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Approved Character [YSS Eucharis] Mehitabel Calidius


Inactive Member
MEHITABEL CALIDIUS is a player character played by HOTELKILO.

Species & Gender: Elysian Female
Year of Birth: YE 14
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: 02 Clerk
Rank: Santô Hei
Preferred Plot: YSS Eucharis

Physical Description
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Wings: White
Skin Color: Flesh
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 93 lbs

Mehitabel has a slender build, common to most of her race now that all but a vanishing few have transferred to Caelisolan bodies, athletic in figure by nature and assisted by her recent course of intense physical workout in basic training, with a narrow face and a narrow waist. Her wings are quite broad for a 'commoner', a fact that brings her no small amount of pride compared to what they used to be, and she keeps the tips dipped in shade of black near her hair color.

Her carriage is erect, yet still stooped enough to appear submissive in most cases superior officers and NCOs are around. She has a little darker a skin tone than most Elysians, a trait carried over from her original body. Her dark hair is worn shoulder length and has either a natural or well styled wave to it; it has dark blue highlights that definitely aren't original to her present body. She speaks clearly and evenly on duty, but seems to gain a lighter air off-duty.

Much as generations of Plebians before her, Mehitabel comes off as retiring and subservient to the whims of her superiors in the military hierarchy. Personally though, her intense focus on bringing glory to the Elysian Empire has increasingly become an inner struggle to be known for her own achievements. The fact that those accomplishments are in fact dedicated to efficiently filing and handling paperwork hasn't effected her work drive. That being said, she now does engage in more personal activities then she did before leaving Keren III.

She finds socializing with her fellow enlistedmen and women a fascinating experience, even if their actions sometimes leave her baffled or personally scandalized it's all been an eye-opening an experience for her. To most Yamataians she comes off as quiet, but a pleasantly curious conversational partner. Expecting to be little more then an outcast in a wider Yamataian she couldn't even remember, Mehitabel has been delighted, and frightened, by the vibrancy of society outside of the Elysian worlds. Thankfully the overwhelming friendliness of just about everyone she's met has helped ease the transition.

Very young when her family left the planet Yamatai in the Great Exodus, Mehitabel has only fragmentary memories of their life in the floating cities before the long voyage through space to the isolated planet Keren III. Rather then settling on New Elysia, her family followed the patrican that had employed their family for generations on the colonizing expedition. She grew up in relative security for a Plebian, her parents were skilled mechanics and brought how enough to keep their small family fed.

When the Elysian Celestial Empire rediscovered the planet, and decided to establish a naval depot there, her parents jumped at the chance to have their daughter apprentice in such an important Imperial facility. For the next seven years she would labor away various bowels of the ordnance storage facility, working her way up by ability and a surprising amount of initiative for one so low-born, to join the ranks of clerks that tended the administrative running of the depot.

It was this drive to succeed that earned her a Caelisolan body in YE 33, something she can still be tricked into bubbling about with the right compliments. Not exactly ashamed of the body she was born with, it would be difficult to convince her one free of physical warping and handicapped in strength was superior to her current figure.

When the Star Army and Elysian Celestial Navy merged, and the Star Army decided to expand the relatively small depot into a premier facility Mehitabel made the transition as a 'vital civilian employee' to the new Elysian Naval Arsenal. Even as she droned away at her job, day after day, she began to wonder what could be achieved beyond the thick walls of the bunkers and the great dome of sky that had been over her head as long as she could remember.

These thoughts festered with every Star Army vessel that visited Keren III until she couldn't take it and stomped up a dozen floors to the Recruitment Office. After signing the Oath she felt a profound sense of achievement in her act of self-determination! Then, when she was herded out onto the recently finished parade ground square with a hundred other recruits for her first day in uniform by a Nekovalkyrja warrant officer it really struck her that she had made a decision to do something different with her life.

Months of physical conditioning and military training exhilarated her like never before, making her post-graduation assignment back to her same post but in uniform a crushing let down. Almost immediately she put in a request for transfer to space duty that has seemingly been forgotten about.

Social Connections

Aidah Calidus (Mother)
Jeremiel Calidus (Father)
Marcellus Calidus (Brother)
Abytal Palpellius (Former boss)

MEHITABEL has the following notable skills:
  • Communications: Formerly by trade not much of a talker Mehitabel did most of her communicating by message or note. Her interpersonal skills have been improving; it helps that her business voice defaults to a very neutral tone. She speaks Seraphim and Trade; can read both plus Yamataigo.
  • Fighting: Receiving a Caelisolan body was an awakening in more then one way. The feeling of greater strength largely went unnoticed in favor of the more physical changes to her figure until she went through basic training. While doing well at the basic course of martial-arts and weapons training, she discovered a passion for boxing that can often be startling from such a physically unimposing woman. She's also demonstrated a talent with pistols, taking a shooting prize at her former garrison for her skill.
  • Technology Operation: Mehitabel may still be more comfortable with Elysian systems then Yamataian ones but she's learning fast. The complete overhaul the Star Army performed on her previous place of employment was something of an accelerator. She's used about every kind of inventory and record keeping system the military posses, though she lacks the skill to write much more then basic programs.
  • Mathematics: A part and parcel of every job she's ever had, Mehitabel has been counting increasingly large sums over the years. She can do mental math at a sometimes startling pace, especially if it's in terms she's already familiar with. In her civilian employment she was instructed in accountancy as part of keeping track of the vast amount of supplies stored in a Naval Depot.
  • Knowledge: Marked from almost the start of her apprenticeship for her listening ability; tapped first by her foreman to handle the records keeping and data entry for the section she was eventually selected to move up into the ranks of the Depot's clerical offices. There she labored away managing inventory systems on the graveyard shift for years, performing her jobs faithfully and even introducing a small number of improved standard forms. When the Star Army began construction of the new Elysian Naval Arsenal, she continued her work initially as a civilian, receiving a promotion, to being responsible for tracking small arms ammunition inventories.
  • Maintenance and Repair: Coming up through the laboring ranks of Plebians employed to do the physical tasks at the old ECN Ordnance Depot, Mehitabel was made well aware of how to safely handle and maintain small arms. Most of her career was spent stripping and cleaning service pistols during their scheduled maintenance cycles. Fairly dull work with a lot of repetition, she can still do it in her sleep.

MEHITABEL has the following:

Star Army Standard Kit Plus

MEHITABEL currently has 2000 KS.

Character Will
In the case I become inactive (gone for more than a month):

Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? YES
Can this character be adopted after I'm gone for a year or more? YES
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