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SACN YSS Eucharis request for Star Army - Search and Rescue


SARPaholic & Admin
Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Convention Veteran
To: Star Army of Yamatai - Command
From: YSS Eucharis, NG-X1-408

YSS Eucharis reports that all Veritas facilities have been destroyed by a massive assault by NMX forces. The Alitheia Fleet has taken heavy damage and operational forces have left for Elysia Novus.

Requesting ships from Search and Rescue be dispatched to Veritas to search for possible survivors.

Jalen Sune, Ittô Heisho
To: Fifth Fleet, Ninth Fleet, and Third Expeditionary Fleet
From: Star Army of Command

Can you send hospital ships, search and rescue ships, and other suitable vessels to Veritas to recover survivors from the wreckage of the battle that just took place there? Please respond ASAP.
To: Star Army of Command
From: Fifth Standard Fleet, Taisho Liaison: Marshal Stockwell

The Fifth Standard Fleet will be deploying two Jihi-Class Medical Ships, in addition to a small attachment of our Nozomi-Scouts as both part of the escort, and for Search And Rescue detail. We apologize for our inability to send more, but we are just settling into our new base of operations, and work has begun. We hope our aid will assist you in this endeavor.

Taisho Liaison Marshal Stockwell,
Fifth Standard Fleet
To: Star Army Command
From: Ninth Fleet Logistics Command

The Ninth Standard Fleet (9SF) will appropriate Fleet Support Element's Medical Group 1 as well as an escort detachment of the 5th Squadron of Fleet Combat Element's Strike Group to the requested task. 9SF reserves the ability to withdraw vessels committed to this operation should the area of operations prove unnecessarily dangerous OR 9SF operations require the use of these vessels.

Under the authority of Hokusai Akiyo-taisho:

Taisa Kishikawa Ando
Ninth Fleet Logistics Command
YSS Meirei no Yuuga, NJ-X3-04

To: Star Army of Yamatai - Command, Concerned Fleets.

The Third Expeditionary Fleet has made available the 103rd Carrier Group, 1 Jihi-class medical ship, 1 Kyaa-class SAR, and 3 Anri DSR to the task. This detachment shall depart for Veritas as soon as it forms.

A second Jihi and additional escort has been made conditionally available for deployment once the security of the operational area can be guaranteed.

Chujo Tanaka Michiyo
Third Expeditionary Fleet Flag Aide

Under Authorisation of,
Taisho Nakamura Miku
Third Expeditionary Fleet Commander
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