing, meeting, or some other type of semi-formal affair, she would have been delighted to be there.

For the occasion, Masami had picked out her favorite outfit, a pair of cyan booty shorts, a small jacket which she had tied around her hips, and a cropped white blouse which exposed much of her midriff. Normally she wouldn’t wear any actual clothes, preferring instead to cover herself with hologram-projected outfits, but this was a new ship with new faces.

While Masami was happy, she couldn’t let herself get comfortable, yet.

After a few years of piloting random transports around the capital Toyoda, Yujin wanted a change in landscape. A few of his co-workers and clients talked about how he should think about joining the Star Army. He was a great pilot and they hated seeing him waste his talent on the large lumbering transports that he flew as his job. So he decided to look intop service, what he seen got him thinking more na more on it might be what he wanted. Fast forward a few months and he now found himself far away from the planet he knew and on a station in space, about to depart on a ship to go do what ever his ship was assigned to. Getting a notice that there was a get together before the launch of his ship he moved out of his room heading there. Since he was off duty he wore a simple shirt with jeans and simple sneakers with his shoulderblade length hair held back in a tight pony tail, approaching the lounge walks in looking around some before moving in deeper.

After picking out a pair of beef kabobs from the buffet, Masami took in the scene of the growing party, before skipping over to someone who appeared to be alone, a male Minkan with a fu manchu-style beard who stood only a few inches taller than she did, a surprisingly short height for a male.

"Want a kabob?" Masami offered, a sweet smile crossing her lips as she did. "By the way, I love your beard." the brown-skinned Nekovalkyrja added, a playful glint flickering in her golden eyes as she did.

Seeing that there is a bunch of people already moving around talking he decides to make his way over toward the large table that has the food on he had not ate before commig here and didn't think to get a meal beforehand as he knew there would have been some at the party. wait wasn't this a meeting or a get together? lost in though he almost misses someoens speaking to him. " um who what?" He looks over toward the women a nekovalkyri type 33 and then tilts his head some before seeing her offering kabob. " oh yea sorry was lost in though, yes i was on my way over to get something not had dinner yet."

The comment on his beard he would smile a tint coming to his cheeks as he says " I sometimes put up my hair in a topknot like the warriors of old, but i ran out of time to get here." If she was close enough she might be able to tell that he had recently showere, and the damp hair on his back would make it more evedent also.

Masami gave the man her kabob when he accepted it, before taking a bite out of her own, almost making a show of savoring the meat's juicy, seasoned flavor! "A topknot? Oh, that would be perfect." The Nekovalkyrja replied, her digital mind immediately bringing up a simulated image of Yujin with his hair up in a topknot, to which Masami could only bite her lip.

"By the way, is this your first deployment?" While Masami already knew the answer due to her digital mind, she wanted to learn more about the Minkan standing before her. He carried himself with a clean air that she enjoyed.

" Thank You, um " his digital mind raced back though the repots of those asigned to the YSS Azale II and tried to find who he was talking too. A skill he was still getting used to using as before he knew a great deal of those he worked with. As he searched he moves to take a few nibbles at the meat and veggies of the Kobob that he had. He did not miss the others huge bite and show of savoring the meats juicy seasoned flavor. " Masami is that right? And yes this is my first deployment after basic. but before i flew the large trasports back in Kyoto. "

"Yes, Masami! Sadow Masami." The brown-skinned Nekovalkyrja replied, a graceful smile crossing her lips as she did. "You're going to be one of the Pilots, right? It's good that you have experience!"

Nods some as she smiled and responeded with her full name and then he blushes " Aw crap, I did that wrong didn't I, sorry bout that... " he sighs some but that sigh was short lived as he tears into the kabob the smell making his stomache growl a little and he nearly rips off the large chuck of beef off the stick. Chewing it a moment and then nods some "Yes, yes I'll be a pilot of a Hayabuse II Starfighter or I hope to be, It was the craft I was most profecant with in basic. It was the very much like some of the larger frighters that I hooked into with his flight systems acting like a part of your own body. Oh some of the stresses that starfighter can take its almost like getting streached apart." He stops suddenly and then says, "Sorry I get carryed away sometimes about flying, Its something I wanted to do since I was very young before we moved away from Geshrinopolis. I guess I was glad we moved when we did after what happened to it.

"I'll be flying right with you, in a Mindy." Masami purred, before taking another aggressive bite from her kabob, eviscerating juicy beef and vegetables in her pristine teeth.

"I can't wait." Masami added, before approaching the Minkan and running a manicured hand across his chin, her golden eyes boring into Yujin's violet orbs as she did. "We can learn so much from each other while we're doing it~"

Thinks some tilting his head and using this digital mind to pull up the stats of the Mindy and then the Hayabuse to see if the mindy would be abel to keep up as he blinks some " oh shoot i've forgot to introduce myself " He bows slightly " My name is Toy-" Blinks some as he was interrupted and moving to stand up as she moved to place a hand around his beard and blushed this time as she looks deep into his eyes.

"Oh, I already know your name, Toy." Masami suddenly cut in, a hungry, lustful grin forming across her brown-skinned features as she gripped the Minkan’s chin, emphasizing her superior Nekovalkyrja strength. All the while, she sidled up against Yujin’s form, pressing her body uncomfortably close to the Minkan in the process, to the point that her boobs were squished up against his chest, nearly bursting out from her blouse!

Then suddenly, Masami loosened her grip and broke out into a fit of girlish giggles.

Yujins eyes grew wide as that grip on his bread grew stronger and then she stated that she knew his name already and was she calling him a toy?? He was so confused but was not able to keep thinking as she pressed in close to him. She was stronger then he was as he had yet to go though the operation that would increase his strength over the base. At the time he was in basic they said that he might not need to go though it as a pilot. His thoughts move back to the neko that was now very close to him her breasts now press up tight to his chest as he blushes even more from the postion. Looking down into that domineering grin across those brown skinned features then as sudden as it begain she let go and started to giggle.

For a few moments, Masami was consumed by laughter, in part because she had surprised herself by doing that to poor, poor Yujin.

Wow. That was kind of fun, Masami thought to herself.

Regardless, after taking a sip from a drink which she had pulled from the nearby bar, Masami recovered, a hint of blush showing beneath her brown skin. "I admit...that felt...weird." The Nekovalkyrja giggled. "But, I have to gosobyeitwasnicetalkingtoyouYujin!" Masami finished excitedly in fast cadence, before offering Yujin a peace sign and skipping off to look for others to converse with.

This was shaping up to be an exciting night.

Yujin blinks as Masami moves around grabbing a drink from the nearby bar and then admitted that it was odd that she did that and then in a hurried manner she spoke about leaving and it was nice to talk with him. And as she left he smiles some and says to her fleeing form " it was nice to talk with you also Cya around!" He smiles some lost in thought as he moves to grab a bubbly drink from a nearby table of drinks and strip off the left over meat and veggies in one go into his mouth and chew them as he reached out to get some more food. Maybe some sausage this time.

Asami Sakurai, Matokai Masato, Nasrin Naceri, Aoi Sisko, and Akane Sisko

With the war over Asami found herself drifting from duty station to duty station. Her project however gained her a bit of fame and she was supposed to join the Koun but she had heard about the Azalea II and joined up at the last minute. The black haired red eyed woman was dressed very casual hiding her form in a pair of baggy pants and baggy sweatshirt. She walked with the distinct swagger of someone who wore a pilots suit for long periods of time a common trait among pilots. She puled up the information of where the meeting was to take place in the bottom of her cybernetic eyes and followed the directions.

Nasrin lurked in the corner hoping the leather jacket she'd bought with her first pay out of Basic made her look cool. She'd heard rumors about some of the other pilots she'd be serving with. I need to impress them. Sure, I'm green as... as I don't know something green, but I'm a damn good pilot. she thought to herself, before straightening her back and attempting what she assumed was a badass veteran pilot's walk into the middle of the room. Five paces in and she stumbled.

Masato quietly nursed a glass of something non-alcoholic and entirely too fruity as his cobalt visage surveyed the room. Like Nasrin, he'd claimed a corner of the room to himself; unlike Nas, however, he was wearing a slightly wrinkled (and very well used) Type 35 - though his cream-colored skin and brown (well, brown with silver streaks, if one was being honest) hair meant that he didn't stand out too much once one looked past the uniform.

After another sip of the aforementioned beverage, the Minkan - a Shoi, apparently - stifled a yawn; judging by the darkish rings - bags? - under his eyes and his relaxed, perhaps even exhausted posture, he was either sleep-deprived, exhausted, or some combination of both.

Pretending to be more than a tall bundle of freckles and awkwardness, Nas approached the short haired pilot with the red eyes. She'd checked the crew logs. If she recalled right, that was Asami Sakurai, a Jôtô Hei who's record was full of more black bars than a piano.

Asami regarded Nas and gave her a wave. "You here for the party as well? I'm Asami and you must be Nasrin?" She asked the other woman.

"Yeah," Nas said, a grin splitting her face, "I think we're roommates. I'm looking forward to showing you what I've got." Her tan face darkened almost hiding her freckles, "In the cockpit I mean!"

Akane and Aoi joined Nas and Asami, "Akane." "Aoi." The two said, introducing themselves. "We're happy to show you what we got, in the cockpit or out."

Asami will smile and put a hand on Nas's shoulder and then look at Akane and Aoi. "Look none you have to show me anything. Showing off is how you get killed and need to rez which let me tell you is a pain. Trust me I learned the hard way myself. You want to prove yourself, get results in the simulator or in the field. I have confidence in your abilities as pilots."

"Showing off is how you get good." Akane replied. "Well, practicing for showing off." Aoi added, a bit more quietly.

"Showing off outside the cockpit?" Nas asked the twins, "You mean like spaceball or something?"

"Or something." Aoi said with a wink.

"It's also how you get yourself killed," murmured Masato, who - contrary to his previous appearance - was indeed capable of movement as he shambled past Akane while en route to the bar, the empty glass in his hand suggesting that he was either in the process of acquiring a refill - or something with a greater quantity of caffeine per unit volume.

Asami clapped her hands. "Enough you two, Nas is too innocent for you." Asami said looking at Aoi and Akane.

Akane rolled her eyes at that. "You can't be the best if you don't push yourself to the edge of your capabilities and go beyond."

"I'm from Funky City, I'll show you innocent," Nas grumbled, pushing through them towards the bar.

"I think those two want to show you to their bed Nas." Asami called after the other woman.

"Spoilsport." One of the twins said.

That was enough to make Masato glance over as the tender of the bar filled the previously-mentioned glass with a particularly caffeinated Nepleslian beverage.

"Give me what he's having," Nas said to the bartender, gesturing to Masato and his drink.

"It's, uh, non-alcoholic," said Masato, his voice a rather average baritone with a tinge or two of Nepleslian in it.

Gritting her teeth, Nas said, "Idk throw a shot of something in it. Something that tastes good I guess."

"Well I have to be if i am the highest ranking pilot." Asami squinted at the two girls. "I am the highest ranking right? At least last I checked I was." She said and would follow the others to the bar.

"What's your rank? We're just Santo-Hei. Never were worried too much about promotions."

Nas watched as the bartender gave her a bemused look and poured a lighter brown liquid onto her dark brown liquid. She grimaced as she took a sip, apparently the man had just ordered a Gun Oil Pop and whatever the bartender poured in had ruined the flavor.

Asami scanned the bar. "Joto Hei." Asami pulled up the crew log in her vision. "You both are Nito Heiand you both fly the same craft. Who's the pilot and who's the backseater?" She said and turned to face the two neko.

"When we're doing that, Aoi's usually the RIO. But we've both done it. Just depends how we feel that day. How do you decide?" Akane asked.

"By whoever is trained to do it, but i dont fly with a RIO those talents are best suited on better pilots.You do you and I will figure out the rest." She gestured over to Nas. "Should we go join our fellow coffin jockey?"

"My apologies..." said the Shoi as he noticed the rather... distinct change in Nas' facial expression. "It's kind of an, uh, acquired taste, to be honest..." - a pause, then "...oh! I'm Matokai Masato, by the way." After another moment, he held out his hand, clearly unsure if it was the right thing to do in a situation such as this one.

"It's cool, I grew up drinking the stuff, but... never mind," she said, taking anther sip of her Guns'n'Rum. "Uh, hih, Nasrin Naceri, my fellow alliteratively named person," she said, juggling her drink for a moment until it was in her non-shaking hand. "Most people just call me Nas though."

"Nasrin, that's a nas-gomen, that's a nice name," replied Masato, who was blushing (and mentally cursing his deplorably low charisma score) as he attempted to gloss over the faux pas he'd just committed. "But, uhm, anyways, do you want anything from the food, uh, tables? I was going to go over there myself, and, uh, yeah..."

Nas couldn't help but giggle, "I think they had kabobs, but let's wait a moment, I think my girls are headed over." She said, catching Asami's eye. "We can all grab a bite together." Nas signaled the bartender for a second Guns'n'Rum, the things were growing on her.

Asami will walk over and sit down by Nas. "What's this about kabobs?"

"Let's get kabobs!" Nas said, taking a long drink of her Guns'n'Rum. "Come on, you too," she said, grabbing Masato's wrist.

"Oka-ah!" half-assented and half-yelped Masato, whose blushing features clearly indicated that he really, really, really wasn't used to interacting with members of the opposite sex. "Kabobs are nice, yes..."

Akane and Aoi smiled, "What sort of Kabobs?" They asked as they followed Nas along.

"Come on Asami, I hope they've got extra spicy sauce," Nas said, eyes shining. "You too Akane, Aoi."

"Extra spicy sauce sounds good." She says following behind the other woman.

Putting down her glass, Nas began grabbing kabobs, splashing them in the hottest sauce she could find and passing them out to her new friends. "I'm betting this meat is almost as hot as we are," She said poking her tongue out.

"I, ehm, I definitely have no comment on that, no comment on that whatsoever," said the Minkan, whose eyes were at the moment doing their very best to perform an in-depth visual analysis of the sauce-soaked kebab he'd been handed. "I, well, I've, uh, never been into spicy food, but here goes..."

With a look that was equal parts embarrassment and determination, the Shoi took a meaty chunk out of the kebab.

And instantly regretted the decisions he'd made up until that point. AIYAH, MY MOUTH IS ON FIYAH! he thought as his eyes teared up and he immediately looked around for the nearest source of relief.

Asami laughed at that. "I won't deny that." She said and ate her kebob.

"If you can't handle the heat, there's plenty of booze around," Nas said before tearing the kabob off the skewer in one go. Her mouth burned like a reactor but she fixed them all with a defiant grin as she chewed.

Asami licked her kabob stick clean. "Got any more?"

"Of course," Nas said, rising to the challenge. She slathered another pair of kabobs in sauce and handed one over, struggling to hide a mischievous grin.

After draining his drink in a single gulp, Masato had made a beeline for the bar - where he was currently downing glasses of water at a seemingly exponential rate.

Asami smiled and took another kebob. She looked cool as a cucumber as she ate as if the heat didn't affect her.

Secret weapon time, Nas thought before grabbing a ladel of sauce and taking a long swig. She held her defiant grin as her mouth pushed past pain into pure numbness and sweat beaded on her brow.

"Woah careful there, you can burn a hole in your mouth if you're not careful." Asami said watching Nas

"Not if I burn a hole in yours first," Nas said, trying not to cough.

"I think you need to cool down a bit." Asami said. "My momma made the spiciest food in the verse so I’m used to it."

"I just really don't like losing," Nas said, "And I'm not ready to. You're too cool, I've gotta beat you at something tonight." She reached for the relief of her Guns'n'Rum in acknowledgement of being out spiced.

"Maybe I will make spicy curry for the crew sometime." Asami said and picked up her own drink and held it out in a toast.

"Guns and ashes, you really do know the quickest way to a girl's heart," Nas said, clinking her glass against Asami's.

Asami smiled and sipped her glass after clinking it. "I try."

"Try what?" said Masato, who'd returned after finally managing to extinguish the raging inferno that'd been within his mouth. Mostly.

"Tries to woo maidens with spicy curry," Nas said mischievous grin returning, "Are you a maiden to be wooed?"

"I, uhm, hmm. I mean, I'm a guy, but yes...?" The Minkan was really starting to wish that he'd bribed someone into letting him take one of the Nekovalkyrja socialization classes at some point.

Laughing, Nas leaned forward putting her elbow on the man's shoulder. "Then I guess she can woo both of us maidens."

Asami smiled. "Please I'm just one woman"

"And if I drink a bit more, you'll be two," Nas said, taking another sip of her Guns'n'Rum.

Masato attempted to hide his crimson-hued face by taking a bite out of an unsauced kebab he'd snagged upon returning to the table. Said attempt, of course, failed.

Asami smiled at Nas and Masato. "Well depending on how this night goes mabe the three of us can get ... better acquainted in a hotel?"

This time it was Nas's turn to blush, her freckles almost disappearing against her darkening skin.

Masato.exe crashed. Partially. "A-Aren't, we, ehm, doing a dare party here or something...?"

"Uhh yeah," Nas said in a dazed voice.

"There's always afterwards." Asami said with a mischievous tone to her voice.

Nas couldn't help but stare. She still didn't know if she wanted to be this woman, beat her, or be with her. "Yeah, after," she said her stomach flipping like she'd just pulled a high-g maneuver.
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