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RP: YSS Celia [YSS Celia] Poolside Conversation

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Inactive Member
Shina closed her eyes and relaxed, letting her body and her hair bob up and down in the warm water. She was lying face up, in the small swimming pool in the recreation room onboard the Celia. Her one-piece black swimming suit was fairly conservative, and left a lot to the imagination. Not far away from her, her friend Meemeel sat by the edge of the pool, with her legs dangling over the edge and her feet in the water.

"This... is nice," said Meemeel, who was wearing a green bikini and had a large towel wrapped around her.

"Told you. It's relaxing, no?" replied Shina, without opening her eyes.


"... By the way, Meemeel, I want to apologize to you about not hanging out with you for all these weeks."

"Oh it's all right, Shina. We've been busy with all those missions, and then you had to help Taisho Chen oversee the repairs on the Tami Star Fortress... Did we ever catch the guys who attacked it?"

"I dunno. They never tell us eggheads anything," answered Shina with a shrug.

"Hey, fellow nerds," said Shosa Sasaki Sakai as she swam up to Shina. Sakai's long hair was tucked under a purple swimming cap, which matched the purple, revealing bikini that she wore.

"Hello, ma'am," replied the two girls. Meemeel bowed from where she was sitting. Shina managed to make herself upright in the water and made an attempt at bowing to Sakai.

"Please, call me 'Sakai' when I'm off duty," said Sakai, smirking at Shina's attempt at bowing. "So... Shina... word on the grapevine is that you've been sleeping with Taisho Chen lately."

"Sleeping next to him," corrected Meemeel.

"There's a difference?" asked Shina.

"Yes..." replied Meemeel, giggling.

"Not if you play your cards right, eh?" added Sakai, playfully nudging Shina with her elbow.

"I... I don't understand," said Shina, looking confused.

~ The term "sleeping with" implies... you know... being "intimate"? ~ Sakai's thought crept into Shina's mind.
"Oh... Oh!" exclaimed Shina, blushing.

"Man! The Chen Estate must be a really sheltered and repressed place..." commented Sakai.

Meemeel rolled her eyes. "I don't know why you nekos don't just group into a hive mind and get it over with."

"That's the brightest idea I've heard all day," replied Sakai with a devious grin. "What do you think, Shina? ... Shina?"

Shina was still blushing and had a blank look in her eyes.

"She's got it bad, doesn't she?" asked Sakai.

"Afraid so," replied Meemeel.

"Huh? What was that?" Shina blinked and looked around, with only her head above water.

"It's nothing important, Shina," said Sakai as she shook her head. "Well, I gotta go swim a few laps around this pool, so see ya later, girls. Let me know if you need my help getting into Taisho Chen's pants, Shina."

"Bye," said Meemeel as Sakai swam away. "Well... Shosa Sasaki's quite a character, isn't she, Shina? ... Shina?"

Shina had that far-away look in her eyes again. She was also as red as a rose.

"You are quite the conversationalist, Shina."
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