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OOC YSS Dreamer, a Star Army Academy and Training Plot.


Office of post cheer.
Convention Veteran
Inactive Member
Hello everyone Scherer Soban from the office of community cheer here to talk about a plot i'm hoping to run this year and also put out the good word. This year i'll be working on the YSS Dreamer a training ship in the Yamatai Star Empire. The goal of the plot is for both new and older players to sink there teeth into the Star Army military before they get off to a full time plot. I'm also hoping the main goal is so that new players can join a beginner plot and get use to how the Star Army works but also get use to our way of rping while having some fun.

Players of old can also use this maybe as a reference for maybe there newly promoted officer cadets or even as part of there advanced infantry training course. I also asked Wes if we can borrow some NPC's so new players can use them on the plot while they make there own character so this should also help them ease in while they make there own character as well.

Another aspect of the plot will be since players will traditionally only stay around for one training mission means that it will allow more players to rotate in while also freeing up characters to join other plots. This should allow players abit more flexibility and so there characters are not locked in and quickly get to there desired plot they signed up for.

Now in regards to the missions i'm aiming for will be abit of variations. We will have missions designed like military courses on a range of topics. These will be items like planetary assaults, boarding actions, humanitarian missions, mindy and daisy focused missions. Hoping with this it will give each player a new range of missions to enjoy and before each mission i'll ask to see if people might be interested in a certain mission type. As a example if your looking to make a new engineering character or a new medic, a ship battle mission might be great for either one.

Now this is still in the early stages and this new Fuji class will take abit to get ready for the new recruits but I hope Sarp will enjoy a new plot with a twist.

Thank you for reading and I would love to hear suggestions or feedback you may have.

Scherer Soban.